All Chapters of Loving You In Secret: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1753 Chapters
Chapter 141
There were no sheets on the piano, and Vicky might not be able to play any song at all even if there were.If she was never good at playing piano before losing her memories, it was unlikely for her to remember how to play without any sort of recollection.Vicky only agreed to Maria's request to buy time because once Tyler appeared, a few of his words would break all accusations toward her.Vicky sat down and glanced around, feeling disappointed when she could not find Tyler anywhere."Miss Shaw, the piano was already adjusted beforehand, so you don't have to test the notes. Stop stalling and play already. Miss Mayland's wounds need to be treated," Maria called out.Vicky sneered coldly as she glanced at the smug expression on Maria's face.'I guess she came prepared,' she thought.It was indeed hard for Vicky to get out of this, but Maria had forgotten about something.Tyler.Even after what happened with the bracelet, Maria still had not come to the realization that Tyler was
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Chapter 142
Vicky was not only capable of playing decently; she was stellar!People who did not know much about playing the piano would only be impressed by how beautifully she played, but those who had a certain extent of expertise in the regard would know that Vicky was extremely talented.'I thought that Vicky can't play at all? They said that even if she plays, it's so horrible that it's hard to listen to a whole song. Why am I seeing something different?' Sheila thought to herself as her eyes widened in disbelief.Maria, too, gaped at Vicky, unable to recover from the shock.Nikki—who chose to stay to see Vicky embarrassing herself instead of treating her wound so she could push herself to appear as a victim of bullying—paled. With widened eyes, she bit her lower lip and shivered. She shook her head hysterically and mumbled, "No... That's not possible."Nikki was confident in her skill as a pianist. Though she was not one of the very best in the world, she knew she qualified as a profess
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Chapter 143
"I thought Missus Hart can't play at all! She' the level of a brilliant pianist!""My daughter has been learning to play for six years, and she's not even half as good as Missus Hart!""It's no wonder that Mister Hart doesn’t go out to listen to others play. She's much better at it compared to other performers out there!""Didn't someone say that Missus Hart injured Miss Mayland on purpose because she's jealous of Miss Mayland's talent in playing piano? Why would she even be jealous of anyone?"The crowd erupted into a heated discussion, and the majority of them started to look at Nikki with odd expressions."Could it be that...this woman fell on purpose and framed Missus Hart on purpose, all to capture Mister Hart's attention?""Maybe it's just an old trick that only ignorant girls like her would use."Nikki paled at the comments directed at her.Maria's expression darkened as she struggled to believe that Vicky could play piano.'How is this possible?!' she snarled inw
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Chapter 144
[I wanted to surprise him, but I messed up... He probably hates me even more now. Anyway, happy birthday.]The above was the only post on her social media during that time, and it was not hard to tell that she was walking on thin ice around Tyler at the time.She scrolled through her social media account once again but did not see any mention of pianos.Just as she felt confused, Tyler returned from his phone call and stared at her. "What do you want to do with Nikki?"She looked up to meet his eyes. "What do you mean?""She tried to frame you and has to be punished," he said coldly.She thought about it for a moment and said, "Have her leave Stoneford City, then.""Sure," he said without hesitation.Vicky opened her mouth to speak but was not sure what to say. In the end, she muttered, "Was I…able to play the piano?"He lowered his gaze expressionlessly. "Are you asking me about yourself?""I don't remember anything," she said.After a few moments of silence, he said, "You
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Chapter 145
"Have you been using that pen for some time?"Tyler quieted down for a few moments before answering, "Five years.""Is it...important to you?""I've just grown used to it."She stared at him wordlessly, knowing that Tyler must have understood that she was trying to inquire if the person who gave him the pen was of importance to him.He stared at the pen in his hand and said, "It's been too long, indeed. It's time to use a new one." He focused his gaze on her once again. "Any other gift apart from the pen?""Other gifts?" She repeated in confusion before noticing the dark look in his eyes.Her heart raced as soon as she read the lust hidden within those dark eyes, and her breath caught in her chest. She tried to calmly pick up another gift box and said, "Cece bought you a gift as well. Let's see what it is."Cece said that it was meant for Vicky, and she had not opened it yet. To ease the tension, Vicky decided to open the gift in front of Tyler.The box was rather big in size
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Chapter 146
Tyler's kiss was almost predatory, and he seemed different than usual.Rendered helpless, Vicky instinctively wanted to push him away.She had long prepared herself but still could not help feeling nervous. However, Tyler did not let her go like he usually would and simply deepened the kiss.Thus, a passionate night ensued....The next day, Vicky woke up to her phone vibrating.She was so tired that she could barely keep her eyes open as she fumbled for her phone. Once she grabbed it, she forced her eyes open, only to find an unknown number displayed on the screen.She glanced at the time and jolted awake.'Half past twelve?! At noon?! I've been asleep for that long?!'She glanced outside the window and saw the sunlight shining in through the curtains.She was shocked to learn how long she had been asleep and felt both shy and frustrated when she recalled the night before.The call eventually ended because it was not answered, but her phone started vibrating again shortly a
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Chapter 147
It might seem like harmless advice, but Vicky could not help but blush when she thought of the night she shared with Tyler before.Once she got past the initial reluctance, everything else seemed to happen naturally.Just like his kiss, she was not at all appalled by the intimacy between them.Cece was extremely excited when she talked about the party the night before. "By the way, Vicky, when did you practice playing the piano? Was it supposed to be a surprise for Mister Hart's birthday? It was amazing, and Nikki and Maria were both livid! They were accusing you of being jealous and had their own words shoved back at them the next instant…"Hahaha! Vicky, that was amazing!""Cece." Vicky interrupted her. "Did you not know that I can't play piano?"Cece paused and asked in confusion, "Huh? You can't play? But you played perfectly last night!"Cece did not know much about the piano, but Vicky was different. "Cece, one can't become an expert in an instrument within a few days. Th
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Chapter 148
Sebastian hesitated."But what?" Vicky asked.After a while, he said, "Gloria was the one who played the best version of The Moonlight Bay.""Gloria?" Vicky felt as though she had heard this name before.Knowing that she would not remember, Sebastian explained, "She's your cousin. Your uncle's daughter. Your uncle was the head of the Shaw family before it fell."Vicky had no memories of her family and rarely heard anyone mention anything about them. All she knew was that she lost both her parents at a young age.Vicky suddenly recalled what Sebastian and Missus Mills had mentioned to her before.Harvey originally wanted to marry Gloria but changed his mind to be engaged to Vicky instead.Sebastian mentioned that she was the one who approached Harvey at first, and though she wondered about who Harvey was, she did not dig deeper into the Shaw family's history.Vicky did not have to ask.As an orphan who lost both her parents, her life in the Shaw family must have been rather to
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Chapter 149
'So what if Tyler has a past?' thought Vicky. 'Everyone does, but the past is the past. No matter what, it’s enough that he wants to start over with me, not over some song played on a piano.'...Time flew, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.Tyler and Vicky grew closer as time went by after they became intimate, and it even began to feel like they were in a honeymoon phase.On the weekend, the two sat in a restaurant and as soon as they finished ordering, Tyler's phone rang.Tyler answered the call and frowned after a few moments. "I'll be there," he spoke before hanging up.Vicky looked at him. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"He looked at her with a dark expression and said, "Sheila's involved in an accident.""Miss Young? What happened to her?""I've already ordered Harry to look into it.""Where is Miss Young right now?""In the hospital.""I see..." She took a sip of her drink. "If that's the case, you should check on her."Tyler looked at her silently bu
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Chapter 150
The man was young in his mid-twenties with a slender frame and a height of roughly 1.9 meters, just like Tyler. He had a pair of enchanting eyes that seemed to contain the entire galaxy within them. His long legs were wrapped in tailor-made trousers and the top two buttons of his white shirt were left unbuttoned.His features were in such a state of perfection that he looked as if he was a statue sculpted by God himself.Among all the men Vicky had ever seen, only Tyler was comparable to the man before her in terms of looks."Your documents, mister. Can you check to see if any of them are missing?" she asked politely.The man lifted an eyebrow and accepted the documents before flipping through the pages.Soon, he said with a husky, hypnotic voice, "It's fine."She sighed a breath of relief. "If that's it, I'll be going now."He stared at her in silence and just as she was about to leave, he called out, "Hang on."She stilled. "Is there something else?"The man pointed at his s
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