All Chapters of Loving You In Secret: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1753 Chapters
Chapter 161
Even when Tyler was called away during the middle of the night, he would still return home no matter how late it was.Vicky received no replies from Tyler, even many minutes later.The rain was pouring heavily, and the visibility was sparse. It was dangerous to be driving on the road in this weather.She thought of calling him, but she was worried it would distract him if he was driving, so she decided against it. Nonetheless, she could not possibly fall back to sleep in this state, so she picked up her book and started to read it.The words were in front of her, yet they barely registered in her mind. Even several minutes in, she did not turn the page.An hour later, she took her phone and opened up various apps without any meaning. And that still did not help to calm her mind.It was already two-something and Tyler was still not back yet. Although sometimes he had to leave in the middle of the night, it was very rare for him to stay out late. After some thinking, Vicky finally
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Chapter 162
"Sheila, have you talked to Mister Hart about that?"That voice sounded very familiar. Vicky quickly recognized this voice belonged to Sheila's manager, Maggie."What about?" Sheila asked, her soft and gentle voice.However, it did not sound as feeble as Vicky imagined."Sheila, don't you feel bad for Mister Hart?" Maggie sounded disappointed. "He has to go to the office and come here every day… Wait, scratch that. He has to go to three places every day. He has to go to work, come to see you, and go back home. I'm sure you see how tired he is. Last night, he had to stay in the hospital for the whole night until his phone ran out of battery. This morning, he went directly to his office. He didn't even have the time to rest…"If he keeps it up, no matter how strong he is, he'll eventually collapse! Didn't I tell you the last time? Why don't you ask him to send you back to his home and arrange a medical team in the house to protect you? In that case, it won't be so easy for those peo
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Chapter 163
Maggie sneered, "Vicky Shaw, what else can you do except play pity with Mister Hart?""I don't know what you're talking about," Vicky replied."You don't?" Amused by Vicky's naive facade, Maggie's gaze hardened like ice. "Aren't you going to tell Mister Hart Sheila is forcing you to want a divorce?"Vicky smiled. "Miss Perez, there's something you've misunderstood. First of all, I don't want to have a divorce with Tyler, and Sheila can't force me to do that. Secondly, you're the one who said Tyler and I are in debt to Miss Young, and we should pay our debt. Last of all, Miss Young wants to be Tyler's wife so badly, yet she refuses to be the bad person here… She certainly plays a good game for being the good person who gets what she wants without getting her hands dirty."She looked at Sheila, who was leaning on the headboard. Sheila's face did look pale, but overall, she was in good spirits. It looked like she had recovered a lot recently.Vicky smiled coldly. "Even if you push al
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Chapter 164
Sheila's eyes stilled, and so did the expression on her face.Maggie could not tolerate how proudly Vicky displayed herself and sneered. "Vicky Shaw, it's easy to despise something you can't easily get. Everyone knows how nice Mister Hart treated Sheila. We've seen many women who pretended not to be jealous when in fact, they were so jealous that they were going crazy. What did you say just now? Getting what she wants without getting her hands dirty, is it?"Vicky merely smiled, showing no signs of being irate. "Miss Young does have a charming personality. Not only do many men are willing to do anything for her, but it's also the same with the women. She had Sasha, who got sent to jail previously, and now you, the loyal Miss Perez. This charming personality is certainly beyond my reach."Maggie was not an idiot like Sasha who only knew how to fight back. She understood exactly what Vicky said. She said coldly, "Vicky, I suggest you save your time. This trick of yours is only good wi
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Chapter 165
Therefore, Maggie had been feeling smug lately and even got a little carried away. She even forgot Sasha was sent to jail because she had been causing trouble for Vicky.It was hard to say if Vicky was as important as Sheila at this moment. Regardless of that, it did not mean Vicky did not hold any position in Tyler's heart. This thought shocked Maggie tremendously and sobered her up.She said nothing, and so did Sheila. It was as though the argument between Maggie and Vicky had nothing to do with her.Sheila always had many people willing to be her shield.In the end, Vicky took a look at Sheila and was ready to leave."Miss Shaw," Sheila suddenly called out, "can you wait for a moment?"Vicky looked back.Sheila said to Maggie, "Maggie, I'd like to have a word with Miss Shaw alone. Can you leave the room?"Maggie's pupils flashed as she instinctively wanted to say something. The words were at the tip of her tongue, yet she could not say them. As an outsider, she should not in
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Chapter 166
Sheila smiled. "There's another person in Tyler's heart. Maybe I'm just a shadow of that person. To be honest, I don't know if he ever liked me, even as we speak."She then looked at Vicky. "He can be very good to me—so good that people think that I'm his first love, his true love, and regret because he couldn't have me. Only I know deep down in my heart, I know it's two different things between being good to me and loving me."Miss Shaw, maybe you think I'm trying to brag to you by telling you this, but he doesn't have a place for me in his heart, so why should I be pleased about it? What is there for me to brag about? I see no difference between when he's nice to you and when he is nice to me. At least, you're his wife and you can legally enjoy it. I'm nothing to him."'There is no difference between when he was nice to you and when he is nice to me…' Vicky repeated this sentence mentally.Vicky's eyes wavered. "What you're trying to tell me is that Tyler doesn't love me, right?"
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Chapter 167
This day was an example. Sheila only told her two things, yet those two things stunned her to the core.Bee, beep! A text message notification went off.Vicky picked up her phone and opened the message.[Miss Shaw, you're not forgetting you are returning my shirt to me today, right?]It was a message from Mister Kirby.Yesterday, Vicky reminded herself of this, but she totally forgot about it after a night. Nevertheless, it was fine because she had set a reminder with her phone. It would ring during the afternoon to remind her.Vicky replied, [No. I was going to contact you after I finish with my work.]Mister Kirby replied, [I thought you'd forget about it if I didn't remind you.][What time are you free today? Where should I meet you?] replied Vicky.Mister Kirby texted back instantly. [I'll share the location with you later.]Vicky replied, [Ok.]A few seconds later, Mister Kirby shared a location with Vicky. Before she clicked open to see the shared location, she tapped
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Chapter 168
"Vicky, over here."The man's voice was deep and melodious, much like the sound of a cello. Instantly, Vicky recognized that voice. It was Mister Kirby.Vicky walked to the corner where he sat…and he looked rather suspicious.The light in the room was not very bright. Mister Kirby was leaning on the sofa in a very elegant posture with a hint of laziness.Vicky then said, "Mister Kir—"Suddenly, the man reached out and pulled her to his side, much to her shock. Before she could struggle and protest, his husky voice rang next to her ear. "Miss Shaw, please do me a favor."He tried to talk softly and lightly. Although he was very close to her, he still maintained a distance that would not bring discomfort to Vicky. "Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"Vicky realized something was not right. "Did you call me here today at this time just because of this?"He said in a low voice, "Miss Shaw, do you see those women over there?"Vicky glanced and noticed a few beautiful women with g
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Chapter 169
One could tell what kind of a person another man was by observing what sort of people he made friends with. In this case, Cece thought Mister Kirby was not bad.While Vicky debated on helping Mister Kirby, Cece already started to talk to him.Cece was outgoing and lively, and she enjoyed talking to people. Mister Kirby, on the other hand, had a high EQ, hence how they both got into a good conversation.Vicky was speechless.Mister Kirby noticed Vicky was looking at them. He smiled and asked, "Miss Shaw, what's your answer?"Although Vicky had compensated him and sewed the button back on the shirt, the fact remained that she still did damage. Regardless of the compensation, it could hardly compensate, especially since the shirt was very important to Mister Kirby. Moreover, he did not look like he was a person who needed money.Vicky thought for a while and whispered, "I can help you, but you don't owe me anything. As for the shirt… Let's just say we don't owe each other anything a
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Chapter 170
Mister Kirby's smile froze. "It's not funny."Vicky deadpanned. "I'm not joking. I'm serious."He looked helpless. "Although I hit it off with Cece right away, there is nothing else for us except being friends. There's no spark between us. If you don't believe me, you can ask her."They were talking very softly. From another angle, it looked like they were whispering intimately. Vicky did think Cece and Mister Kirby matched perfectly. However, they only knew each other for a short time and they still did not know each other that well.Besides, today was not a good time to discuss this either. Thus, Vicky said nothing else.About an hour or so later, Vicky said she needed to leave. Mister Kirby looked at the time and nodded, not wanting to force her to stay. "Alright, I'll send you two off."After that, he informed his friends and said goodbye to them.His friends did not trouble him. They smiled and bid goodbye to Vicky."Bye, Vicky!""Come play with us again next time!"Vick
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