All Chapters of Loving You In Secret: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1753 Chapters
Chapter 171
Glancing at Vicky, the pieces of information clicked in Mister Kirby's mind, and it was visible how it looked like a light bulb lit up in his head."Are you afraid your husband might misunderstand us?" He smiled gently. "Fine. Call your husband and ask him to come to pick you up. Neither of us has to worry."Vicky remained silent for a few seconds. "It's not necessary. I can go back by myself. He's busy, and he's probably still working.""No matter how busy his work is, it isn't as important as the safety of his wife." He put his hands into his pocket. A shadow of his body was reflected on the ground. "Miss Shaw, you have two options now. Either you call your husband and ask him to pick you up, or I'll send you back home."Vicky was unable to reason with the man and felt rather helpless. She had no idea why this man was so responsible. After giving it a thought, she decided to call Tyler.Beep, beep, beep!No one answered the phone. After the call got disconnected automatically,
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Chapter 172
Seeing Vicky staring at him, a smile graced Mister Kirby's handsome face, twinkling with mischief. "Fine. I'll head out now."He thus started the car's engine and drove away, all while Vicky watched on.Vicky took out her phone, hoping to check should there be any update, but there was no response from Tyler at all. She tried calling him again, but alas, it was for naught.She remained in the same spot for a while before deciding to take the lift to go to Tyler's office. 'Since I'm here, I might as well go up and take a look,' she thought. She assumed Tyler was busy with work and was too busy to look at his phone.After all, he had spent the whole night at the hospital where Sheila was, and Vicky did leave her a little…warning this morning. Sheila was no fool, either, and she ought to know it was fine to fuss a little sometimes. However, if she did it every day, it would only make Tyler disgust her more.Since Tyler had not slept last night, Vicky doubted Sheila would trouble him
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Chapter 173
"The number you have dialed is unavailable. Please try again."The call was terminated; that was what this meant. The automated voice would have stated something else if the call was not answered at all. It would have said, "The number you have dialed cannot be reached. Please call again or try later."Plus, the dial tone only rang five or six times.At that moment, the driver realized something. He looked up and used the rearview mirror to look at the backseat. His face changed when he saw Vicky was awake, and he realized Vicky's phone, which was in her hand, was lit up. He asked angrily, "What are you doing?"Vicky panicked, but she tried hard not to show it on her face and remained calm. "I should be the one asking this question."While she was talking, she tried to call Tyler again. "This is not where I want to go. Where are you taking me?"Since Vicky knew what was happening, the driver sneered, "A place where you should be!"She attempted another call, but it was hung up a
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Chapter 174
The muscular guy looked at Vicky. "How are we able to kidnap his wife so easily? Do you think it's a trap to get the boss to show himself and capture all of us?"The driver started to doubt himself upon hearing this. "I don't think so. There's nothing weird when I saw her leaving Hart Corporation.""Look at how the media and the latest news says Tyler had reconnected with his wife and even taught those people who bullied her a lesson. He even invited her to have the first dance on his birthday, showing the public how much he treasured his wife. There was no gossip related to him during this period. News related to him was how he loved his wife…""Love her? She'll only die sooner. The more they displayed their affection, the more fake it was. Don't you know how rich people work? They looked like a perfect couple to the public, but their personal lives are a mess!" scoffed the muscular guy."That's true…" the driver muttered. "Hey, do you think Tyler used her to distract us?""Distr
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Chapter 175
"You got a point! I heard a man like Tyler Hart cares about his reputation the most. If he wants to get rid of this woman and doesn't want to dirty his hands, he's probably hoping we can do it for him… We're not going to fall into his trap!""Then, what should we do now?""Bring her with us. If the boss needs to use her, he can use her. If not, we can free her and let her settle with Tyler herself. If this woman can force Tyler to marry her, she's probably capable of something. Let his backyard burn so he has to spend time putting it out… It'll be a good thing for our boss, too."The muscular guys did not even care about Vicky's presence as they talked about either sparing her or killing her.In the end, they decided to bring her along and have their boss decide her fate.As such, Vicky was forced back into the taxi she came with. She cooperated with them and stayed quiet; different from other women they have kidnapped before.Her calmness changed the muscular guys' view of her.
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Chapter 176
Soon, the ambushed car stopped in front of the car where Vicky was in. After a while, a handsome tall man walked out of the car.Vicky stayed in the car for a few seconds before she decided to come out.The man looked at her and asked, "Are you hurt?""No." Although she looked pale, she seemed fine for the most part, and her clothes were intact.The man raised an eyebrow and smiled impishly. "Miss Shaw, didn't I tell you it's very dangerous for a young lady to go out at night? You refused to listen to me."Vicky stayed quiet for a few seconds and asked, "How did you find me?"She had worked till late at night before, and nothing happened to her then. Thus, she did not take into consideration his reminder.After Tyler's late night out and Sheila calling in the middle of the night, Vicky found herself in a deep funk. That was why she forgot about Tyler's enemy.Mister Kirby took out a cigarette and lit it up. The smoke from the cigarette dispersed around his handsome face added a
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Chapter 177
Coincidentally, the hospital they were headed toward was the one Sheila was staying at and the one Vicky came to this morning. Since Tyler was not in the office, there was a high chance that he was here.Vicky thought sarcastically, 'Maybe I'll even meet him in the hospital.'However, for some reason, all bad things happened in one single day.Just as she just entered the hospital, she noticed many doctors standing at the entrance with gatch beds and many first-aid items.Mister Kirby raised an eyebrow and curiously asked, "Is a VIP coming to the hospital to get treatment?"A split second later, he heard heavy footsteps from the door followed by a few men entering the hospital."Doctor, he's shot! He needs surgery immediately!"The doctors ran over to check the patient's situation. Vicky unconsciously glanced in their direction, and she was petrified at the sight.The unconscious man covered in blood was Tyler!She noticed many people were around him. Harry was among those men
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Chapter 178
Anger burned the last rational thought in Sheila's mind when she saw Vicky acting innocent, as if she did not know anything.She raised her hand and tried to slap Vicky again, but her hand was caught mid-swing.A deep melodious voice like the sound from a cello rang, "Miss, either you talk nicely or you fight. Don't just try to slap someone while you're talking. It's spiteful for you to do that."Sheila was so distracted by Vicky that she never realized there was a man beside Vicky. As she heard the voice, she raised her head.The man looked extremely handsome. His almond-shaped eyes were mesmerizing. His thin lips curled into a smile as his hands were in his pockets. While he stood relaxedly, there was something noble about him that people were slightly intimidated by.Sheila frowned and said sarcastically, "Hi. It's better that you don't act like those annoying women and stay out of the way like a man."Instead of being provoked, Mister Kirby smiled faintly. "I'd never butt in
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Chapter 179
Mister Kirby looked at Vicky and asked, "Are you alright?"Vicky blinked and tried to force a smile. "I'm fine."He stood beside her. "You were kidnapped. There's nothing wrong with you calling your husband for help. You don't have to blame yourself. But that woman…"He chuckled. "The way she accused and lambasted you, makes me think like it's her husband who got shot."Vicky looked at him. "Mister Kirby…thank you for saving me today, but I'm afraid—"He knew what she was going to say before she finished her sentence. "I understand. Since your husband is hurt, you'll need to stay here. I'll get going now."He looked like he was a very casual person, but he was, in truth, thoughtful and caring. Most of the time, he could read her mind.She gazed at him gratefully, more so than ever before. "I'll treat you to a meal when I'm free one day. Call me anytime if you need me.""Sure." He waved at her. "Bye.""Be careful on your way.Mister Kirby raised his eyebrow and smiled at her b
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Chapter 180
Before Vicky could answer, Maggie butted in, unable to stand idle, "She certainly won't admit it if you ask her. She—""Yes, I did say those things," interjected Vicky curtly.Adam, the man who stopped Vicky from walking toward the operating room, asked, "Why did you say those things to Miss Young? Do you know how much trouble you caused for Mister Hart because of what you said?"Although the others did not say anything, the ways they looked at her were showing dissatisfaction with her too."Why?" Vicky looked at Adam and said coldly, "Because I'm Tyler's wife, and I don't want to see my husband being busy because of another woman!"Maggie interrupted, "Sheila was hurt because of Mister Hart. Isn't it normal for Mister Hart to care for her? Since you self-claimed to be Mister Hart's wife, you should understand his difficulties!"Self-claimed to be Mister Hart's wife… What an interesting, meaningful sentence!Vicky glared at Maggie coldly. "Tell me then, Miss Chance. Why does She
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