All Chapters of The Alpha's Second Chance Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
166 Chapters
In the depths of the endless battle, they once more stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a deadly stare, vying for control. Aggressive posturing and growling fill the air.With a fierce snarl, Scott lunged forward, his massive jaws snapping at Alpha Tyler's throat. But Tyler was quick, dodging to the side and retaliating with a swift bite to Scott's hindquarters. The two wolves circled each other, their bodies tense and ready for the next attack.The battle raged on for hours, even with the Pure Crescent pack gaining a clear advantage. Alpha Tyler's wolves fought bravely, their loyalty to their leader driving them to give their all in the high even though they were being massacred. Not that the Pure Crescent pack was better in any way. However, the help they got from Herrick's wolves strengthened them, bigger, and more ruthless. They fought with a ferocity that Tyler's pack had never seen before.As the sun began to set, Scott launched a surprise attack from behind. Tyler's w
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Kamala was inconsolable as she was led away with the others. She fought and thrashed against her captors, trying to reunite with her sister's dead body. She watched out of the corner of her eyes as her lifeless body was played with. They bundled all of them toward the prison. Setting them into a bigger cell. The pack members of Annik and Herrick began to set fire to the cells, starting from the entrance. Katida was led to Tyler's side, who was now firmly tied even though he was knocked out.“Don't do this? Don't hurt my people! You asked me to help you with certain information, in exchange you'll just get rid of a thorn in my flesh. This wasn't what you promised,” she cried out.“You're more ignorant than I thought,” Scott mumbled, handing her over to two hefty pack members of his.They stuffed her in a car in the back seat. There was no guarantee about what Scott wanted to do with her, even though Annik had ordered that everyone be killed.His eyes watched the Silver pack and everyth
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Minutes turned into hours, then days and Tyler and Katida were kept in the small room, their only contact with the outside world being the occasional visit from Scott or one of his pack mates. Tyler was subjected to various forms of torture, but he refused to break. He was determined to stay strong, to revenge his pack, no matter what.He started to have blurry visions. Something made absolutely no sense to him. Everything that was done to him was humiliating and degrading, yet, he didn't care. Annik never set his eyes on him, while Scott prolonged his execution for whatever reason best known to him.Katida's confession had only passed him off so much that he vowed to banish her for conflicting such pain on their pack. Even though they were together, he ignored her as if she wasn't present. Tyler trained rigorously within the confinement, even with the little meal they were being fed once a day.Katida, on the other hand, had started to crack under the pressure. She was torn between no
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Scott began to stab Tyler in numerous places as he couldn't stop fighting. What was he going to live for? His Luna had been taken from him, along with every single thing he ever cared for. It was best to fight until he was dead.Still, his death wish was rejected. Not on Scott's watch. He had punctured every place possible in Tyler's body, making him profusely bleed, and causing him to be weak before he dragged him like a piece of rag away.Annik was heading to the darkest side of his chambers, facing the opposite side. He unlocked the entrance, switching on the lights. In a corner sat a man in his late seventies, looking unkempt, skinny, and afraid. Raising his head, both his eyes were gone. His hands were bonded by thick chains fastened to the wall. When he heard familiar footsteps, he jerked his head up, fear gripping him.“Xander, what happened to the child?”He began fidgeting. “I have already told you countless times, Alpha Annik, that I carried out your instruction.”Rubbing hi
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Levi's eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to Lana. “Are you convinced? Which way?”Luna closed her eyes, focusing on the mind link. She could feel Tyler's presence, a faint whisper in the back of her mind.“That way,” she said, pointing in the direction of the mind link. “We need to hurry.”Levi nodded, and they quickened their pace, weaving through the trees. Lana's heart raced with anticipation, and something within her howled with joy. She was getting closer to her mate, and nothing else mattered.But then, as they approached the heart of the forest, the mind link flickered again, and Lana's heart sank. Tyler was still too far away, and the dark magic was too strong.Lana stumbled, her legs giving out under her. She sank to the ground, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't take it anymore. She was exhausted, heartbroken, and lost.Levi knelt beside her, his hand on her shoulder. “Lana, don't give up. We will find a way to get out of here. If you can feel Tyler which was
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A faint knock on the door which sounded like a bomb blast in Lana's ringing ears woke her up. She struggled to lift her fatigued body. Straining to open her hurting eyes, the unfair brightness in the room made her squirm, closing them back. She felt a pinching sensation in her right arm. She was on something bouncy with silk sheets.“So, nice,” she murmured, snuggling further. Her kind had lost count of when last she had such a comfortable stretch. Her body was in pain, but she felt rejuvenated. Whatever was hooked to her arms was pumping strength into her system, and she liked the feeling it gave her.The knock came once more, this time, more aggressively. Grumbling, Lana forced her eyes open and shot her upper body upright. The door swung open at the same time, and Oscar and his wife sauntered in. Levi followed closely behind them. They all had relieved expressions on their faces.Lana observed her environment, noting that the interior decoration of the place was far better than tha
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Tyler had trails of dried-up blood all over his body. His entire body was covered with cuts laced with silver and wolfsbane. He was in deep agony that he groaned so badly, twisting and turning at the discomfort. One thing gave him hope, even though he had completely lost his power out of the blue. The fact that he had briefly heard Lana and knew that she was sick and worried about him.He didn't need saving. Mostly, he hoped Lana was safe and would move on with her life if need be. She has been through a lot, which he put her through. Always used her as a shield for his pack and in the end, it still crumbled to the ground. Everything.Tyler was weak, profuse sweat dribbling down his face. He was hung upside down at the entrance of the Pure Crescent pack. Every four hours, he was moved to a different location, but still hung in the same position.Scarlet was displeased with this barbaric act from Annik and went ahead to confront him, but he brushed her off. She couldn't do more than wat
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Lana took a moment to admire everything about the area she passed through. This couple was well put together. They knew how to decorate and that was sweet and comfy to get along with. Her eyes watched every book and cranny of the hallway, down to the staircase, and finally downstairs when she reached it.Dinner was over, but her meal was set up in a section of the cleared-up table. Two of her back members were already asleep on the couch. Levi was still up, his head buried in his palm. “What are you thinking about?” she startled him with her voice as she took an empty seat next to his.Faking a smile, “nothing. I just miss home. I miss my parents. I miss having peace. I wish we could go back to when everywhere was at peace.”“Soon,” she reassured, massaging his shoulder.His smile broadened. Levi stood and went to bring over Lana's dinner. “Mr. and Mrs. Lowell are the nicest people I have seen.”She simply nodded. “Where are the rest of the guys?”“Some of them volunteered to guard th
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“Years ago, the Pure Crescent pack was gifted the Sapphire orb by the Moon Goddess. To guide these orbs, four Lanterns were positioned around them. How they are chosen is still a mystery to all. However, these four lanterns must work together to maintain peace. That's what makes the Pure Crescent pack the most powerful pack,” Mrs. Lowell began with her narration. “Through the years, everything was well until, one by one, the Lanterns began to get assassinated. Shortly, a mysterious fire broke out in the Pure Crescent pack, killing everyone except Annik. Naturally, he took over.”Lana, even though she has heard the story multiple times, always gets shocked whenever it is brought up. “How was this swept under the rug? It only goes around as rumors. Nobody openly tells these stories.”“Because Annik kills anyone who speaks of it. Most justify his action, saying that the story triggers him. We agree that it's a sad story that he doesn't want to often hear, but there's nothing that would m
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.Alpha Annik paced back and forth in his chamber, his mind consumed by thoughts of his plan in place. Since he learned of Lana's survival, he has been waiting for this moment—the perfect opportunity to finally rid himself of her and Alpha Tyler, his longtime rival. He had spent countless hours planning and strategizing, and tonight was the night. He was going to take out Alpha Tyler once and for all.Outside, allies of Annik began trooping into the busy pack house. The moon had just risen to its peak. A Banquet had been arranged, with tables in circles. Chattering filled the air. Clinging of glasses, hailing of names, and slow music played in the background. As he prepared himself for whatever might occur, Alpha Annik's thoughts turned when the witches swirled into his room. It became windy and dark, the doors automatically shut themselves. Their hissing left chills on the skin of the guards they flew past.. Alpha Annik smirked at the thought of defeating both Tyler and Lana in one f
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