All Chapters of The Alpha's Second Chance Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
166 Chapters
Lana stood to a banging headache. She had slept for a solid fourteen hours. Her energy was back, and her mind was calm. Something else was vivid. Tyler's voice called out to her. No matter how she shook her mind to get the voice off her mind, she kept hearing the quiet pleas of his soothing voice.She scrambled to her feet and got dressed. Meredith had sent a change of clothing to her room and she wasted no time in putting them on. What she was going to face didn't need her wearing a graceful gown.After tying her hair in a bun, she proceeded downstairs. Surprisingly, Oscar, Meredith, and Levi with two other pack members sat in the sitting room, discussing. When they heard her footsteps and acknowledged her presence, the conversation died down. She crossed Levi, who was on the left side, went to a vacant sofa on the right side, and sat. The sitting room had this conference area decoration to it. “Where are the others?” was her first question.“They're all outside, ready to vacate,” on
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Lana ran through the dense woods, her heart pounding in her chest. She was following Tyler's voice, the force pulling her and her guts. She felt she was running out of time. She had to get to him. She would do anything to reach him, even if it meant walking through fire. She felt that he was in trouble. Possibly being held captive. If that was the case for Tyler, who knew what happened to the rest?Lana had knowledge that Tyler's captor would have taken every precaution to keep him from being rescued. But Lana was not one to be deterred by a few obstacles. She was fierce, determined, and has gotten skilled in the art of combat. She would fight through the high fences and security measures that lay between her and her mate.As she approached the perimeter of Alpha Annik's territory, Lana slowed down to assess the situation. That was where his voice led her to. Why wasn't she surprised? He must have made good his threat. Thinking about the well-being of the others made her stomach churn.
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Lana, about to strike Scott, heard a familiar shrieking. She immediately felt his pain. Tyler. This was a trap. A distraction too. She scanned around and came up with a quick plan. As Scott tried to reach for her ankle, she slid past him to the chains.Wrapping them around her arm, she quickly ran past him, wrapping the chain as much as she could all over his body until he was down on a knee lock. “As much as I would love to shred you into pieces, Scott, I have to save my mate,” she informed him.Dashing out, she didn't bother to avoid the guards at all. She punched, kicked, and fought her way through the guards until she was out in the open, where the banquet was being held. Her sudden intrusion caused all heads to turn in her direction.“Took you long enough,” Annik yelled, a smirk plastered on his face.“Lana?” Scarlet called out, standing in surprise.Tyler had already been dragged to a box, where he was stuffed inside and bonded by chains made of wolfsbane and silver.She calculat
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Coughing profusely and trying to get through the stinging smoke that made his eyes itch, Tyler sorted through the crowd to find Lana. “Are you okay?” he quickly asked as soon as he found her.“Yes.”. Luckily, at the first impact, sprawled out on the floor, ducking before the second and third successive income. “What was that?”“Reinforcement,” he sharply answered.“Alpha Tyler! Here!” A familiar voice yelled, tossing a gun to him. Lana squinted her eyes to comprehend who it was. To her surprise, it was Aragon, closely followed by Frankie, all looking pumped up. “So good to see you, boys,” Tyler praised.“They're alive?” Lana asked in puzzlement as Tyler helped her to get on her feet.Some solve was yelling and running towards them, but Tyler shot him without hesitation. You could see the urge for some blood on his face. Ignoring Lana's question, he sighted Scott and began growling. Due to the explosion, everywhere went quiet except for the coughs of choking wolves, wines of pain, and
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Tyler was in too much pain to respond. He lay on the ground, his chest heaving, as the other wolves circled him. He thought he had lost the fight, and he knew that he had no choice but to accept his defeat. As the pack moved in to surround him, Tyler closed his eyes, resigning to his fate. He was just getting a hang of Lana's betrayal when this was added. How could she?“Tyler?” Her voice shrieked from afar.Suddenly, she lunged forward, snatching Aragon's gun. She shot precisely, aiming for the neck, stomach, and head. Herrick's anger boiled over Lana's attack. He lunged forward, his teeth bared. “You're a bitch!” he snarled. Lana tried to dodge Herrick's attack, but Herrick was too fast. In his rage, he tore into Lana's flesh. He had the intention of killing her. Lana fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wounds. Herrick stood over Lana's body, panting heavily. It was only then that he realized that she had a gun pointing at his crotch. Winking at him, “bye, rapist!” She sh
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As Aragon and Frankie rowed the boat towards the small island, Lana sat in silence, staring at the lifeless body of Alpha Tyler. She knew deep down that he was gone, but she couldn't bring herself to accept it. As they reached the island, Aragon and Frankie carried Tyler's body out of the boat and laid him on the soft sand. Lana got down on her knees beside him and placed her hand on his chest, feeling the stillness of his heart. “There's no hope,” she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. “He's gone.” Aragon and Frankie exchanged a somber glance, their faces filled with sadness and regret. But Lana didn't give up. She cried profusely, her tears falling on Tyler's face as she begged for him to come back. Suddenly, something strange happened. Lana's tears began to glow, forming a bright orb that floated up into the air. The orb hovered above Tyler's body for a moment before shooting off towards his back, where Herrick had stabbed him. As the orb disappeared into the night
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The pain she felt was unlike anything she has ever dealt with. Part of her heart was taken out and crushed as she watched Tyler's back fading into the darkness with no hope of ever seeing or being a front of him with a smile toward her.It had all made sense to her until now. She was deeply in love with her mate, and it was beyond physical. Her inner walls came crushing. All of it. Her will for revenge was replaced with an urgency for forgiveness. She didn't mind letting go of everything just to be with Tyler once more.Lana was left alone. Broken, she wandered off deep into the island. Not even the tree branches that scratched her skin affected her. Nothing existed anymore. She wanted to feel some other type of pain. She wanted to inflict it on herself. Finding herself under a waterfall, she put her head down, not minding the coldness.The water kept slapping against her skin. Her wailing voice filled the silent night. “Tyler, I'm sorry,” she silently begged, wishing there was a way
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There was no need to treat herself to warmth. She went out of the tent and fixed her bath. She was still sobbing.Lana was lost in thought as she immersed herself in the cool, refreshing water. She was so deep in thought that she didn't even hear Tyler's footsteps as he approached.Tyler had been out for a stroll, trying to clear his head. He wanted to avoid Lana but, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. As he turned a corner, he was stunned to see Lana standing in the water, her back to him.At first, he couldn't look away. Her long, silver hair was cascading down her back, and her curves were accentuated by the way the water clung to her body. He could feel his mate bond igniting within him, urging him to go to her.But he couldn't. He felt that she had hurt him deeply, and he didn't want to make things worse by saying the wrong thing. So, he forced himself to turn around and walk away, ignoring the fierce desire that burned within him.Lana, unaware of Tyler's presence, continue
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Tyler kept pacing, his mind unsettled. Although his energy was back to the fullest, and he felt invisible, he somewhat felt lost and in pain, but it wasn't physical. It was rather emotional. His thought drifted to Lana. He could feel her discomfort, hear her sobbing, and scent the shift in her floral smell.He had gone on a walk, thinking it would've helped. He even ended up working out, numerously punching the innocent trees, thinking it would subdue the hurt. Still, it got nowhere. Coming back and accidentally crashing in on Lana taking her bath, awoke all his emotions and dilemma.What even broke him more was the betrayal. He didn't know how to forgive that. All his life, he has been surrounded by disciplined people who feared betraying him because they knew the consequences of doing so.In a bid to cool his head, Tyler opted to take a quick bath too. He took a steady path out of his tent to the waterfall, where he allowed the cold stream of liquid, to cascade down his body. As free
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The night was terrible for Lana. She felt guilty so much it kept her awake all night. Little did she know that her moments of twisting and turning led to the day breaking without her getting any sleep. She felt a sense of tension between her and Tyler. She had barely slept at all the previous night, her mind racing with thoughts of their relationship and the future. As she saw him outside, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.Immediately, she dressed in one of the loose tracks and a hoodie, dashing outside. She was prone to trying to get him to probably act differently toward her. “Good morning, Tyler,” she said softly. “Morning,” he replied, not meeting her gaze. Lana could feel her heart sinking. She knew that nothing changed between them, but she still wanted to try harder.“Pack up. We're taking the bikes to the main house,” he said to her.Lana was surprised by the proposal, but she agreed to go along with it. “Sure, that sounds like a good idea,” she said. Fran
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