All Chapters of The Alpha's Second Chance Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
166 Chapters
After his workout session, he freshened up with a heavy heart and decided to get some rest since he had allocated responsibilities to the different members of the pack. It had been a minute since he actually had a good night's rest, and he thought that having one today might help with gathering his thoughts.As soon as his body hit the bed, he spent endless hours thinking about Lana. Even with his struggle to not pay attention, he couldn't get himself to close off his mind. Finally, as he pushed himself to give his tired body and mind a rest, Tyler had a repetition of the nightmare about a burning house. Suddenly, he transformed into his wolf Gael, and broke free, sprinting into the wild. Tyler's heart was racing as he bolted through the forest. His mind was clouded with the images of the burning house, the scorching flames, and the intense heat. He couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness and despair that consumed him. His body was shaking with fear, but he didn't know why. H
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Tyler woke up in the middle of the forest, shivering with cold and sweat. He had no idea how long he had been out. As he tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot up his side, causing him to gasp. It felt like he had been stabbed with a hot knife. He looked down to see a deep gash on his side that was oozing blood.He tried to stand up, but his legs wouldn't support him. He was weak, and the pain was unbearable. He knew he needed help, but he had no idea how to get it. He fought to get to any of his pack members and possibly get Kamala, but everything was a blur. All he could recall was the nightmare of the burning house, and how it had made him go into shock.He knew he was in serious trouble, and that he had to do something. He tried to howl for help, but his voice was hoarse and weak. He couldn't even hear the sound of his own voice. He was in the middle of the forest, and he had no way of getting out.As he lay there, feeling helpless and alone, he started to think about the woman he met
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Lana lost track of time, engrossed in sleep. Somehow, she was able to find peace in her chaos. Her thoughts were tuned off and all her focus was on calmness. Hours passed before she woke up to a big yawn, stretching and smiling. Like a well-fed baby, she was satisfied.The Oceanwhales pack kept their lifestyle simple. It consisted more of huts and small houses with large outdoor spaces. In Lana's allocated hut, it was just the bedroom which had a bed, chair, and table. Then another door led to a small bathroom that held an old but neat shower and toilet area.It wasn't as elaborate as she was used to, but it was better than her days in the boat or her months lost in the woods around Annik's territory.Lana went for a quick shower before changing into the spare clothes she brought along. She went in search of either Jack or Alpha Raven. On her way out, she noticed the peculiar way the pack trained and how coordinated they were. Also, they looked at her as if she came from the moon. The
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The air was thick with sorrow as Alpha Annik, his Luna and his allies of Alphas and Lunas gathered in a clearing deep in the woods, just away from the terrain of his pack. They were all dressed in black, their heads bowed in mourning for the loss of Beta Scott and the others who had been killed during the battle between Tyler, Lana, Frankie, and Aragon.Alpha Annik stood at the front of the group, his fists clenched at his sides as he looked out at the somber faces of his pack. His heart ached for the loss they had all suffered, but he knew that beyond their grief consuming them, he was more surprised at how Tyler had overwhelmed and even challenged him. He was sour and determined to fight back, to avenge the deaths of his loved ones, and make sure that his name was feared. The rumors of a rogue being able to escape his captive and even kill some of his armies were unbearable. It made him seem weak. He was furious. His eyes stared at the casket which held the body of Scott and the f
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Alpha Annik watched as the flames consumed the bodies of his fallen packmates, his heart heavy with grief and anger. Not for the purpose of morning but disappointment. He had lost so many good warriors, so many brave souls who had given their lives for the pack. And he was angry that he still didn't have the head of Tyler or Scarlet in front of him. Furious even, that he had to sacrifice more to get them. Once the ceremony was over, Alpha Annik stormed off to his hidden chamber, his mind consumed with thoughts of vengeance and retribution. He had to find a way to make Tyler pay for what he had done, to avenge the deaths of his fallen packmates. As he entered the chamber, he was greeted by his three witches, who had been waiting for him. They looked up as he entered, their eyes full of darkness and evil."You failed me," Alpha Annik spat, his voice filled with anger. "You were supposed to be my eyes and ears, my protectors. And yet, you let this happen." The witches stretched before
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Alpha Annik settled beside Luna Scarlet, giving her a gentle scalp massage. She let out a soft moan of contentment as he ran his fingers through her hair. "You know I love you, right?" he said, his voice low and intimate. Luna Scarlet smiled and turned her head to look at him. "Of course, I do, my love. And I love you too," she replied, her eyes sparkling. Alpha Annik leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. It was a gentle kiss at first, but it soon deepened, and their passion ignited. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, and they felt their love growing stronger with each passing moment. As they broke the kiss, Alpha Annik whispered, "I will do anything to protect you, Luna Scarlet. Even if it means risking everything I have." Luna Scarlet looked at him with concern. "What do you mean, my love?" she asked. Alpha Annik took a deep breath and held on to her hand. "Nothing, Baby. I just want you to know that. I have no one, and I don't want to lose you too, Scarlet." Luna S
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As Alpha Annik stormed out of her presence, Luna Scarlet couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle in the pit of her stomach. She watched him leave, feeling suspicious of his random mood change. But before she could dwell on her thoughts, her attention was drawn to the Sapphire orb and its lanterns glowing brightly.Luna Scarlet's eyes widened in surprise as she saw the orb's glow illuminating the entire castle. She had never seen it this bright before. It was as if something important was happening, something that required everyone's attention.As she made her way toward the source of the light, she noticed that other people were also heading in the same direction. It was clear that everyone was curious about the orb's sudden activity. There have been whispers making round due to the constant on-and-off glow of the Sapphire orb and its lanterns. The glow was becoming frequent and members of the Pure Crescent pack has begun to question Annik's authority.When Luna Scarlet arrive
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It got back to the soothing waves of the ocean over Lana and Jack's presence as they are breakfast. A meal has never tasted better for Lana. So peaceful and satisfying. However, her mind went to Tyler now and then, constantly wondering about his well-being. He was a large part of her missing and it saddened her greatly.Lana sat close to the dying flame with Jack after breakfast in silence. The warmth of the fire provided some solace from the frigid temperature of the ocean. As the sun started to rise, the two of them sat in silence, taking in the beauty of the sunrise. Unexpectedly, they saw Alpha Raven dressed in a blue floral dress sauntering towards them. She looked energetic and beautiful with a whole smile plastered on her face. After a while, Alpha Raven finally joined them. As always, she looked radiant. "Good morning, my dear," Alpha Raven said with a smile. "How are you feeling?" Lana looked up at her with a small smile. "I'm feeling alright, Alpha Raven. Just a little lo
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“What?” Lana exclaimed. “I'm lost. Please, find me. What do you mean, they're your sisters?”“Exactly. Let me start from inception. Our father, Lord Ra, had five daughters and a son. We never knew our mother, but we lived in harmony. The Moon Goddess, as you know her who we know as Selene, is the oldest. I'm the second. The triplets are the third. The son is the last." Her eyes quickly went to Jack before she continued. “ We all had different responsibilities of taking care of the four elements; fire, water, earth, and air. We made them beautiful and kept a balance, protecting the Sapphire Orb, which has four lanterns. The Sapphire never left our home. We also looked after all the shifters. As the time came when we came of age, our father decided to assign responsibilities to us. He gave Selene the power of the Moon for her to take care of the wolves and all the shifters on the land. He gave me the power of the ocean and asked me to take care of the sea and all the creatures there. The
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“No, Lana, the right question is, what do you know about your mate?”Lana wanted to go full blast about Tyler's qualities; kind, supportive, caring, loving, truthful, intentional, sexy, masculine, and respectful. There was also his anger and the so much hurt he had within himself. Then, she realized that those are what she knew on a superficial basis. She didn't deeply really know him.As Lana focused on her breaths, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, her surrounding and all their activities slowing down. It was almost like she had paused time and nature. Yet, back and forth, she wanted to ask Alpha Raven what else she knew about Tyler apart from his birth name.“Good,” Alpha Raven said, nodding in approval. “Now, I want you to reach deep within yourself. Feel the power within you, and let it flow freely. Lana, you have our power; one of a god and a goddess.”Lana took a deep breath, feeling a surge of energy within her. She opened her eyes, and as she did, she was suddenly hit w
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