All Chapters of Married to pay the debt: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
145 Chapters
Chapter 51
Lucy's pov;After finishing dinner, when I tried to go to my room, Tyler asked if we could talk in the living room before going to bed. I knew that he wouldn't have come up to me unless there was something important. We sat on the couch. We didn't say much for a while. He was obviously struggling with what to say, so I waited and waited. Finally he finally blurted out, "Do you think we can start dating?""What?" I stammered, "Why would we-"Tyler cut me off by saying, "I know you don't want us to. But what's wrong with trying it? It might help. Plus... I like you." He looked down at his lap. "And we don't have to do this dating for a long time. Only until you start going to school. what are you saying?"He sounded sincere, but I was still caught off guard. I couldn't quite make sense of everything that he just said. My mind kept replaying the scene where he had told me he liked me over and over again, and each repetition made it even more confusing. This wasn't part of the plan. Yea
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Chapter 52
Lucy's pov;Since I couldn't sleep, I sat by the window and looked at the night sky, a darker shade of blue here, not quite black yet. A few stars peeked through the clouds. I was alone in my room tonight, and had nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. The silence inside and outside of this room was only disturbed by my breathing. The restlessness in my mind didn’t feel so much a part of myself anymore. It was like it didn’t even exist sometimes. It was still there, lurking around the corners, waiting to take over when I least expected it.As the cold wind blew the curtain on the window, it brushed against the edges of my hair and my face. A little static electricity buzzed between each touch. I ignored the goosebumps that came up on my body at its coldness. I didn’t need them right now. Right now I just wanted some peace. Just once, just for a moment. I needed to forget all of the things that haunted my head every minute. I could be numb and unbothered like this and no one
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Chapter 53
Lucy's pov;I woke up to the loud banging on the door and Tyler made his way into the room holding a plate of eggs and bacon. I could smell the food and my mouth watered. “It's for you, babe” he grinned as he placed it on my lap. I placed it aside and got out of the bed. "Where are you going?" he asked. I pointed the bathroom and said, "To brush my teeth."He nodded his head while smiling brightly at me. What's with the smile and all the lovey doveyness today? Is he getting sick or something? I let out a sigh and walked to the bathroom. When i stepped out of the bathroom Tyler was still standing there waiting for me. I sat on the bed and started eating the breakfast he made for me. "How's it?" he asked excitedly. I nodded and continued eating. "Didn't I teached you how to give compliment or did you forget it already ?!" he asked jokingly and sat next to me. "It's just breakfast. But thank you for making it for me." I mumbled. I didn't even try to hide my annoyance towards him b
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Chapter 54
Lucy's pov;Tyler and I went to a place where people were having coffee and drinks. Tyler says, "I'll go get something to drink." And left me along with strangers. I looked around for an empty table but couldn't find one since it was crowded. I remembered Tyler saying that he hates places with so many people. How come he likes this place? Maybe it was empty when he visited. Someone tapped on my back and asked, "Looking for a seat?" He was a good looking young guy who's taller than me. I nodded.He showed me a table where there were already people sitting with only one empty chair. I said, "I'm looking for accommodation for two people."He nodded and said, "No problem." And tapped on some guy asking him to squeeze with another. "It's fine. I'll look for another table. You just sit comfortably.""You won't find seats at this time. Take a look around, everywhere is crowded. Come with me." After taking a look, I took a seat at the table he pointed to before. The table had three boys a
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Chapter 55
Lucy's pov;When we parked his car, I tried to get out but he pulled me towards him and stared into my eyes saying, "Give me a kiss before you leave." "Why should I?""For giving you a ride.""I would rather pay using money than kissing you." "Oh, really?" While he was not letting me get out of the car, someone tapped on the window which made him release his grip from my wrist. When I looked out, I saw Levi standing outside the car. I got out and saw Daniel near the main door. Tyler asked them annoyingly, "What are you two doing here? Don't you have your own house? Why are you coming often?" Levi asked me, "Usually he gets mad after we stay for more than ten minutes but why is he mad as soon as seeing us?" I smiled at his question and said, "Maybe your brother's having mood swings I guess." And smiled again. Tyler asked me, "What are you chit-chatting over there? Come inside." And walked into the house. While I was entering the house, Daniel asked Tyler, "Then what about us?""
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Chapter 56
Lucy's pov;At the dining table, Tyler served me food and sat beside me and started eating like nothing happened. Didn't he just have a fight with his brothers? How can he look like he isn't bothered by it? I asked Tyler, "If you had work, then why did you take me out? What if they think I pressured you to do it?" "They won't think like that. Moreover, didn't you listen while I was talking to Daniel? I talked with the client yesterday and rejected their proposal. I didn't ask them to come today. They came on their own. Why should I attend the meeting if the proposal has already been rejected? Since I didn't accept, they're trying to turn Daniel and Levi against me using this.""And they did."Tyler shook his head and said, "They'll understand why I did that. And, Daniel isn't someone who holds a grudge for something like this."After a while, I asked, "Still it would be better if we stayed…"Before I finished, he said, "I wanted to be with you. That's why I took you out. Understood?
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Chapter 57
Lucy's pov;When I came to Tyler's house, I saw Tyler standing outside of the house and looking over at me. When he saw that I had noticed him, he gave me a big smile. "hey." he said as he approached me. "Didn't you say you'll be late tonight?" I asked him as he walked towards me. He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. "Because I finished my work early today, I thought we could go get dinner or something," he explained to me. "Sure." When I tried to go inside the house, he held my hand and asked, "Where are you going?" I pointed at the door and said, "Inside." he shaked his head and said, "We're going out. Come with me!" so i let him guide me into his car. When he tried to start the car, we heard someone shouting behind us. I leaned out and saw Daniel's car coming towards us. As soon as they were close enough, they honked their horns and waved their hands. "Daniel?" Tyler gave me a pat on my shoulder and asked, "Didn't I say he'll be back? But why did he come now? wait in
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Chapter 58
Lucy's pov;At Mr Anderson's house, I took a seat across from Mr Anderson on the sofa in his living room that smelled of coffee, cigar smoke and cigarettes. He looked at me with concern in his eyes and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but then closed it again. I knew that expression so well now. He looked like he had a lot to say and was worried about how I would react. A maid came and offered me a cup of coffee, Mr Anderson said, "She doesn't drink coffee. Bring her some fresh drink." The maid nodded, left the room quickly and left us alone again. Did Tyler tell him about my preferences? We were quiet for quite some time. Then, the question came. He asked, "Is everything alright?" "Yes. Everything's going well for now. But I'm not sure when things will change.""It won't," he replied immediately. "What?" He placed the coffee cup on the table in front of him and said, "I invited you to talk because I wanted to find out what happened in your life for signing a marr
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Chapter 59
Lucy's pov;Tyler and I reached home in an hour. After Tyler cleared the dining table once we finished dinner, I tried to go to my room but stopped after hearing Tyler calling out my name from the kitchen. I walked to him and asked, "What is it?" Tyler turned around quickly and said, "Don't take his words to heart. He's just trying to..." Before he finished, I said, "Yes, I know." I cut him off. "You're lucky to get someone to care for you so much. I hope you won't disappoint him and break his heart." He let out a chuckle and said, "To do that I got to lock you up here, babe." And laughed at me. When he noticed that I was staring at him, he asked,"What is it? I was just kidding.""Not fun for me. If you're done talking, can I go to the room now?" Tyler walked to me without saying anything and stared at me while I stood there waiting for him to answer me. I could feel the tension in the air. His eyes seemed like lasers as they locked with mine. He raised his hands and slowly walk
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Chapter 60
Lucy's pov;The next morning at 8am, I woke up feeling like someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water on me. It was the kind of cold you could see your breath in the air. My skin felt clammy and I was shivering uncontrollably. I opened my eyes and saw that it wasn’t the first time that something like this had happened. I was always cold in the winter months. It was one thing I’d never gotten used to. The winters were hard for me. They made my body go numb from the inside out and sometimes even my toes and fingertips froze over. When I looked at my other side of the bed, snowball wasn't there. Where did he go? I tried to get up from the bed but couldn't move. Something was blocking me, restricting my movements. "What are you doing? why are you getting up ?" I heard a voice say from somewhere behind me. I turned around and saw Tyler standing in the middle of the room holding a vessel full of what I hoped was warm water. He placed it beside the bed and said . "You need to
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