All Chapters of The Alpha's Caregiver : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
187 Chapters
168.ENTRY 010<The Journal>
LUNITA•••Everything began in the very same place: my home. My loss, my pain and my suffering. The same home that provided me and my family shelter against the world that despised our kind, the home that made everything feel better no matter what it was we went through outside of it. Finding myself back there brought in an influx of memories, add the the sudden reappearance of a boy you thought was dead years ago and what you get is tears, uncontrollable ones that keep falling no matter how hard you tried to stop it. I’d lived all those years, my pain not reducing for a second, under the same roof as a man I detested, with the conviction that my brother was gone and that would be my life till the day I died: a life of constant misery and struggle with a man who sees me as breeding machine for his disgusting seeds.But as always, he showed up like the tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Mason. Only this time, he wasn’t just the light, he brought the entire sun to me to illuminat
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169.ENTRY 011<The Journal>
TRIGGER WARNING: Abuse and abortion. LUNITA•••First, an open letter to whoever finds and reads this journal. I know you’ll judge me for the things that happen from this entry forward, no matter what emotions you have felt since you began reading. You’ll hate me and perhaps all your sympathy will be gone because I am almost as despicable as the ones who made me this way. But do not let the things I have done and that I regret, cloud your judgement and the decision you shall make for yourself. This journal was written as both an escape and an answer for all those who question the legitimacy and purpose of the Alpha-Delta project. Regardless of what I did and who I was, what matters is that I do not want more people like me to go through the same fate. Read and decide what path you’d choose. ********It was a disaster. I had the doctor read the results to me more than once. To have him take the test more than four times but it all came out the same way—I was pregnant. While Gre
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LUNITA•••I never for once forgot what having a child with an Alpha meant. It was always at the back of my mind, haunting me and reminding me everyday of a fate neither I nor my innocent son could escape. “This wasn’t part of the plan, Luna.” Mason had said once when we met again. He was my brother and I loved him just as much as I loved my son but I kept Rex away from him. Call it motherly instincts but I just knew Mason wouldn’t like the sight of my son—a hybrid and one who shared the blood of our oppressors. I kept Rex away from him for both our peace but I could tell that each time I mentioned him during our meetings, it irked him until he finally spoke up that very day. “You’re forgetting everything we’re doing this for. Forgetting how far we have come, all for that child.” He’d went on to say and once again we’d argued and exchanged words and the fall out with Mason became more constant with Rex being the center of it all. His complaint ranged from me being inattentive in me
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171.An Escape from Pain.
EUDORAThe time passed in an endless cycle but I was the only one that remained unchanged, frozen to the same spot with the book still wide open in front of me. I stared down at it till the ink blurred and I couldn’t even see the words anymore. I was lost in another dimension, different, an effect of everything that I have just read. A weight so heavy settled on my shoulders because I might have just stumbled upon a world-altering revelation. One that has left me too stunned to move. It was too much for me, all of those answers at once, all of those revelations, they were too much for me and my head was spinning, pounding. A sharp pain threatened to split my head open. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to up and leave. Wanted to scream. Wanted to run out of this house and never look back. Wanted to cry but I could do not even one of those things. When I snapped out of it, I flipped the rest of the pages in a rush. That couldn’t possibly be the end. No, there has to be something more,
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172–Like A Wolf In Heat.
EUDORA It hit me even before he spun me around, pinned my back against the nearest wall, and reclaimed my lips in a feral manner: Alpha Rex was the one I kissed that day he regained consciousness. It was like my brain produced censors that immediately recognized the manner with which he’d claimed my lips back then and related it to the way with which he’s doing now, soaking all of me in and holding me like his life depends on it. It was as if he knew what was going through my head too because he leaned back, breathing harsh and rough on my face, eyes gleaming with mischief and a hint of something else, something dark and dangerous that made me shiver, and then he grinned knowingly. I opened my mouth to speak but his lips were covering mine again before I could say another word. I closed my eyes, my brain turning to mush and the words I wanted to say, fizzing out along with what’s left of my brain. The kiss had started off sensual, deliberate and slow when I initiated it and he’d
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173-Alpha Rex’s Possession.
EUDORA. Intense heat welled up in my lower belly, a wave of warmth like I have never felt before taking over me. I fell back to the bed, breathing heavily from that single flick of his tongue and I could only imagine what it would feel like when he’s fully inside of me. My lower body shuddered desperately and he chuckled against me, fanning my slit and causing a stir from my body again. When he tried to go down on me again, I knew I couldn’t go on. It felt good yet dirty at the same time and all I could think of was what it smelt or tasted like down there. “Wait.” I stopped him, panting. He paused only for a second to meet my gaze. I licked my lips and I saw how his eyes followed the movement darkly and that almost distracted my train of thoughts until I shook my head to chase the lustful thoughts away. “You…you can’t do that.” I said quietly, my voice barely audible. “I can’t hear you, Eudora.” He said but the bright glint in his eyes suggested that he did and he was only taunti
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174–A Place Of Nightmares.
ALPHA REX ♠️A FEW EARLIER♠️The closer I got to that dreaded place, the tighter my heart felt. The underground dungeon was miles away from my pack and takes four hours by car which also meant that I could return home on the same day and as much as I wanted to get it over with and go back to home to my girl, I had a feeling this all can’t be over in a few hours. Questions and pains of over a decade couldn’t all disappear under a few hours so I was ready for anything. As I drove, I tried to not to think about the events that led up to my escape from that hell. Tried not to have flashes of me getting injected, drugged, hypnotized and violated in practically every painful way but it was hard not to go down memory lane. I mean, I was literally going down the lane of my pain and suffering, it would be impossible not to remember things that I have locked up in the darkest parts of my mind. Somehow, I had to find the key I’d tossed away in the dark. Eudora was the light that helped me find
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175–Answers For Bed-time.
ALPHA REXI bounded up the stairs of the dungeon but I had barely reached the top of the stairs when he appeared and kicked me directly to the chest, sending me falling and rolling down the stairs till I finally hit the ground with a loud and painful thud. I hissed out in pain, my entire body aching from it. His shadow covered the entire corridor before he began his slow and gentle descent down the stairwell. I struggled to stand before he could reach me but I barely managed to get to my feet when he stood above me and pressed his thickly booted feet into my chest. Getting his leg to move off me was so fucking difficult because his strength was unimaginable. He wasn’t a rogue(as I had finally figured because his scent was like nothing I’d ever sniffed), neither was he an Alpha yet he had powers that shamed mine. He lifted the hood that always covered his face and for the first time I saw him fully. He stared down at me with sinister eyes that held a slight amusement. The bastard l
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176-The Confession.
ZENA*A FEW HOURS EARLIER*( In the same Timeline as Alpha Rex’s encounter with the rogue) “You’ve got to stop doing that.” Logan said, no doubt referring to me shifting and ruining my clothes in the process. I had just walked out of the corner where I’d been changing into the new set of clothing Logan managed to get after I ruined the last ones by shifting and jumping to attack our stalker who is now waiting at my behest, after saying the words that had me stunned for more than a few minutes until Logan lifted me off the man. Logan didn’t seem pleased about a lot of things but him having to run around to get me new clothes seemed to top his annoyance chart. I sidestepped him, more concerned about the man who claimed to know my mother than I was about my situationship with Logan at the present moment. He didn’t argue, he just fell into step beside me.“Where is he?” I asked, now fully dressed and heading back to the alley where I had attacked the man. We were already at the entran
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177-One of the Omegas
ALPHA REX'S POVWeak. She makes me weak. Even when she’s been unashamedly gone for so darn long and I have learnt to move on from the pain of her keeping me in the dark even after I gave her another chance, my mother still makes me weak. The weakness she stirs inside of me can be the only reason I regarded Alpha Raule with my attention despite how much I despise him. The weakness she instilled in me can be the only reason I agreed to go back with him to his pack with him so I could learn this truth he speaks of. This tale about my mother that I have craved for so long to know about and the one he claims that I can only understand if I come with him to his pack. Of course, I asked questions. Questions of how someone like him knew anything about my mother. For a promise to help him, he traded my silence till we got to his pack and I didn’t ask anymore questions after that. There was no need to as long as the truth he was trading for my help was worth it. I left with him reluctantly
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