All Chapters of The Alpha's Caregiver : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
187 Chapters
158-The Things She Didn’t See 2
ZENA. “How long have you been following me?” I said, sneering at him and chanelling all of my anger from this afternoon into grabbing him by the neck. I didn’t grip him too hard but it was enough to have him choking for air and of course, Logan wouldn’t fight back. He never does because of the stupid mate bond. Groaning, I let go of him;my anger already subsiding. There was no point attacking him if he is only going to let me hurt him and not try to fight back. I sprang off him like he was hot coal that was burning holes into my body. In truth, it did feel too hot being that close to him. That and the fact that shifting has left me stark naked. “Shit.” I cursed at the realization that I was naked. I turned my back against him, my cheeks tinting red in embarrassment. I sensed him standing as well and it was futile trying to cover my privates with my hands.“Zena—” He started to say.“Don’t.” I cut him off, looking over my shoulder although I couldn’t see him anymore. I was back in
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159–Find Mother.
ZENA. We stood, seconds after Logan’s mind-numbing words as clouds darker than the ones in the sky that the moon was peeking through, settled over us—over me. And even when the moon succeeded in fighting the clouds, coming out victorious and casting its silver glow over the large clearing, mine were still darker than ever. There were clasping thunderstorms in my head and a good chance of a heavy storm that could sweep me away.That is the only way I can describe how I felt at that moment. I had just been told that the woman I’ve spent my entire life mourning was alive and I couldn’t even move a finger—or a paw in my case since I was still on all fours in my wolf form. “Are you okay? Say something.” Logan’s worried voice broke through providing a single crack in the clouds that made light flood through but that was enough to jerk me out of the shocking effect his words had on me. “Woah! Woah.” Logan exclaimed, backing away the moment he saw me shifting back. I hadn’t thought it thr
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160–The Awakening.
EUDORA. I woke up with a start, my entire body drowned in sweat that made my clothes stick tightly to my body. I was breathing so hard the sound was like a roar in my own ears. I’d just woken up from a nightmare that had my heart pounding in my chest like it would burst out anytime from my waking moment. My nightmare was so vivid, so real it could pass as a part of a lost memory. Maybe it really is because it was like a visual representation of the same story I’ve been told since I was old enough to understand the world around me.“Eudora, the reason other kids in school make fun of you and call you names is because you really are not like us. You are different. And I think you are old enough to know it now that I found you in the middle of a forest. You were the only survivor among a group of Omegas I found dead in the same forest.” I was ten when Luna Eleanor told me what my true identity was. I had just returned from school again and it was the same old story: the other school
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161-Where she wants to be.
EUDORA.I stared forlornly at the grey wall in front of me. Color it in a darker shade and you’d have a reflection of what my soul is at the moment; dark, lonely and alone. I wouldn’t say I missed my room because of the bright colors that are in every way a contrast to these ones but I couldn’t get used to being in a room that once scared me to no end. It’s only been a day in this room yet it feels like it’s been an eternity since Alpha Rex moved a few of my things in here. Now his closet was a mix of knee-length floral/ plain dresses and dark shades of every shirt and pants. Not to mention the toiletries stashed into the cabinets of the bathroom. How could I get used to that? When Alpha Rex said I was never leaving his sight again, I didn’t think he meant it in every sense of the word. He watched me like a hawk even when he kept his distance by doing whatever duties he had in the living room. The room was less suffocating with him in it but it was still just that—suffocating! I’
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162-Her Roots.
ALPHA REXIt’s been three days of pure agony tinged with frustration and the clawing need to get to the root of everything that has happened in the last few weeks. My agony came from sitting in one spot for hours, back bending over a table as I flipped through the pages of every book I can find on sorcery, magic and witchcraft, dutifully reading them and yet not seeming like I’m getting close to finding any answers. Each of the chapters within them came off as speculations, vague and reaching ideas from unknown authors and sources who have allegedly come across supernaturals much more powerful than us paranormals. Witches aren’t real and neither is magic yet I’ve got a supposed powerful wolf sleeping in my bed as we speak and I can’t seem to identify what she truly is. It felt like time was running out and the rogue letting go of her the last time was only a warning of what’s to come. The need to know what she really is has become an itch ever since the fact that she isn’t ordina
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163-Lab Rats.
ALPHA REX. ♠️ PAST ♠️“Where is she?” He ignored me. The darned scientist ignored me. Locked in my cage as always, I watched him go about his usual business of checking my vitals, scribbling on a notepad and preparing more of that stupid liquid to inject me with. Seeing his name embroidered on his lab coat only ever pisses me off. Dr Ambrose. I scoffed at the outrageousness. He was no doctor. He never was since the first day he colluded with my mother to lock me in here. Doctors don’t treat you like you are some sort of experiment. I made up my mind after years of being locked down here that he was a scientist, having a kick at experimenting on a rare case. I was like an animal in a lab, whose sole purpose is to be used as a martyr for whatever innovation they are making. I haven’t forgotten my plans of choking him to death with his own eyeballs once I am freed from here. It still keeps me up all night. But in the last few weeks, I didn’t mind being a lab rat. As long as she w
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164. Found Peace.
EUDORA.I opened my eyes to a calm world much like the one in my dream where everything was perfect for the first time in a long time. Where over and over again, a single moment repeated itself and I felt whole. I felt different and in ways I never thought I would ever feel. The object of my dreams wasn’t in bed with me when I woke up. I blushed as I remembered how he’d held me tightly to sleep last night, holding me flush against his chest and not letting go; like he was scared I would disappear. Like he was scared I would leave him after showing such a vulnerable side to me last night unprovoked. It still felt like a dream—last night. And I’ve pinched myself one too many times in my waking moment to be sure everything really happened and my imagination hasn’t gone too wild. I leapt off the bed and passed in front of the mirror. I turned back to it swiftly, noticing that my smile wasn’t the only different thing about me this morning. My hands reached for my hair and memories came
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165.A strange connection.
ZENA. I’ve been told one too many times what to do and just because I hate being told what to do, I have done the exact opposite of those things. So, sneaking out of the house with Logan in Rex’s absence wasn't in the top twenty of the things I shouldn’t do but that I did anyway. However, it is the one thing that is of the utmost importance to me as I was taking charge of my life, finding my mother myself. Logan was waiting with his car at the borders which was our rendezvous point. I followed his intoxicating scent to the exact spot the car was packed. “You’re here.” He said it like he expected me to have changed my mind. I snorted. In his dreams. “Zena, do you really want to do this? It’s not too late to turn back now.” I didn’t let his own uncertainty weave into my mind. I was determined. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t spend the entire night looking for ways to find my mother. I didn’t sleep a wink last night because of this and I’d die before I back down now. “You said it yourself t
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166.ENTRY 008<The Journal>
EUDORA. Finally, I was alone. The entire house was quiet after Rex left and I was finally left alone to my thoughts and to the journal. Apparently, Logan was supposed to look after me and I expected him to hover around me for the time being but all he did was tell me he will be in one of the room in the other wing of the Alpha's home. That gave me all the time in the world to get into the safety of my room and get the answers I’ve been aching to find in the past few days. The journal was right where I left it and for the longest time, I stared at it. I was reluctant to keep going through Lunita’s woe and scared of what I might find. Scared that I wouldn’t be able to handle it and it will break me beyond repair but despite myself, it’s still the only way to know the identity of the man that killed Conan. And so I took in a deep breath and flipped open the book to continue from where I stopped: the eight entry. LUNITA: ENTRY 008 •••I’ve had nightmares. None as terrifying as be
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167.ENTRY 009<The Journal>
LUNITA.•••It takes a moment for one's life to change in a twinkle of an eye. Takes a word from someone’s mouth to make or break the life of another. And it takes just a single unexpected event to change one’s life as they know it—whether from good to bad or the other way round. As someone who has suffered so much in the past months, it can only get worse for me. It has never gotten better as I jump from frying pan into fire and then from that fire that starts off as a normal flame into a wild one that threatens to consume all of me. At least this was what I thought until Alpha Gregory happened and he gave me a life that many girls would kill for, a life I never imagined I would have. A life I didn’t want. A promise of love, a crown over my head and a title of power cannot change the fact that none of that is my free-will. I didn’t want him, neither did I want the love he offered. And that was both our undoing. ****Alpha Gregory captured me in the last Omega game I played and
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