Semua Bab The Alpha's Caregiver : Bab 21 - Bab 30
187 Bab
20. Keyword is ‘Kill’
CHAPTER 20–Keyword is “Kill” Eudora.Lillian pulled up from the floor and exited the room with me. I had my arms wrapped tightly around the old Gamma, putting most of my weight on her as my legs were too heavy to walk out of there on their own accord. Despite how heavy I no doubt was, Lillian didn’t complain, neither did she let me go till we were totally out of the room and back in the safety of mine. The moment she locked the door behind us, I let her go and fell to the ground heavily, gripping my chest as it heaved from a panic attack that was fast stealing my breath away from me. I wheezed and coughed. Tears streamed out of my eyes because of how hard it was to breathe. Death. It felt like it was finally ready to claim me and save me the misery that my life has become. I became aware of Lillian’s presence behind me. The old Gamma put a hand on my hunched over back, patting it lightly seeminly to help me overcome my plight. “Breathe, Eudora. Let yourself breathe.” She whispere
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21.How it feels to be weak.
CHAPTER 21–How it feels to be weak. ALPHA REXI almost forgot how it felt to be weak. The last time I felt it was before this new being formed inside of me and the only other time I felt it was when I met her…♣️♣️♣️“Rex…I brought you a friend.” I wasn’t strapped to a chair or the bed. This time, they had me in a barricaded cell that is nothing like the conventional one that has enough space for one to put their hands or head through. It was blocked in all corners with only a little space for me to see through and another one close to the ground probably for food to pass through. I was caged like a beast. It was beyond me how they managed to get a really large cage in here but I wasn’t surprised they were able to put me in here. They did it while I was unconscious, the way they liked to keep me because they knew how crazy I get and how much I fantasized about killing my captors. Keeping me in this cage was probably because of the other pair of eyes aside from that of the scienti
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22. I am the Dinner.
CHAPTER 22–I am the dinner. EUDORA.The rest of the week in the Angels and Banes pack was peaceful. Too peaceful for a pack said to be borne out of chaos and destruction and for someone like me whose life went to shit in a couple of days. I couldn’t say I enjoyed the peace and quiet when the world inside of my own head was a mess but I still reveled in the joy that the world outside of it wasn’t calling for the end of me.At least not yet. Since I remained in the designated room on the Alpha’s home, I had no reason to see him. It was almost as if he hasn’t decided on what to do with me after the traumatizing experience in his room the way he regained consciousness. I hoped to the goddess that he kept it that way. I didn’t know for how long but I just prayed I didn’t have to see him for as long as needed for me to recover from everything I’ve been through since I turned eighteen. Lillian was the only soul I set my eyes on after that day. She was the only soul I longed to see because
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23. Her Alpha till he says otherwise.
CHAPTER 23–Her Alpha till he says otheewsuse. ALPHA REX♣️♣️♣️They fed me well. I had to be the only prisoner in the world who always had a table set before him like a king. It was the only thing that didn't change over the years as eating that way was the kind of life I had before I was coldly tossed into this one. I cared less if anything is added into my meals since I got injected with an even stronger substance most of the time anyway. Whenever the damned scientist shows up with my food, he'd ask: "Do you want me to sit and eat with you?" Each time, a angry growl was enough for him to take the hint and leave me the fuck alone before I finally settle down in my peace and quiet to eat my meals. Having to see his face while I eat would only make me choke on my food. Eating was the only time I felt human. Normal. It was the only time I felt like I wasn't some enraged beast locked up to save the world from ruin. It was the only time I wasn't thirsty for blood and destruction b
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24.A Stickler for rules.
CHAPTER 24–A stickler for rules. EUDORAI wasn’t hungry when I approached the table to eat with Alpha Rex but I thought it was going to be easy to stuff my face with food and leave as soon as I could. Since I couldn't change anything else, I could at least reduce the time I had to spend around him. It didn’t go as planned. Not with the sibling war—one like no other—that I got swept up in and I couldn’t even bring myself to eat the food in front of me after that. The hatred between the both of them was sizzling. You could feel it in your bones and it could electrocute you if you got too close. It was beyond me how Lillian spoke so highly of Alpha Rex while his sister hated him to bits. When I asked Lillian because she was the only actual person willing to talk to me in the entire house, she didn’t give an answer. I couldn’t decide if it was because she really didn’t know or she wasn’t allowed to spill the tea. Either way, if my life was hell before, having to sit in the middle of tw
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25. The Banes 1
CHAPTER 25–The Banes. EUDORA.A creak in my door startled me. I never leave the door open but I did today. It was the only wise way to have Zena come into my room without having to knock and attract attention. “Eudora? Are you awake?” The hush voice was Zena’s just as I expected. My gaze locked on the wall clock just as my feet touched the floor by the foot of my bed. It was just a minute past midnight. Zena was right on time and we were really doing this. We were sneaking out of the house, together. I tiptoed over to her, fearing that the littlest noise would bring Lillian away from her room and down to mine to inspect what was going on. The three of us were the only ones in the house. I long figured out that the Beta male of Alpha Rex didn’t live with him and the first time I met the Beta female who still remained a mystery to me, was the last I saw of her. At the door, the grey unfeeling eyes of Zena were peeping through the slightly opened door. They caused a chill to creep
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26.The Banes 2
CHAPTER 26–The Banes 2 EUDORA.I have never been to a club and the very first time I did, I walked right into what seemed like a trap that had been set for me. The people here–whoever they were–had been waiting for me and Zena brought me right to them because I trusted her. We were in the middle of the club. I looked ahead to see the gyration of bodies against each other. Scents were mixed and would only leave you to recognize people by their faces. Alongside music, my ears were filled with familiar moans of pleasure mixed with grunts and the harshest of breaths. Everyone was too lost in the sensational sound of the music and the sensual club lights that changed every second to care about an Omega who’d walked into danger. “Beautiful, isn’t she?” The man ran his eyes over my body. The darkness in his iris made me feel small and dirty. It made me hold myself in my arms, my body barely able to contain the fear that was slowly having my heart in a chokehold.“Err…she is not exactly m
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27. Make it two, two Scents.
CHAPTER 27–Make it two, two Scents. ALPHA REX“Are you sure we have the right place?” Logan and I have been out for days, working extra harder than we always have just because I needed to get to the root of the situation fast and get rid of the Omega. The thought of her left a brooding feeling inside of me. Even without meaning to, my thoughts would always drift over to her and then I would have to fight to replace it with something else. “Yes, I am certain this is the place. He owns the club.” Logan and I had just driven my car to a spot across from the said club. Its was heavily guarded by two hefty men and the music roaring from inside the club was loud enough to reach my ears from where I sat in my car. I snorted at the tacky name of the club brought to life by the green neon light thart flickered on and off. “When did this one open?” I asked, totally unaware of when a club opened up in my pack with a name taken out of the name of the pack itself. From a distance, I could sen
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28.One hurdle at a time.
CHAPTER 28–One hurdle at a time. EUDORA. A piece of paper with some silly writing on it.It was all I was worth this time around. It was all it took for me to be tossed away again like I didn’t breathe the same air everyone else breathed. Like I wasn’t every hit as alive as them all. Zena betrayed me and left me to deal with dangerous men. The realization still caused a shuddering feeling to rock my spine at how stupid and naive I was. Stupid to think anyone stronger, anyone of higher rank would actually be my friend. The Rogues dragged me away from the busy part of the club and into a darker area where a door was opened and I was tossed into the room whose lights were also kept low and dim. I couldn’t put up a fight. Not anymore. There was not a time when I fought back and won. This moment was just like every other. It was just like every other thing I’d been through. I huddled in a corner of the room—the darkest. I couldn’t fight the men off but I could at least hold off my woe
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CHAPTER 29–Zena+Eudora=Friends. EUDORA We didn’t stop running. We raced across rough terraces, biting shrubs and slippery grasses just the same way we did on paths that were as clear as day. Zena’s grip on my wrist was tight, her slim hand holding on to my plump ones like her life depended on it. In a way, it did. Both our lives depended on how far away from here we could get. The familiar path back home was dark and I had my own sharp eyesight to thank for how swiftly I missed dashing my feet on rocks along the way. Zena had no eye sight yet she was the one pulling me along, maneuvering her way through the obstacles bent on slowing us down. It only reminded me of how she’d read whatever was in that paper with her fingers and knew just what it was. She was a mixture of danger and fascination, both deadly thrills to man. Crazy how both things were responsible for us running for our lives. The fascination that made me follow her and the danger that was posed to me because of her.
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