All Chapters of Hide and Seek: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Chris
1 week later… “Christine Loup, I know you’re not wearing a sports bra under a dress shirt. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Summer cries out the second that she walks into my office. Today is my first official meeting with the our area leadership, including the elders. I’m dressed in a knee-length, navy blue skirt that flares around my knees paired with a red dress shirt and red kitten heels. And yes, I have a sports bra on under my dress shirt. “I know it isn’t the most flattering, but it’s the only bra that fits. My boobs have gotten huge out of fucking nowhere. None of my bras fit. I’m spilling out everywhere. And what makes it worse is that they hurt. I’ve had to wear a sports bra to bed the past few nights,” I say. “They are looking rather voluptuous,” JoJo agrees. “Voluptuous? Shit, she could go swimming without a life jacket. She’s got built in floatation devices,” Fati exclaims loudly. I flip her the bird as Summer looks at me critically. “They ha
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Chapter 32 - Rowen
“H-h-how is that possible?” Chris asks, a tidal wave of emotion flowing from that one word. I ache for my friend, my sister-from-another-mister. The hits just keep on coming for her, like Selene has it out for her. I don’t even know how to comfort her. Dr. Hazel clears her throat. I’ve always liked the Artemis Area pack doctor. Not only did she deliver Jacob and every one of our friends, but she’s down to earth and easy to connect with. If anyone can help make sense of this, hopefully it will be her. “I may have an anwer to that. When did you last have sex with your mate?” she asks. Everyone in the Artemis Area knows about Chris’s situation. None of us really believes in keeping secrets from those we were literally created to protect. They know that Chris met and lost her mate before she even found out that he was her mate. This way, there’s an entire section out there looking for Esteban. Chris takes a beat to answer Dr. Hazel and that’s how I know how hard all of thi
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Chapter 33 - Jared
2 weeks later… It’s the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend and everyone is leaving to go back to the academy. Fati and JoJo left with their folks yesterday. They are driving back and dropping Kayla off at her place so that she can get everything packed up at her house and things moved over from her job. She’ll only be gone for five days, but the hang dog looks on my fathers’ faces was one of the funniest things that I have ever seen. Well…until they reminded me that I’m going to be feeling the same thing when Summer and Rowen leave today. I’ve been up for about 30 minutes, just basking in the feeling of these two wolves wrapped around me. We’ve been together for three weeks now, spending every day and every night together. I’ve fallen deeper in love with both of them and the way that we fit together, not just in bed but everywhere, is just so effortless and natural. It feels like it was meant to be. I shake my head, trying to remove that thought. I know that each of us has be
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Chapter 34 - Arya
Wednesday… The doorbell rings and I call, “Come on in!” Dev and I are in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on dinner. We all have dinner together at least once per week, typically on Mondays. However, since we all had just gotten home on Sunday evening, we elected to move it to Wednesday. In walk all of my males, Alexander, Jacob, and Rowen. “Mama, Pop, how you guys doing?” Jacob says immediately coming into the room and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Though I think he’s using that as an excuse to steal a carrot from the salad I’m making. “Hello, handsome. How’s life?” I ask, smacking his hand to get him out of the salad bowl. He gives me a cheeky grin as he pops the carrot in his mouth and walks over to Dev to give him a man hug. “Life is just like me,” he says as he hugs Dev. “Cool, calm, and looking good.” All of us groan and I watch Rowen smack his shoulder and Alexander roll his eyes before he gives me a huge hug. He wraps me up in a giant bear hug li
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Chapter 35 - Devin
It’s Thursday night. Poker night with the boys. I love this tradition. It’s something that Hakeem, Gael, and I started when we got everything settled down with restructuring an entire continent’s government and building an entirely new city. We play more for bragging rights, but once my boys and some of the other’s around the academy started joining in regularly, we played for humiliation. The night’s big winner got to pass out some type of punishment to the losers. I’ve had to give training wearing a neon green dress, dye my hair hot pink which incidentally does transfer to your wolf, call every alpha in the continent over FaceTime with a full face of makeup, and given all the lunas in the area a lap dance. But I’ve also made Hakeem and Gael do anything that they wanted to Meredith without ever pleasuring themselves for an entire week, which was well worth any other punishment I may have ever gotten. Tonight, we have me, Hakeem, Gael, Nathan (Naomi’s son with Julian), an
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Chapter 36 - Hakeem
After Dev explained his idea for Tomas, we all made it our mission to make sure that he lost. To who, it didn’t matter, because we were all going to follow through with Dev’s punishment. It made anything that we would have to do if we lost worth it for the next year’s worth of punishments. To try and distract him, we started asking about his mission. We needed the information anyway. “So, how did everything go?” Nathan asks, raising the bet in the pot. I toss in my bet and Tomas folds in disgust. “Man, it was a fucking shit show. The Riding Hoods had rustled up some asanbosom, the closest thing to real-life vampires there are out there. Like a fucking bare-ass monkey with huge ass claws and teeth. They turned them loose on an entire village. Killed everyone: Men, women. All of the damn kids. Even the fucking pets. Drained fucking dry.” Gaels folds as well and Nathan calls it, me taking the pot. “And what the fuck did they hope to do my releasing those things onto h
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Chapter 37 - Arya
“Amelia Shyla Singh! What the hell have you brought us to?” I ask. It’s Girls’ Night with me, Meredith, and Amelia. Amelia is Declan and Carmen’s daughter, Tomas’s sister, and Gael’s niece. Unlike our males, who do the same thing every Guys’ Night, we have a different person pick what we’re going to do each time. Spa days, cooking classes, wine tasting, the strip club that I will NEVER tell Devin about and thank the Goddess that Rowen had elected to visit Xander so that he didn’t spy on us. We’ve done it all. Fati, JoJo, Chris, and a lot of the other she-wolves come when they can, but tonight it happens to be just the three of us. But tonight is a first. We are in an extremely long gallery, almost like an indoor shooting range. But all the shooting ranges that I’ve ever been in are sleek, modern, and minimalist. This place is all rugged wood, wood chips on the floor, and males in flannel shirts and jeans. Twangy country music is playing loud on the sound system. Waitr
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Chapter 38 - Brandon
“Beautiful, how much longer are you gonna be gone? We miss you,” I whine into the FaceTime call with Kayla. “I know, Brandon. I need my Master and my Alpha. Unfortunately, my old boss is out because he had a family emergency. His daughter had to have an emergency appendectomy and she became septic because of it. She’s only 12, so…” Kayla shrugs. “He needs to be at my exit interview because he’s my direct supervisor. I won’t be coming back until at least Tuesday.” Both Zak and I groan, missing our mate almost unbearably. “You could come down?” Kayla suggests. “Just for the weekend?” “I have to go to Arcadia tomorrow morning to see Esteban’s cousin’s alpha. He has to come to Arcadia for his brother’s graduation. He said he’d come a day early and meet with Hakeem and me. That way, we could talk with the cousin in real time through his mindlink. Hopefully, after that I’ll be able to get Esteban and send him home to Chris,” I say. “Soooo, you could come after?” Kayla
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Chapter 39 - Summer
I have never been this nervous about a date before. It’s almost insane that I feel that way right now. But I’ve wanted Rowen and Jared for so long that it only makes sense I guess. And I’ve never been with them romantically on a 1:1 basis. It was always all three of us. Since we returned on Monday, I’ve seen Rowen everyday, but we haven’t really had time alone. Monday and Tuesday nights, I had night patrol. Wednesday, he had family dinner with his parents and I was catching up on school work because of night patrols. I had a test this morning and I definitely didn’t study over break, unless you count anatomy. Male anatomy if you want to be specific. I have two specimens that I could map out with my eyes closed. We’ve had lunch together or talked after training but we haven’t really had any quality time. But Rowen and I have decided that we would have a date night tonight, our first free night since we’ve returned. We’ve got a couple of dates set up over the next few da
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Chapter 40 - Rowen
I’ve been to the girls’ apartment often. Summer and her crew were some of the best friends that we had. My family and I have lived here with Fati and JoJo all of our lives, since their mom, Meredith, is the main oracle of the Goddess and my parents are demi-gods. And I’ve said before that Jacob, Alexander, and I basically grew up with Summer, Chris, and Jared. The only one that we haven’t grown up with in our little group is Jai. He’s the son of Liam, Sandra, and Bhakti. About every six months, we meet up with all of the original trios from the war. My parents had made amazing friends during that time and they all made every effort to make this meeting happen. In fact, in the 20 years that they've been meeting up, there have only been a handful of times that anyone has missed and that’s usually because they were too far along in a pregnancy or just had a pup. We know Jai from there. We all get along with most of the trio kids. We even call ourselves the legacies, since
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