All Chapters of Hide and Seek: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
Chapter 51 - Esteban
I come awake all at once, screaming for my mother, tears immediately falling from my eyes. “Mama!” It takes a few seconds for things to come into focus and for me to understand what is happening. I’m in a cell, cuffed in silver to the wall by my wrists and a chain around my neck. There is enough slack in the chains that I can use the bucket that they’ve set beside me for a bathroom and to a small cot for a bed. There’s a single window up high on the wall, but it’s so high and so small there’s no point in trying to get to it. There’s also a single, bare light bulb in the room that while make it so that we can see at night, but there’s no way for me to turn on the light from the inside, meaning I’m at the mercy of my captors for even light to see by. And right now, the night sky is overcast and and the light is off. The place smells rank, like piss, mold, and the incense of the Riding Hoods. But as I’m waking up more, I’m getting another scent, that of orange and honeysuckle.
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Chapter 52 - Zak
I’m trying my best to keep calm, but it is a near thing. My second chance mate has been kidnapped by the Riding Hood. Do you know how much it is a blow to the ego of an alpha, even an ex-one, that he can’t keep his mates safe? Do you know how much this is sending my wolf into a frenzy right now? At this point, every single one of my mates have been kidnapped. Brandon by Casen, Severn, and Corrinda and both of my she-wolf mates by the fucking Riding Hoods! And now my pups have been taken as well. Because if Kayla is pregnant, she has to be pregnant with twins. Fuck, my wolf is going insane. Doesn’t help that we have to wade through all the dead bodies with Gus, identifying everyone and seeing if there are any unaccounted for wolves. It seems that the Riding Hoods descended on them without any warning. There’s actually a circular scorch mark in the center of the town that they’ve created inside the barbed wire, almost looking like the blast off site for a rocket ship. I
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Chapter 53 - Chris
I wake up in the hospital. The light coming through the windows is all wrong. It should be dark. Why does the light look like mid afternoon? It’s only then that I realize that I’m not in my bedroom or even in my suite. I sit up and realize that I’m in a room at the pack hospital. And I’m not alone. The second that I move, Aubrey calls out, “She’s awake.” Meredith, Uncle Dev, Bhatki, Liam, and Sandra, along with ALL SIX of my grandparents, all swarm into the room, along with Dr. Hazel. Shit, I’ve never had so many medical wolves around me at once. Bhakti, Dr. Hazel, and Uncle Dev are immediately swarming the machines, checking my vitals, and feeling my forehead. That is, until Dr. Hazel pulls rank. “Alpha Devin, Luna Bhakti, I get that Chris is one of you now and is very much like family, but she is my patient and I need you to back up so that I can check on her and the pup, ok?” Uncle Dev looks like he’s about to object, but Bhakti puts her hand on his shoulder, pulling h
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Chapter 54 - Kayla
The cell that they have us in doesn’t smell the best in the first place. But then, you add the smell of incense and death that comes rolling off of the Red One and I’m running to the toilet again, vomiting up stomach bile at this point. Goddess, I’m not going to be able to handle this smell for five months. I’ll be vomiting everytime one of them comes into the room. “Ugh. Acolyte, take care of that for me,” the Red One says. “Yes, Red One,” the raven haired girl responds immediately. She crosses over to me with a pitcher in her hand. I immediately move into a defensive crouch, but she just sets the cup down on the floor. “It’s just water. Nothing else. See?” She pulls a Dixie cup off of a holder by the sink, pouring water in it and drinking so that I know that it isn’t poisoned. “I thought that you might be thirsty. I know that you’re likely very sensitive to smells right now. I’m going to perform an incantation. It’ll calm your stomach,” she says. I watch her war
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Chapter 55 - Summer
Hearing about my mother being missing was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. Having Rowen there was a huge help. He took care of me: helped me bathe, fed me, slept next to me, and held me. Though, it was still hard even with him there. We had been close once, but when Jared and I kind of went our separate ways, so had Rowen and I. Though feeling him next to me and having him hold me while I cried was a huge help, it wasn’t the same thing as having a friend there. Fati and JoJo came home and stayed with us for a while, but they had to fly out to Artemis pack with their Mom. That was the other thing, Chris had still be passed out until early afternoon today. And then, when she found out everything about Esteban and my mom, she passed out again, even with Devin trying to calm her down. The stress was so much on her body that she started bleeding and Devin had to work some healing mojo on her so that she wouldn’t lose the baby. I think that if that had ha
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Chapter 56 - Jared
I had anticipated that Summer would be too worried about her mom for anything physical to be going on and that she would likely want more of the cuddling that she’d been doing with Rowen all day. I have absolutely no problem with that. Anything that will make my girl feel better. But then, just as we’re landing, Rowen opens a mindlink with me, pushing through the images of what he’s seeing and smelling right at that moment. How Summer seems to need to think about something else from what she’s dealing with right now. And she is choosing sex to do that. Neither Rowen, nor I have a problem with that. I loved coming in to just dive right into her pussy. I can still smell her arousal coating my mouth. My dick is fully at attention and making it slightly hard to walk, given that I’m alpha blooded and I’m wearing some rather tight jeans. Rowen looks at my gait and gets a look at the large bulge in the front of my pants before barking out a laugh. “Having a little trouble walk
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Chapter 57 - Brandon
We’ve returned to the Artemis area, determined to pack up Chris and get her out of there, along with the rest of our wolves. We don’t want the Riding Hoods to come here in an attempt to get Chris and hurt anyone else. Meredith, Hakeem, Aubrey, and I have been working together to to get wolves moved to different areas. Not everyone lives close to the packhouse, with many wolves preferring to be within an hour run. They like to be more out in the woods and in nature. Normally, we wouldn’t need to worry about them as much as we do those near the packhouse when we’re worried about fighting. Those wolves that live further out have to be better fighters, better at concealing themselves, and better at defence. There also tends to be a witch or two in their midst, so the magic is helpful.But now? Now we need everyone out of the territory. As their leaders, we have to make the executive decision to take care of everyone.Working with the surrounding area alphas, we move our wolves
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Chapter 58 - Nyx
“Ugh, child. You smell like wet dog. We didn’t you bathe before coming to dinner?” the Red One, my mother, complains. “I apologize, Red One. The she-wolf is feeling poorly and I had to care for her, as well as clean her portion of the cell.” Just because she has claimed me as her daughter in front of our enemies and this spell is all for my “benefit,” that doesn’t mean that I can speak to her as if she were my mother. She is now and has always been the Red One to me. I haven’t called ehr mother since she backhanded me so hard that I fell down a flight of stairs. I think I was six then. Even with my limited understanding of family dynamics, I know that isn’t something that a loving parent is supposed to do. I have rarely, if ever, been shown any affection in this coven. The first time was by a nanny who had been proud of three year old me for solving an addition problem. She had picked me up, hugging me toward her chest. When my mother came in and saw me in the other wo
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Chapter 59 - Kayla
Thank the Goddess on high for Nyx’s morning sickness cure. Damn, do I feel so much better! I already know that I am pregnant with twins and I’m scared as hell that something is going to happen to them while I’m here. I know that they need me to be pregnant for them to do whatever fucked up ritual they’re going to do, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t do shit to us. That doesn’t mean that they’re going to allow me to carry my pups to term or that they’ll care for them once they’re born. If anything, they’ll kill them immediately after they’re finished with me. It’s the Riding Hoods, they hate werewolves. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of those thoughts. I’m much more emotional than normal right now. I’m not sure if it’s the stress of being kidnapped and away from my mates and Summer, the fear of what they’re going to do to us and when, or my pregnancy. Probably a combination of all three, but whatever it is, I break down crying at the drop of a hat. I’ve managed
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Chapter 60 - Chris
We’ve been here for two days. The cabin is gorgeous. When Gael told us about it, I thought that it would just be a dinky little place out in the woods. This is a huge, three-story lodge surrounded on three sides by a lake. It reminds me of the vampire house in that Twilight move with huge floor-to-ceiling windows on every floor. They’re tinted and double paned with blackout shades between the panes that a remote control can raise and lower, but the view is fucking beautiful. The bedrooms are spacious with attached bathrooms. The whole place is beautifully decorated. There’s paddle boats and fishing equipment, as well as a speed boat for the lake. No electronics out here. Gael’s family wanted to be completely off the grid and able to focus on their mates. There are some books and board games, but all and all, there’s not a lot here for us to do. We have a satellite phone and a mobile hotspot for things that we absolutely have to do by phone or on Zoom, but we try not to us
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