All Chapters of Baby: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
176 Chapters
Chapter 151
Hana was already in the waiting room, as they had been a few hours ago. However, this time she looked quite worried than before. Yes, Rick said that Alex's condition was weak and the man was bleeding so much that inside he had run out of blood."How's Alex doing in there? Did the doctor say anything to you?" Jenny asked Rick for now."No. The doctor didn't say anything to me, it's just that he said it to one of Alex's assistants. So, I just found out about it and told you guys," Rick said later."Don't worry, I will immediately find medical personnel to donate my blood as soon as possible," said Mother Maria, who at this time also seemed very panicked among them."Ah, Mother. Nice to meet you," said Rick, who was currently greeting the woman. Of course, because the situation made them all panic, Maria didn't realize that there was a Rick among them this time."Gosh, I didn't see you. I'm sorry, son," Maria said later.Rick, who heard that, smiled and didn't mind it, "No problem, Mothe
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Chapter 152
"Do you want to buy something? I'll go out with Hana for a bit, and after that I'll be back at the hospital," James asked Jenny.Jenny shook her head, "No. I'm not hungry. You guys go, no problem. Me and some of Alex's assistants will still be here."James smiled and after that went away with Hana who was currently walking hand in hand.Kevin glanced at Jenny this time "Are you sure you're resting? I'll look after Alex here."Jenny looked at James and then smiled faintly, "No Kevin. You even said that a few minutes ago. Do you want to rest? It's fine if I'm here alone."Kevin shook his head, "No, of course I won't leave you. I'll still be here. Take it easy."Both were quiet for a moment and preoccupied with their own thoughts. In fact, this time Kevin didn't know what to say, because his mind was quite confused at this time.Kevin sat worriedly beside Jenny, of course they were still in the waiting room of the hospital. The two of them were waiting for news from the doctor in there r
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Chapter 153
The dinner menu this time is a burger. Yes, all of that had been carefully considered by the two of them."In fact, we'd better make a reservation at one of the five-star restaurants," said James immediately to Hana.Hearing this, of course, made Hana chuckle, "No need to do that. We can even enjoy dinner near the hospital. So that we have enough time to eat dinner this time."Inevitably, James could only nod in agreement at the request of the princess Hana in question. After all, as long as Hana was happy and comfortable, of course James would feel the same way about whatever it was.After ordering several kinds of menus for the two of them, this time it seemed that the situation between the two of them was very warm and very cheerful, especially when James started giving lots of jokes to Hana and of course this managed to make the woman laugh.The atmosphere in the restaurant was warm and full of joy as James and Hana enjoyed dinner together. They sat at a comfortable table, while w
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Chapter 154
Jenny tried to take a deep breath when she was about to open the doorknob. After she succeeded in doing so, she saw Alex's figure lying in the same position. Yes, the man just finished his blood transfusion. Mother Maria and also the nurse who had approached the two of them had said that everything was going well.The atmosphere in the ward was tense and full of worry. Alex lay weakly on the bed, but he noticed the presence of Jenny and Kevin sitting next to him. Despite being weak, he tried to smile at them."Jenny, Kevin... Thanks for coming here," Alex said in a low but grateful voice.Jenny looked at Alex with a worried expression, tears barely missing her eyes. She held Alex's hand tightly, providing warmth and support."Oh, Alex... You shouldn't talk much. You need to rest," Jenny said in a hoarse voice, trying to hold back her tears.Kevin sat on the other side of the bed, looking at Alex with mixed feelings of worry and hope. He tried to give an excited smile."We are all here
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Chapter 155
Hana and also James had just arrived at the hospital. This time they were looking at Jenny and Kevin who were standing at the door of Alex's ward. It seemed she was very worried."Sorry we were so late to make it on time. How's Alex doing in there?" asked Hana at once."I had left him with Kevin for a while to call a doctor, according to Alex's wish for me. However, some time later, for some reason Alex felt pain in a part of his body. This time the doctor was conducting another examination and giving him first aid," said Jenny to Hana who by this time had explained everything in detail."We hope the best for him," said Mother Maria, who suddenly came among them all. This time, they were waiting back outside Alex's room."I suddenly felt something else, but I don't know, I don't really know what this all of a sudden means, Hana," muttered Jenny, who was currently approaching Hana and looking at the woman.James nodded and after that went towards Ibu Maria and also Kevin who were a few
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Chapter 156
Discussion and also the conversation that happened so fast. In fact, here Hana and also Kevin play an important role in all the wealth owned by Alex to date."And most of it all fell to Jenny Rome. It's just that, you two are entrusted with explaining this to Jenny Rome. Mr. Alex Rome doesn't want to do it at all. In accordance with the will that was signed by Mr. Alex Rome, saying that Kevin has an important role in looking after Jenny and also explaining everything."Those words still ring so clearly in Kevin's mind to this day. In fact, he still didn't expect such a huge task and this time it was directed at him."Can you call Jenny now? I have something to say to her," Alex said slowly. Even his eyes seemed to be half closed for the moment.After the three men left, this time it was Kevin and Hana who decided to leave from the infirmary.After leaving the infirmary, Jenny's presence appeared there, which immediately headed towards the two of them this time."How is Alex doing in t
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Chapter 157
Titttt...Jenny was silent for a moment when she heard a voice that of course surprised her.Her gaze was fixed on Alex who for some reason closed his eyes slowly. In fact, Jenny could also feel if the grip of the hand that they were holding immediately became released.Jenny shouted. Yes, it was the first thing she did. In fact, the woman also shouted the doctor's name, and also Kevin there.After a while, it appeared that there was a doctor who was filling the room. Even some nurses were also there.Outside the room, Jenny, Hana, James, and Kevin waited tensely. They knew how serious Alex's current condition was, and their hearts filled with worry and hope. They comfort each other and provide support and strength to each other in this difficult situation.In the room, doctors and medical personnel were trying their best to provide first aid to Alex. They worked conscientiously and with dedication, trying everything possible to recover Alex.Jenny felt her heart pounding. She prayed
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Chapter 158
Jenny's heart was so fragile when she actually learned the news of Alex's death. That very night, she saw for herself that Alex was about to be moved to the morgue which was behind the hospital."I still can't believe all of this. Tell me that all of this is just a dream," said Jenny, who at this time continued to cry when she saw several nurses who were carrying out their duties to bring Alex out of the ward."Jenny, be patient. Everything is true, but we have to face everything," said Kevin later. He had tried to calm Jenny so far.There were many Alex and Rick's personal assistants who were securing the hospital at that time. In fact, they are also trying to calm Jenny and express their sorrow to her.Jenny kept crying and crying. She never even realized it. Yes, she felt that the world was not fair this time.Jenny immediately felt the touch of her neck. There was a necklace that she had used since childhood. More precisely, a necklace given by Alex when they were at the orphanage
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Chapter 159
"Okay, do you have a suitable destination for today?" Kevin asked Jenny who was currently relaxing in the living room.Jenny has searched several sites through the internet. However, there is only one place that she thinks is suitable for them to go this afternoon.Rockaway Beach. Yes, the beach will be their destination today.One of the beaches in New York that is suitable for enjoying the sunset and relaxing under a beautiful sky is Rockaway Beach. Located in the borough of Queens, this beach offers stunning panoramas with wide white sand and gentle waves.As the sun sets, the sky over Rockaway Beach transforms into a dreamy color palette, with shades of orange, red and purple splashing across the horizon. The atmosphere of this beach is very calming and romantic, perfect for relaxing after a long day.All those who visit the place can choose to sit on the soft sand while enjoying the spectacular sunset view. Or, if you prefer comfort, there are sitting areas and benches near the w
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Chapter 160
Jenny started cleaning up her equipment. It seemed that there was no one she knew around the beach.However, while packing up her gear, she felt that sunset was almost here. Quickly, Jenny immediately took her cell phone and turned around. She didn't want to be left with a beautiful view which of course she had been waiting for since a few hours ago.Jenny immediately captured the moment, and at this time she was recording the entire scene that she got."Wow, it looks so beautiful," Jenny mumbled then. She has no regrets at all for choosing Rockaway as her first destination to go to the beach this time.Afternoon at Rockaway Beach is the most amazing and magical time. As the sun begins to slowly descend towards the horizon, this beach presents a stunning sunset view that will captivate anyone who experiences it.As the sun gets closer to the horizon, the sky turns into a stunning palette of colors. Initially, the sky is a bright blue with floating white clouds, creating the perfect ba
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