All Chapters of Baby: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
176 Chapters
Chapter 161
Hana, Jenny, Kevin, and James are currently indulging in a delightful seafood dinner at one of New York's finest restaurants. The restaurant is known for its exquisite selection of fresh seafood and its elegant ambiance.As they take their seats at a beautifully set table, the soft lighting and sophisticated decor create an intimate atmosphere. The aroma of the ocean lingers in the air, enticing their senses and building anticipation for the culinary delights that await them.The menu offers a wide array of delectable seafood dishes, each carefully crafted to highlight the natural flavors of the sea. From succulent lobster and buttery scallops to plump shrimp and tender fish, there is something to satisfy every palate.Hana, Jenny, Kevin, and James engage in lively conversation, their laughter blending with the melodic sounds of glasses clinking and gentle music playing in the background. They share stories, relishing the joy of each other's company and cherishing the memories they've
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Chapter 162
That night, Jenny couldn't sleep at all. She didn't know why she was so happy after celebrating her birthday party which could be said to be so impromptu."Being 21 years old is something I didn't expect at all and so far. In fact, I still can't believe that I'm now 21 years old. Thank you, God. You have given all the best for me so far, and I'm starting to feel that way. I'm so grateful for what you've given me," Jenny muttered later.She just remembered that James, Hana, and also Kevin had given to her something after the dinner was over.Jenny then stood up and after that turn on the light in her room again. There, she saw two large packages. She didn't know who gave it to her, because she doesn't really remember it, except to get closer and read the name on it if it's available."Okay, apparently this is a gift from James and also Hana," Jenny muttered at once. Her smile seemed to rise when she saw the purple gift wrapping that had been used with a teddy bear picture on it. Really
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Chapter 163
Knock! Knock!Kevin was knocking on Jenny's bedroom door which at this time still seemed to be tightly closed."Is Jenny still asleep at this point?" muttered Kevin then.He then tried to slowly open Jenny's bedroom door, and of course Jenny's bedroom door was unlocked.Kevin was silent for a moment after knowing that the door to the girl's room was unlocked. Kevin was quite hesitant to go in there, because he felt that the place was quite awkward for him to enter at random without the owner's knowledge."Jenny?" call Kevin immediately. The man's gaze was fixed on Jenny who was currently sitting at the window of her room. Even Kevin was quite surprised by the activities Jenny was currently carrying out."Jenny, let's have breakfast first," Kevin said suddenly. Actually, he was very happy when he saw Jenny using his birthday gift this morning. In fact, it seems that the woman was so excited when using it."Look, Kev. Apparently this morning we can see some planets in the sky. Do you wa
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Chapter 164
This time Jenny and Kevin were already at their destination. Of course Kevin chose the VIP spot for their breakfast this time. In fact, he shouldn't choose excessive privacy for them just for breakfast. It's quite excessive but everything has already been ordered by Kevin at this time."We just need to wait for the presence of Hana and also James. They say that if they are in the middle of their journey this time, maybe they will arrive here soon," said Kevin, who tried to explain it to Jenny this time.Jenny nodded spontaneously and at this time began to stare and admire the interior designs that were around them.Jenny was amazed as soon as she walked into The Morning Brew restaurant in New York. The interior design of this restaurant exudes a modern, stylish impression and combines classic touches with contemporary elements.High ceilings with elegant chandeliers give it a luxurious feel and add to the warm atmosphere. The walls are decorated with wood paneling combined with a touc
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Chapter 165
After finishing their breakfast. This time they were all in an office which of course was their destination that very day."Is everything still unfinished? I thought that everything was finished," Jenny asked Hana in a half whisper.Hana lowered her head a little this time, "Just a little more, you see, the late Alex had so much wealth passed down for you. In fact, we all got it too. He was very kind."Jenny took a deep breath. In fact, until now she did not know how much wealth Alex owned."Okay, this is still part of everything. Here it says.." Kevin was silent for a moment while reading the leaflet that he was about to give Jenny to sign immediately, and in the end Kevin gave up. He then gave it to Jenny with a chuckle."I don't know what the nominal value is because it looks like there are a lot of zeros written on it," Kevin said then while giving it to Jenny.Jenny took and he was curious. Well, apparently what Kevin is saying is very true. She didn't even know her name there. S
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Chapter 166
Hana let James go back home after the man drove himself a few moments ago.Hana has been going to the bathroom quite often since her arrival. She felt quite nauseous and for some reason her mind became chaotic for the time being."Ah, I've been thinking about one thing for now," Hana muttered to herself. She got up to sit down and started looking for her cell phone at this time.For some reason she really wanted to contact Nicole - one of her friends who became a doctor.After getting what she had been looking for all along, Hana immediately contacted her friend and not long after, she got an answer on the other side."Hello, Hana. Long time no see. How are you today?"Hearing that question actually made Hana close her eyes, "Okay, so far I'm fine. However, can you go to my house? Maybe when dinner comes? I would like if you helped me to check on me at this time. I don't know why I feel quite dizzy since in this morning.""Ah, I see. Well, how about after dinner? I have to attend a cl
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Chapter 167
Hana took a deep breath while looking at the white object in her right hand. Ah, for some reason she didn't expect that the white object had announced that she was pregnant."Okay, so that everything becomes more certain, I will wait for Nicole's arrival tonight," Hana said later.She also put the test pack under her sleeping pillow and after that decided to sit up and collect all her life. Ah, as much as possible she should find out everything and her final choice fell on the medical examination that she would do tonight.Hana then looked towards her back at this time. Apparently it was already 5 pm, and that meant she would soon be getting ready for dinner and preparing herself for Nicole's arrival after dinner."Okay, I'll get ready first. Hopefully Nicole doesn't come earlier according to the promise we agreed on beforehand," Hana muttered later.She then decided to check out some of the food menus that were suitable for her that night. In fact, somehow she wanted sour food for di
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Chapter 168
Hana is currently watching a series that she randomly chooses at the moment. Actually she didn't want to watch television, it's just that Nicole's presence was enough to make her wait this time."Ah, usually that woman will come earlier than usual, she is a punctual person of course," Hana muttered at once.After that, a broadcast appears which is currently showing the scene where the woman is telling the figure of her husband there. Ah, they will soon become parents of course."Okay, have a happy life for you," Hana muttered and after that decided to turn off her television for now.She pondered for a moment after thinking about what she was watching earlier. Yes, an impression that is exactly the same as what she will feel this time, it's just that she and James haven't carried out their marriage so far. She didn't know when she will do it, but never mind.. Hana isn't thinking about that right now.Knock! Knock!Hana immediately stood up and then quickly walked to the door of her ro
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Chapter 169
Hana was lying on her bed. This time she could see freely the face of the man who was staying at her house.James still can't close his eyes until now. Somehow the pleasure he was feeling was so great since a few hours ago."James, go to sleep. You've even been looking at me since two hours ago," said Hana immediately after which she decided to cover her face, but of course James held her back so that Hana wouldn't do that."I can't sleep. I don't know why I feel so happy for now. Ah, you have even given me such happy news," said James instantly. This time he even looked at Hana so closely."Sleep, James. Or I'll move from here and decide to just sleep outside the room," Hana said then and after that James shook his head."No, don't do that. I'll fall asleep if you do too. What about the offer?" asked James at once.Hana nodded when she heard him, "Okay, then let's go."After agreeing to this, the two of them fell asleep together. Even though James couldn't fall asleep at all, he stil
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Chapter 170
Ting!A short message has been received by Kevin that morning. Of course he stopped his activities for a moment to checking his phone right now.Since an hour ago, Kevin has been doing his workout after he woke up from his sleep, considering that lately he has been taking a long break from his sport. And now, he doing it again until he feel tired."Good morning, Kev. How are your preparations today?"Kevin's smile began to appear that morning. He then immediately replied to a short message from Jenny and after that returned to continue his activities.However, before he could continue in the next few minutes, for some reason Kevin really wanted to hear the woman's voice in the morning.Kevin then took his airpods and after that started contacting Jenny while continuing his activities which had been delayed.Not long ago, Kevin finally heard Jenny's voice on the other side."Hi Kevin. Good morning.""Hi Jenny. Good morning. How was your sleep?"For a while, Kevin still didn't hear an a
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