All Chapters of My Mate.....The Nerd : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
160 Chapters
18. Derek
* This chapter has a time skip so don't wonder why whatever happens here wasn't spoken about before*It's been a few weeks now since Beau and I mated and for the past couple days he's been feeling ill and it worried me. The pack had been static when we had completed the mating. It was weird having everyone in the pack congratulating us. It's been nearly a month since we completed the mating and two weeks since Beau has started feeling ill which can only mean one thing but I don't want to make assumptions and Beau knew it too as he agreed to go to the infirmary."Do you think I may be expecting?" He asked as we walked down the hall towards the infirmary "I don't know babe, it may just be a bug or something but we won't know until we speak with Decker" I replied and he nodded giving my hand a squeeze and I pulled him closer to me knowing that he was scared of the results.>His scent hasn't changed Derek
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19. Beau
"Ready to tell the family?" Derek asked as he walked up to me with Parker perched on his hip and Elijah and Justin beside him and I sighed nodding. It's been about three days now since we sat all three boys down and told them that they were going to be big brothers and to say their reactions were understandable seeing as it had been only the three of them for the past few months since Derek and I adopted them. After we both told them just because there was a baby on the way didn't mean we would them away, instead of that we would love all four equally because they were our kids and we couldn't really favor one over the others.So now here we were, all five of us driving to my parents' house where we had agreed to hold the small family gathering with Derek's family meeting us there. We even had our closets friends join as well and we were going to be announcing my pregnancy in a couple of days seeing as Mama was a few weeks away from having my little brothers.It's crazy to think that
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20. Derek
"We should start thinking about putting the boys in school" Beau said the following day as we for ready to drop all three boys at Ryker and Preston's house while we went to school which feels like it's been forever since we've stepped foot in that building even though we were there just last week. "It's too late to put them in school now babe," I said and he rolled his eyes "Well duh. I meant once school starts up again" he replied with sass making me chuckle"We still have a long way to go before we start thinking about them going to school Beau. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now we need to focus on finishing school ourselves first" I said and he sighed, "Come here"I held my arms open and Beau walked over burying his face in my chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist"It's going to suck not having them around next year" he mumbled against my chest and I chuckled kissing the top of his head, "don't laugh asshole""Sorry, and yes you're right it's going to su
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21. Beau
It's been two days since Derek and Carlos had their small altercation in the parking lot and we haven't heard from him or Connie which worries both Derek and I. Connie is always either calling or texting us but we haven't heard from her for two days which is unusual."What's got you frowning baby?" I looked in the mirror and saw my very pregnant mom staring at me with a raised brow and I shook my head, "Don't lie Beau"Mama waddled into the room and pushed me gently so I was facing him and began fixing my tie which I was grateful for but I could still that he wanted to know what was bothering me "That's something that you got from your father you know" he said before I could even begin and I frown "What do you mean?" I asked "Pretending that nothing is bothering you" He replied looking at me and I chewed on the inside of my cheek, "You've had that same look on your face since you came home from your last exam on Monday" "Nothing goes by you does it Mama?" I asked with a chuckle ma
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22. Derek
"Whats going on?" I asked two days later and Beau pointed outside towards the yard and I frowned but looked over and saw Ryker and Preston talking with a group of men and women in the yard with their adopted sons beside them"Who are they?" I asked "The Beta and third in command of RedForest" I looked behind at the sound of a new voice and saw Mattie who was glaring daggers at the group outside "Why are they here?" Beau asked his uncle who sighed and looked down at Beau who was cradling a sleeping Parker and I noticed Justin and Elijah were no where to be seen and looked at my mate with a raised brow"Where are the other two?""In the play room with Ajax and the other kids" he replied and I nodded "So why are the Beta and Third from RedForest here" I questioned again "They came for Reggie and Liam" we all looked up at the sound of Preston's voice and saw him fuming, eyes flashing as he fought to control his wolf, "they fucking think that they can come onto our territory and demand
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23. Beau
"CAMERON!"I called when I saw Cameron walking towards the woods and Derek stood beside me as we waited for him to turn around to face us "What are you going to do when you go back to England?" Derek asked and Cameron looked over his shoulder with a smirk "What I should've done a long time ago" he replied and before we could ask him anything else he was shifting into his wolf form and running into the woods and in the distance we heard him howl before it went silent again. I looked up when I felt a breeze and saw a beautiful dragon in the sky. She was breathtaking. This was the first time I've ever seen her in this form, hell on any of her forms since she's not one to shift. Her dragon was a gorgeous assortment of colors from hazel to topaz to gold. Her scales shimmered like diamonds from the sun hitting them. It was something I'll never get used to seeing since Derek likes shifting to his dragon form a lot more than he does his other forms. >Do not attack a wolf that just ran off.
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24. Derek
"So any word from Cameron?" I asked Connie who was looking down at her phone and she shook her head with a frown"He said he would call me as soon as he arrived in England but it's been almost a whole week since he left and nothing" she replied and I nodded and I knew she was worried about him. The alpha was a ruthless bastard from what Ryker and Preston have told me about him the day after we met Liam and Reggie in the cellars. He told me that Sage Smith was nothing but a dictator that didn't give a fuck about who he harmed as long as he got what he wanted and knowing that, it worried not just me but everyone else for Cameron and his son's safety. I couldn't bring myself to voice my thoughts to Connie in fear that she'll do something stupid like fly out to England in her condition just to be with Cameron. "I'm sure he's just busy Connie" I said and she frowned before sighing and nodding "Maybe you're right" "Why don't you go rest? You've been stressing a lot and you know what Dec
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25. Beau
Everything happened so fast that I didn't even get time to process the fact that Papa knew these people from the way he had reacted. The leader of the coven lowered her hood to reveal a stunning woman with dark hair and skin as white as snow. I watched her raise her hand and speak in a strange language which had Zelios moving forward to stand in front of her."What did you do to him?" Derek snarled as he stood in front of me in human form "Just put him under a spell, he was that easy to manipulate" the woman said with a smirk twisting her fingers "He's done nothing to you" Papa growled "Oh I know. I'm using him to destroy your little pack" The woman said chanting and her followers soon joined her and I could see Zelios shaking as he began to snap and snarl at us >GO INSIDE BEAU
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26. Derek
I frowned watching as Ajax sniffed and looked around the yard before bolting into the woods as if he smelt something alluring. I went to follow him but a hand grabbed me making me look over my shoulder to see Ryker looking out the window in the direction that Ajax had gone in a few moments ago."Don't. There is a reason why my son ran off that way, Derek" he said making me frown "Isn't it dangerous for him to be out there after the witches and rogues attacking?" I asked but he shook his head "There hasn't been any more sighting of any witches or rogues since last month's attack. You should know that by now seeing as you and Beau have doubled patrol and there hasn't been any word from the teams on each border about rogues or any other creature for the matter at the borders" he replied and I sighed nodding"Do you think he may have found his mate?" I asked "Nothing would make Preston and I happier than knowing our son had found his mate, Derek" he answered and I looked back out the w
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27. Beau
"Ready A?" Papa asked as we gathered in the woods and I looked over at my brother who nodded though he looked hurt and pained. I grabbed his hand a gave it a gentle squeeze letting him know that we were all here for him and he looked over and gave me a soft smile squeezing my hand. Even though most people with Down syndrome don't usually communicate or show emotion, Ajax was different. When he was hurt he cried, when he was happy he laughs and dances around and when he's angry he throws things and hit his head or when he's mad at someone he won't talk to them until they apologized for whatever they had done to get him mad. Ajax is a very open when it comes to his emotions hence why I knew he was scared and hurt.I stood back with the rest of the family and Ashton's siblings as both Ajax and Ashton walked to the center of the clearing standing in front of my parents. "Lift up your left hand" papa instructed and both lifted their hands and flinched when Papa sliced their palm and the
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