All Chapters of My Mate.....The Nerd : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
160 Chapters
18. AJ
It had been a few weeks since Ajax and I discussed the possibility of having children. In our pack, it seemed as though all mated couples had children within a year of getting together. But Ajax and I were different. We had decided to wait before bringing kids into the mix, especially now that the pack was facing more rogue and hunter problems than ever before. Our decision to delay starting a family was a tough one, but we believed it was the right choice given the circumstances.Rogue werewolves had been causing havoc in our territory, sneaking into villages and attacking innocent humans. The pack's safety had become our top priority, leaving little room for starting a family.The hunters lurking in the shadows only added to our concerns. These humans were relentless in their pursuit of supernatural beings, determined to eliminate or capture them. Our pack had avoided them thus far, but we couldn't risk exposing any children to their dangerous presence.Despite these challenges, Aja
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19. Ajax
And it's official," Mama said, his eyes twinkling with pride as he looked at AJ and me. "Your pack is officially called Moonlit Haven." A surge of excitement washed over me as I glanced over at my mate, AJ, whose stunned expression mirrored my own disbelief. For months now, we had been discussing the idea of starting our own pack, and now it seemed like a dream come true.I turned my attention to the parchment paper Mama held, my heart pounding. It was adorned with intricate designs and carefully penned words, detailing the information that Moonlit Haven was now recognized as an official pack. The paper also proudly proclaimed our allies as Savage, King, and Moonlit Oasis packs, a testament to the friendships we had cultivated and the alliances we had formed.AJ's hands trembled as he absorbed the significance of the document. He read it over and over, his disbelief slowly giving way to a growing sense of accomplishment. We were the first pack in Canada to be formed by a rogue wolf, d
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20. AJ
It had been a whirlwind two months since MoonLit Haven became an official pack. In that time, my mate had seamlessly adjusted to his role as the second or alpha, or what others may say as Luna, effortlessly guiding and supporting our pack. Although we were a small group consisting of Ajax and me, along with Dillon and Jake, Jasmine, Axel, Gustin, and Jensen, we were determined to expand our family. Today, as Ajax and Jake went to visit his parents and siblings, we continued our work of building new homes in our vast land.As we labored under the bright sun, Jasmine's pondering question hung in the air, filling it with anticipation. "Do you think we'll get more people to join the pack?" she asked, her eyes filled with hope. I paused for a moment, contemplating her words and allowing my gaze to meet hers. The gleam of optimism in my eyes must have been evident, for I responded with unwavering determination, "Yes, Jasmine. I believe that more wolves will find their place amongst us. Moo
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21. Ajax
Finding out that AJ and I were expecting our first child together was an amazing and exciting experience. We had been trying to conceive for quite some time, and the news brought us an immense amount of joy and anticipation. Little did we know, this beautiful journey was just about to begin.AJ, despite me only being five weeks along, took it upon himself to ensure my utmost comfort and safety. He believed that carrying anything heavy might pose a risk to our unborn child, and so he adamantly refused to let me engage in any task that involved lifting or straining. At first, I found his protectiveness endearing, although it did take some time for me to adapt to this new dynamic.Every morning, AJ would bring me a tray filled with a freshly brewed cup of herbal tea and a simple yet nutritious breakfast. He believed that it was important for me to start the day with a nourishing meal that would provide me with the energy I needed. As I enjoyed my breakfast in bed, he would sit next to me
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22. AJ
It's been two weeks since Ajax gave birth to our baby girl and every day since the day she was being had been an absolute joy. She was beautiful and perfect in every way. The pack has showered both Mother and pup with unconditional love and affection always ready to lend a helping hand. Today was no different as Alice our pack Doctor and Martina—one of the new pack members and child caregivers—came over to see Ajax and little Athena."Hello, Alpha AJ," Alice greeted as she and Martina walked up the gravel path to the front and I smiled."Hello, Alice," I greeted back and looked at her companion, "hello, Martina.""Hello, Alpha AJ," Martina greeted with a smile, "how are Alpha Ajax and little Athena doing today?""They are doing great," I replied, leading them inside, "Ajax has been getting stronger each day, and Athena is growing like a little warrior princess."As we entered the living room, Ajax was sitting on the couch, cradling Athena in his arms. His eyes lit up as he saw Alice a
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23. Ajax
I've never imagined I'd ever experience an attack of this magnitude after having a baby two weeks ago, and yet that's exactly what happened. Everything had been going perfectly fine. Jake and I were in the playroom area of the pack where the orphaned children of the pack were playing with the adorable pups of the pack members. I held Athena close to my chest, cherishing the warmth of her tiny body against mine, just as Jake did with his own precious baby girl, Artemis. It was a peaceful afternoon filled with laughter and joy.But it all changed in an instant. It was so sudden that it took us a moment to realize what was happening. I watched in horror as our mates, Dillon and AJ, ran into the yard growling and snarling, their fur bristling with adrenaline. They were joined by their friends, a united front against the intruders. Jasmine, our fierce warrior, herded the running women, elderly, and other teens and children into the safety of the pack house, with Anna and Beth helping her. T
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24. AJ
I was in my office when I smelt a familiar scent in the air and clenched my jaw. Ashton has been visiting Ajax a lot more frequently since they became friends and as much as I wanted to tell him to not come over, I didn’t want Ajax to be upset with by rejecting his friend. I sighed and rubbed my face as I ignored the scent of the wolf and turned back to the piles of paperwork on my desk. A knock on my door made me look up and call at the person on the other side to enter. “I’m still wondering how yon still haven’t told Ajax to not invite that guy over,” Dillon said as he walked in and sat across from me once he closed the door behind hm, “if Jake had a mate before me and was rejected and then said mate wanted to be friends with him, I’d be pissed and would tell him to not invite him to the pack house.”I leaned back in my chair, rubbing the ache that had formed in my temples. "You forget, Dillon, that our mates are different," I responded, trying to keep my frustration at bay. "Ajax
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25. Ajax
*time skip*A lot has happened in a year. Ashton and I became friends, something I tonight would ever be possible. I gave birth to Athena who was the happiest little girl in the world. She knew how to get you to bend to her will with many a look of her bright blue eyes and little pout. Oh she has everyone wrapped around her little finger, specially her father. AJ would go to the absolute end of the earth to make her happy. I've told him to stop spoiling her too much but that man won't listen, and if he does he chooses to ignore it. But back to my unlikely friendship with my former mate, Ashton. I knew AJ had his reservations about me being friends with the person who had rejected me even before we got to know each other. Ashton has apologized and has explained that the reason why he did what he did and said what he did was because he was scared of what people may think of him for being mated to someone who had Down syndrome like me. Personally, I thought it was the stupidest reason b
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26. AJ
"Are you ready to go?" Ajax asked as he walked into our room with Athena beautifully dressed in a pink and blue dress with a white bow. She looked absolutely stunning. Ajax himself wore a white button-up shirt with a pair of jeans that he paired with black shoes. "Yeah," I nodded and smiled at him. We were heading to Beau and Derek's house today since it was little Lucas' birthday. He was turning four. It was crazy because it feels like it was just yesterday that Beau and Derek were telling us they were expecting a baby, and yet, four years have passed since that day. They had invited us to the party when we had gone over last week.And not only that, but it turned out that Ashton had found his second chance mate in a guy named Camden. It was a pleasant surprise for all of us. Ashton had been the only one among the pack that had yet to find his second mate, so it was a joyous occasion for everyone. Along with Camden, Braxton had arrived at the pack house. Braxton turned out to be the
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Epilogue: Ajax
*10 years later*It's been 10 years now since MoonLit Haven became a pack and over time, it had grown exponentially. We were now considered one of the biggest packs in Canada alongside MoonLit Oasis, Savage and King Packs. I couldn't be happier because I knew how much AJ had wanted to grow the pack and knowing his dream came true was the best thing that could ever happen to him, to us. Watching my mate and husband be the alpha he was born to be was a dream come true. Under AJ's leadership, MoonLit Haven had implemented innovative strategies for both growth and harmony within the pack. He believed in nurturing the physical and emotional well-being of every wolf, thus bringing out the best in them. Each wolf had a purpose, whether it was providing security, hunting, or tending to the young and injured. The pack thrived on a sense of belonging, where every individual knew they were invaluable, contributing to the greater good.One aspect that set MoonLit Haven apart was its emphasis on
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