All Chapters of My Mate.....The Nerd : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
160 Chapters
"Do you know why Caleb and his friends hate me so much?" I asked Adam and he gave me a confused look"What do you mean?" He asked and I sighed "You know exactly what I mean. Ever since I joined the pack they've been harassing me" I said and he sighed running his fingers through his hair "You want to know why we hate, no, despise you so much? Then I'll tell you" we looked over at the sound of Caleb's voice and saw him standing on the threshold to the living room with his arms crossed over his chest "Yes, I've never done anything to you for you to hate me so fucking much" I exclaimed in exasperation"Because you're one of them" he snarled making me furrow my brows in confusion "you're one the red eyes" "I'm not like them" I said and he scoffed "You nearly killed Alpha Bennett when you first showed up here" he retorted and I looked away. No need for him to remind me that I almost killed my adopted Dad. "Don't think that I don't beat myself up every day because of it? Have you ever
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I was speechless. I didn't even know how to react to what just happened. And here I thought that my life was worse when he was hurting worse then I could ever imagine. I looked around the crowded living room to see disappointing looks from the pack and among them were my parents and brother. "How does it feel to hear those words come out of his mouth?" Alpha Dimitri asked and I looked away. He may be my mate but it still doesn't change the fact that he's a rogue. "Did you ever stop to think about what he went through before he came to this pack?" He asked his voice raising"Dimitri" his husband soothed but the man was pissed the fuck off for what happened 10 minutes ago with his son."No, Bennett. This little punk thinks he's all that because his father is head warrior but news-fucking-flash that doesn't mean shit to me. You badmouthed my son and that doesn't sit well with me. You hate him because of something that happened 7 fucking years ago. Yeah it sucks that you lost your broth
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9. Lucas
Everything around me was black. I could hear loud voices yelling my name but every time I get closer, the voices become more distant and they slowly become faint. No matter how much I try to get out of this, it pulls me back. I don't want to be here. I want to be home. I want to be with my parents and my kids. Please just let me go. I looked up when suddenly a white light illuminated me making me shield my eyes from its brightness.The voices for closer and louder as I walked down the lit hall."Pleas don't take him from me" a familiar yet unfamiliar voice cried as a baby's wails could be heard and I furrow my brows as I was I suddenly standing in a room filled with unfamiliar people.On the bed in the dar was a woman sobbing as a man held a new born baby in his arms, an glare on his face "This is your punishment for sleeping with another man" the man hissed at the wailing woman and I furrowed my brows walking closer before my eyes widen when I saw who the couple were and who the ba
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*2 years later*It's been two years since I last saw Luca. I can still hear his screams as I uttered those words on his birthday. How fucked is that? How fucked up am I to hurt him on his birthday? I had asked him to not tell anyone not even his parents about us being mates, or were mates. High school graduation was the best day of my life as I left the pack house and moved to England. I began studying criminal justice with a minor in education. I bit my lip and logged onto Facebook and the first thing I saw on my newsfeed was a picture of Lucas and his kids smiling into the camera with the caption "I feel very blessed to have two wonderful, healthy children who keep me completely grounded, sane and throw up on my shoes just before I have to be at a soccer game just so I know to keep it real" I smiled at that. He was stunning. He had let his hair grow out so it fell onto his big dark blue eyes. His daughter was adorable with light blue eyes and dirty curly blonde hair and his son lo
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11. Lucas
As the days, weeks, months and years passed by, the pain of rejection was still ever so present. It's been exactly 15 years to the date since Caleb broke my heart and I've been miserable. Every day is hard to pretend that everything is okay. I didn't want to worry my parents or the pack with my problems. I'm so stupid to continue to hope that he will regret his decision and come back and beg me to forgive him and I know that part of me, the stupid part of me, will forgive him the second he opens his mouth but there's also the rational part of me that will not give in. That, like my Dad, make him work for my forgiveness and maybe on day I'll forgive him. Princeton is turning 19 in three months and it's crazy to think that he's also graduating high school. My little boy was no longer little, he was his own person, with dreams, hopes and desires."You're thinking to much again mama" A voice scolded and I chuckled looking over my shoulder to see Princeton with his arms crossed over his ch
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"Do you have everything?" Adam asked as he and Alexa ,who has been his wife of 10 years,walked out of the house we shared with their 3 year old daughter and 8 year old son. Erick and Damon would be meeting us at the airport"Yeah. I just need to get Bailey from Bree's house" I said and they nodded. Bailey is my 2 year old, adopted daughter. I had stumble upon her on my 31st birthday when I was walking home from a long shift at the station. It was in midwinter and as I walked down the street to my apartment I heard a baby's wails. I paused to listen to the sound and when it came back, I walked over to a pile of rubbish where I found her wrapped in a thin blanket, her skin turning blue. She was still had her umbilical cord attached letting me know she was just born. I took my jacket off even though it was freezing and covered her up."Call an ambulance" I yelled entering back into the station, everyone surrounded me and a police office walked over to me who had a certificate as an MT
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13. Lucas
The sound of beeping woke me from my sleep and I slowly opened my eyes only to be greeted by bright lights. I felt a weight on hand and looked down to see a man sleeping his face facing the other way so I didn't know who it was which had me panicking. The loud beeping beside my head picked up and that woke the stranger up. He jumped his feet and looked down at me with wide eyes. "Lucas" he murmured, tears gathering in his eyes and I felt my breath hitch as realization hit. Caleb.The door to my room busted open and in rushed Dr Mel with a nurse trailing behind her "You're awake" she said with a smile and I nodded not taking my eyes off of Caleb who stood back and watched "How you feeling?" She questioned and I swallowed the lump in my throats before answering"Good" she nodded and asked other questions before leaving the room "Hey" Caleb murmured as he walked over to sit back on the chair and I just stared at him. He's changed so much in the past 17 years. His eyes were dull, his
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14. Caleb
Would it be considered creepy if I said that I staid in Lucas's room and watched him sleep? I mean I've done it before when he was in the hospital but it would only be for a few minutes but not like this. I had staid the night in his room watching him sleep. I couldn't bring myself to sleep as I was afraid that something would happen to him if I did."You're staring again" Lucas' voice said breaking me out of my thoughts "Sorry" I murmured and he looked at me with a raised brow "What's bothering you Caleb?" He asked "Nothing just have a lot on my mind that's all" I answered and he nodded. A knock on the door cut him off before he could say anything else and he groaned"Who is it?" He called "Bella," was the answer and I looked at Lucas who sighed rubbing his face "Talk to her, make amends I'm going to go check on Bailey" I said and he nodded. With that said, I leaned over and placed a kiss on his forehead before walking over to the door and opened before stepping to the side to l
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15. Lucas
To say I was nervous about going on this date with Caleb would be an understatement. I didn't know what to wear or what to even say during dinner. This was the most nerve wracking thing I've ever done in my life. Goddess I sound like a teenager girl going on her first date. In my case it would be my first date I haven't dated ever. But damnit I wasn't a teenage girl I was freaking 30 years old. "You do know that you have a good thirty minutes to finish getting ready before he comes and gets you right?" A voice said making me turn around and come face to face with Papa and I sighed "I know. I don't even know what to wear" I huffed making him chuckle before walking into my room"Did he tell you where he was taking you? Or how to dress at least?" He questioned and I nodded "He didn't really say where he was taking me al he aka sea to dress formally yet casual" I answered and he hummed. He went through my clothes before grabbing a pair of black dress pants and a white button up shirt"
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16. Caleb
It's been four days since I took Lucas out in a date and he hasn't called or texted me since. I was confused. I thought we were on the right path or fixing our relationship. I called him but it always went to voice mail. "What's with the long face?" Bree asked as she walked over to me with her five month old son on her hip "Nothing just really confused" I replied and she raised a brow"About what?" She asked "Remember the guy that I was telling you about back in London?" I asked and she nodded "The one you used to bully when you were kids?" She replied with a question and I nodded "what about him?""I took him on a date a few days ago and I actually thought we were making progress. I mean we've been talking again since I came back" I sighed running my fingers through my hair and she nodded and waited for me to continue"And now it's like I don't even exist. I've been calling and texting him to see if he would like to go to a movie or go see his favorite band next week but they go
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