All Chapters of A Secretary's Vendetta: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
133 Chapters
"Let's Hope They Take Bribes"
Michael POV:I had gone home in a black mood. Mee and Yow curled up beside me in bed that night and purred while I brooded. I couldn’t get that last vision of Lucy out of my mind, lying so still and beautiful in her white coffin. All the long years, he’d wondered if i could have saved her if i'd managed to convince her not to go to the party instead of agreeing to go. I agreed to go to the party with her. She’d asked him to, and he’d wanted to go. Then I'd watch her die. I'd gone around in a daze for weeks afterward. He hadn’t been able to think, much less work. I wanted to punish myself for it and i did punish myself for it. My reserve unit, like Cag Hart’s, had been called up in 1991 when Operation Desert Storm sent soldiers to Kuwait to liberate it from invasion. He’d volunteered without a second thought, not at all concerned that he might die.He’d waded right in with his company, in the thick of the fighting, a captain in a forward unit. During a memorable firefight, i’d propell
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"It's a Start"
Aurora POV:The cats were both sitting in the front window when the car drove up.“That’s odd,” Michael remarked. “They never wait for me like that unless it’s grocery day.”“Maybe they smell the salmon!” I teased.He made a face. “Fat chance.”I picked up the fish and we both went in the front door together.“Hi, guys,” I said, wafting the brown-wrapped fish above their heads. “Hungry?”They both started yowling, sounding for all the world like crying babies as they stood on their hind legs trying to swat the package out of my hands.“That has to be a good sign,” I told him.“We’ll see. Come on, girls,” he called to them, leading me through the living room and into the spacious kitchen. “I’ll get their bowls.”He pulled them out of the dishwasher and settled them on the counter. Violet opened the brown package and split the salmon down the middle. The cats were all but climbing the cabinet.“Here you go, babies,” I said softly, and put the fish down.They both glanced at me with big
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Libby's Special Day
Aurora POV:It was Libby wedding the following week. We went together to the wedding. She married hugh in a beautiful church service, with most of the leading citizens of Jacobsville for witnesses. As her brother Curt led her down the aisle, she glanced at Aurora, sitting so close beside me, and grinned. We grinned back.The soft melodies of a string quartet played in the background, creating an atmosphere of enchantment and romance. The late afternoon sun bathed the scene in a warm, golden glow, casting a spell on all who gathered to witness this momentous occasion.The ceremony itself was a beautifully orchestrated affair. The vows spoken by Sarah and James were heartfelt and sincere, capturing the essence of their deep connection and unwavering commitment to each other. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement, knowing that my own wedding was just around the corner.The presence of Calhoun added to the class of the occasion, like ants attracted to a lump of sugar, Calhoun p
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To Die of Happiness
Aurora POV:As I walked hand in hand with Michael through the grand entrance of the bridal boutique, anticipation and joy danced within my heart like a thousand butterflies. The air seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light, mirroring the radiance of our love that illuminated every step we took together. We were embarking on a journey, not just to find the perfect wedding dresses, but to weave our dreams into reality, one delicate stitch at a time.The boutique, a sanctuary of bridal enchantment, embraced us with its whispered promises of beauty and grace. Soft music floated through the air, gently caressing our souls and lifting our spirits to new heights. The walls were adorned with cascades of lace and satin, like precious tapestries that held the stories of countless love stories before ours. It was as if the very essence of love had permeated every thread, every seam, and every detail.A man in his 40s welcomed us, he had radiant smile plastered on his face."Welcome Mr. and Mrs.
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"Where's The Bride"
Michael POV: "I'm so sorry i called you, trust me you are the last person i would have want to bother" The tear stricken voice said. "I thought you guys have have a different type of relationship and might know what he is up to" "I assure you, i know nothing" "I'm so worried, he has never not come home for a day. My husband hasn't been home for three days, without prior informing of his whereabouts" She lamented"I'm so sorry Josie. I'm sure he is fine and a perfect explanation for his dissapearance" I said. Even i don't believe what i had told the young woman, but i had to find a way to keep her calm."I certainly hope so" she mused."And forgive me, i don't mean to ruin your special day""I understand, your husband safety is more important""Mazel Tov" "Thanks Josie" I hung up. "It's considef badluck to receive a phone call during your wedding in some part of the country" Calhoun said.He was sat across in an adorned suit to match occasion. Having the Mayor of the city as yoyr
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White Roses and Lily of the Valley
Aurora POV:As I stepped into the secluded room, I felt a sense of serenity envelop me. The air was infused with a delicate fragrance of freshly picked flowers, mingling with the soft notes of a melodic piano melody drifting in from afar. It was my wedding day, a day I had dreamed about since I was a little girl, and the atmosphere resonated with pure excitement.The room, adorned with graceful elegance, was bathed in a warm glow of sunlight filtering through sheer curtains. Sunbeams danced on the ivory walls, casting a gentle glow on the ornate mirror before me. Its reflective surface captured the anticipation etched across my face, revealing eyes filled with a sparkling mixture of joy and nervousness.The room had been thoughtfully prepared, ensuring every detail exuded an ethereal charm. Delicate lace curtains cascaded down the windows, casting enchanting shadows that danced playfully on the floor. Golden candelabras adorned with cascades of white blossoms graced the tables, their
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Dark Abyss
Michael POV:Sprawled on the ground, lay Mr Eyre in his own blood trickling out from his head."Father is dying" Jane was already crying and Calhoun was horrified. "What happened?""I don't know" She replied with a tears stricken voice. "I only met father here" I checked inside the dressing room with my heart in my mouth, but it was empty, nobody there, not a single trace of Aurora."Where is Aurora?" I hollered"I don't know" She cried This can't be happening! My father figure is dying and my wife to be is missing on the day that ought to be the turning point in my life. "Call the Ambulance" i said "I already did" Calhoun replied "they are on their way and so are the police."I headed towards the backdoor "Where are you going" He asked "To look for my Wife" i replied without stopping"Should I accompany you?""No, stay with Mr. Eyre""What about the wedding?" "There's no Wedding without a bride Cal" i snapped.□○♡◇○♡○♤○♤♡♡♡I drove aimlessly around the town like a little b
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Aurora POV:As consciousness slowly returned, I found myself trapped in a fog of confusion. My head throbbed with an agonizing ache, and my vision struggled to focus on the unfamiliar surroundings that surrounded me. Panic gripped my heart, and my breaths came in short, shallow gasps.Struggling to piece together the events that led to this bewildering situation, my mind wandered back to what should have been the most blissful day of my life—my wedding day. The memories were now tarnished, overshadowed by this sinister twist of fate.The last thing I remembered was approaching altar hand in hand with Mr. Eyre, the sweet scent of flowers mingling with the soft murmur of excited whispers. Adorned in my beautiful wedding gown, anticipation had coursed through my veins. The love of my life stood waiting for me at the altar, his eyes reflecting a future filled with promise and happiness. But then, everything had suddenly changed.Now, lying in this strange place, still in the wedding clo
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Remedy For a Broken Heart
Michael POV:I stood there, at the hospital bed, my heart heavy with guilt and anxiety. Mr Eyre lay motionless, surrounded by sterile white walls and the scent of antiseptic. Next to me stood his Jane, her eyes red and swollen from countless tears shed in anguish. I wanted to reach out to her, to offer solace and comfort, but a knot formed in my throat, paralyzing me with fear.I was in so much pain myself, I would prefer nothing more than to be out there looking for Aurora, but it would be so unfair to Jane. I have half of the city police looking for her, while she's here alone with her dying father in a city she's never been before. I knew how lonely and hard done by she must be feeling. Every fiber of my being longed to speak, to explain that I had no control over what had happened, that it was a cruel twist of fate. But the fear of her accusing gaze, of her believing that somehow I was to blame, kept me silent. I couldn't bear the weight of her disappointment or anger, even thoug
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A Broken Vase
Michael POV:I was at my lowest, I've searched high and low, far and wide. There was no trace of her, the police search hasn't been in anyway fruitful. I hadn't been able to convince them to search every biulding registered in Leo Jordan name. None of them see him like i do. The police had tried to ask Mr. Eyre a few questions, but he is yet to remember anything that could be of help. All he remembered was Someone knocking him out, he was already out beofre he knew what hit him. He couldn't put out a face or anything that could be of importance. I lay on the bed rethinking everything, where did i go wrong. I began to explore the possibility of what if it wasn't Leo, i shut it down pretty quickly. It was him, no one else. I was sure, whoever took her did to get to me and he was the one with enough motive. I just have to find a way to prove it, that is before my patience runs out and i resort to violence.Mark would have been glad to help, too bad i didn't know his whereabouts. It occ
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