All Chapters of A Secretary's Vendetta: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
133 Chapters
I can't say...
Aurora POV:“It’s something about Amanda, isn’t it?”I gasped. His eyebrows arched over the frames of his glasses."You know her" he asked"I heard about her. I’m not a petunia. I don’t just hang on the porch all the time,” she said . “I get my hair done, I go to the doctor’s office, I see a lot of people. I've heard one or two things about her.“I’ve found an eyewitness who thinks she can place her at the motel with your husband the last day of his life,” he told her, “just before the ambulance came to take him to the hospital. She ran out the door and was seen. At the hospital the doctor, not aware of any foul play, diagnosed a heart attack from the symptoms. There was no autopsy.”“That’s right,” Mom said. She gave Michael a knowing look. “And you think she killed him, don’t you?” she asked He was impressed. “Yes, I do,” he told her honestly.“I didn’t want to think about that, but I’ve had my doubts,” she said. “He never had heart trouble. There had been some mixup at a clinic in
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Waiting for Me
Aurora POV:I headed to work, not a tad anxious I was late. I knew Mr. Jordan wouldn't get angry at me, I could easily explain why I was late and he would understand. He was opening his car door, when I drove into work. He waited for me to carefully park and get out of the car to meet him ."Nice of you to finally join us Mrs. Hardy" He said mockingly "I must say you came too early. You couldn't have come any earlier""I'm sorry boss, I had someone very important that couldn't wait""I'm sure you do, you could have called nonetheless" "I'm sorry" he said "Don't sweat, I was picking on you" he chuckled, a grin spread on his face."Where were you going before I came"“I’ve got to be out of town today. Think you can hold the office together until I get back?”“I’ll do my best, sir,” i promised."I trust you will, later then"I watched him got back into his car and zoomed off. I greeted some of my colleagues that crossed my path, I couldn't see Appollos, I presumed he has a modeling
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Lay it upon Me
Michael POV: I walked into the building with a furrowed brow. I had been outside all day, I haven't been to my office since I left Aurora's house. I have had Libby print the fax Aurora sent and brought it to me at the state's cemetery before she returned to workLibby saw my dark furrowed face at once when i stepped in. "What's wrong sir"I handed the results of the state crime lab’s autopsy on Aurora's father to her.She cupped her mouth in horror before handing it to Mabel who had the same reaction. "Don't tell her yet, I'm going to tell her in person and then drive her home and help her break it to her mother. It’s going to be an ordeal for them. If we can catch Amanda, we’ll charge her with first degree murder. Aurora and her mother will both have to testify, and it will resurrect some terrible memories for old Mrs. Hardy. "I’m not sure her heart will take it.”“What can be done?” Libby asked I shrugged. “The only thing I know is to try and reach a plea agreement, if I can
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A Strong Woman
Michael POV:I drove at an average speed and carefully while I trailed behind her. We both pulled infront of her house at the same time. I stepped out of the car and waited for her to do the same before walking hand in hand into the house Mrs. Hardy looked up expectantly, and with faint surprise, when she saw me come in the door with her daughter. I saw her face fell, the excitement disappearing, I presume she saw the worrying expression on her daughter's face.She was propped up on the sofa with pillows. She look from Aurora to me back to Aurora again giving each a suspicious look. “You have the results of the autopsy,” she guessed. “That floozie poisoned my husband, didn’t she?” she added, eyes flashing. “I want her drawn and quartered!”I smiled at Aurora. “Didn’t I tell you?” i mused.She nodded. “Yes, you did sir.” She put down her things and went to sit beside her mother on the sofa and pull her close. “We’re going to find her and send her away for years and years,” she promi
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The Mayor's Daughter
Aurora POV: “See, dear, he misses you!” Mom said when they heard his car start up outside. “He wants you back! You’ll do it, won’t you?”Even i wasn't sure what i wanted or what to do. I've never felt so confused."I don't know Mom, i really don't" "What are you confused about, isn't that what you've always wanted"“I have to change clothes and get supper started,” i interrupted to halt her speculation. “What would you like? How about pancakes?”“Pancakes? For supper?” the older woman exclaimed.“Why not? We love pancakes!”She smiled. “Then pancakes it is. And coffee.”Coffee reminded me of michael and made me sad. I’d lost nt job over coffee. I was very sad but i didn’t let it show. “Decaf for you,” i teased, and went to change me clothes.I was changing into something comfy when i heard the sound of my mom talking to someone. My heart skipped, Did he come back. I quickly slipped on the sweatshirt and walked into the living room. Already sitting on the sofa with my mother was Libb
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Judgment Day
Michael POV: After the arrest warrant was issued, the local police of ohio were quick to make move on her before she got away. She was detained at the local precinct before sent down to San Antonio. Every property in her name was seized and was charged with fraud and multiple homicide. I drove Aurora and her mother to the court on every hearing, i didn't let the trial drag for long telling the Judge the old woman has a frail health. He had speeded the trial.Throught the trial, the court had been filled with different people i had known in Jacobsville, I saw Leo Jordan once or twice too in the crowd, i also saw Cal sitting behind Libby. All were there rooting for the Hardy family inevitable win. I admired their zeal to show support to the elderly woman and her daughter, i presumed it gave them even more strength to go through the storm. Mother and daughter testified against her, i made sure too much pressure wasn't exerted on the older woman and it all went smoothly. As promised,
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Burden of Choices
Aurora POV:As I walked into the house, I could feel the weight of my decision heavy on my shoulders. Mr Calhoun had offered to buy me a new house and our old house at that if i had wanted and I had declined his generous offer. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had made a mistake, but I needed my mother's advice to help me ease my conscience. But despite knowing i could tell her most things, i couldn't help shake the feeling she wouldn't be so excited with my decision. I know we are happy here and we've made this place to call home. But we would be relatively happier in our old house. "What's wrong with you" My mom asked for the umpteenth timeI contemplated in a split seconds, coming out or not. I sighed deeply."Am i rude for constantly refusing people's help""I'm confused.""Do you remember Mr. Calhoun" She frowned "I'm old Aurora, not suffering from dementia" "I'm sorry""What's going on with him?" She asked"Well, he offered to buy me a new house as a compensation gift, af
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Mayor Merril Drastic Decision
Michael POV:It was election day, i woke with a summat stuck to my throat. I was not the one contesting but i was nervous for my friend. He had worked so hard on this. I knew he will be so hurt, if he loses. But he sounded so confident i knew something was up his sleeves, which he refuses to say. I'd given my workers a day off to vote in the election, they both know whom to vote for. I had taken my time to relax before heading to the polling Unit. I felt certain buzz in the air, i could feel somethig was amiss but I'd figured it would be the nerve doing something to my brain, making me feel something that was not there. My phone rang, i knew whom it was before having to look. I was right, it was him, i presume he was nervous about it. He was acting all high and mighty yesterday. I will mock him a bit to lighten the mood.I pick up on the third ring"Where are you?" he asked "I'm at home, I'd be heading to the polling unit soon enough""Are you watching this" "Watch what?""The n
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The New Mayor
Michael POV:As expected, Calhoun won in an upsetting land slide. He was having a party at his place to celebrate. I was very happy for him but nonetheless skeptical and suspicious of the win.He was having a party tonight to celebrate the win, it was logical i be in attendance. The place was filled up as i had expected, each and every hoping for the graces of the new mayor of Jacobsville. The party celebrating the mayor's win is a dazzling display of elegance and sophistication, every detail meticulously planned and executed to perfection. The venue is a grand ballroom, adorned with crystal chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow over the festivities. The walls are draped in rich fabrics, the colors muted and understated, lending a sense of quiet opulence to the space.The atmosphere is electric, the guests buzzing with excitement and anticipation as they mingle and chat. The dress code is strictly black tie, and the guests have pulled out all the stops, the women in stunning gown
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Convergence of Rivals
Michael POV:I calmly finished my bottle before rising to leave. I walked out through the door and there he was standing all alone, he turned around when he heard footsteps behind him. Our eyes metI felt the sudden shift in air, the air around us was charged with tension, like the moment before a thunderstorm. Two enemies stood facing each other, each unwilling to yield. Our eyes locked in a fierce, unblinking gaze, like two predators sizing each other up before a brutal battle.It was as if the whole world had fallen silent, leaving only the sound of our beating hearts echoing in the otherr ears. Our bodies were rigid, like coiled springs ready to unleash their full power at a moment's notice.The atmosphere crackled with animosity, as if the very air was thick with the mutual hatred. We were like two flames, flickering and dancing in the darkness, waiting for the other to make a move so they could engulf each other in a fiery inferno.The tension was palpable, like a tightrope st
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