All Chapters of Entrapped by a mafia lord: Let me go!: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
117 Chapters
Mission accomplished
Nicole pov'sMission accomplished and my joy knew no bounds seeing her in pains, she made a mistake to come here and try wanting to steal him away from me, this is what she gets from trying to act wiser and smarter. I am not called Nicole just for nothing, I don't share someone I love with anyone, he is mine and for me alone, no one cares try to snatch him away from me cause the person will end up paying with her life. The baby has to pay for the mom's sin and I don't give a dam neither do I care about the baby's well being.If she still decided to run more than her shadow, she is gonna be paying with her next, the baby she loves flaunting where is the child now huh?, She might support me but there is no evidence and I have being grounded and restricted from doing anything so there is no fingers pointing at me, I am NICOLE, Badass for a reason (laughs evily). Now it is time to take what belongs to me, i don't even care if she is being traumatized or not, what i care most is taking the
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The feeling of guilt
Carmine pov'sI decided to go meet Nicole again seeing her happy and looking okay annoys me, My best friend is in a traumatic situation right now and i can't even go to see her because of the guilt that beheld me.I eavesdropped the conversations between Nicole and Gracie immediately Gracie left i went in unnoticed shocking the hell outta her and continuing the conversation, she was lamenting saying all sort of stupid things that spilled out of her mouth."I told you to stay away from me didn't I?" She glared at me fearlessly and I folded my hands on my chest staring at her as she continue fooling herself in front of me."And you think i will stop huh?, I will continue to hunt you for the rest of your life, you made me do the unthinkable and my mind is not at rest after killing my own best friend child so don't think you can get away with that" I yelled at her almost breaking down in tears,I can stand the fact that I hurt my Best friend child, it made me feel like a murderer and yes i
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Are you going to bring my baby back?
Carmine pov's"Are you gonna bring my baby back if start acting normal?" She questioned and the tears I have been holding dropped from my eyes,I quickly clean them, it hurts so much, can't even stare at her properly cause of guilt."Please don't take it to heart, everything happens for a reason, you are gonna still get pregnant again so don't let this get to you" I assured her, tears filled her face and i gasped and cleaned the tears dripping from her eyes, it seems she shouldn't be reminded of it anymore if not she will end up crying."Get pregnant again you sa...y, you all keep saying the same thing, of you think I will get pregnant again then bring a guy now so i can get pregnant now, I just want my baby back,is that too much to ask for huh?" I groaned,she is going in sane because of the child and that was when u took time in checking her out. She is looking so pale and weak, I don't even think she has taking breakfast, she is still on her last night dress, this is getting out of h
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Her cold behavior
Noah pov's"What the hell is this, can you just stop all these" I yelled at her angrily and she began crying, that was when it dawned on me, I went to extra in yelling at her in her critical State."You all should just let me be"She manage to mutter whimpering and crying profusely non stop, I exhaled cursing myself for yelling at her."I'm sorry, i just got angry, can you at least eat, this is not the end of the world so just cheer yourself up and come back to life, you will be fine, I promise" I assured her then clean the place she poured the spoon of food, thankfully it was just a spoonful that poured on my body not the entire plate of food.I was done cleaning and change up my dress, I went to her with the plate of food urging and pleading with her to eat. She ate slowly and I exhaled, finally she can gain some strength, the next problem would be begging her to take her bath.I fed her slowly and it took time for her to chew the food, she was eating like a little baby, chewing the
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Feeling sorry for her
Noah pov's"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly not glancing at her."I came to console Freya for her loss, just here for condolence visit" She said sarcastically and I glared at her dangerously, felt like breaking her bones, she is really getting on my nerves lately and if I haven't show her some lessons, she won't listen."The last time I check, you were grounded and not allowed to come out from your room then what are you doing here, You and Freya are not friends either then what prompt you to come here, are you here to mock her!" I yelled at her forgetting Freya is sleeping and that woke her up, I got more furious cause it took me time to make her fall asleep, Now this nuisance came her to frustrate me more."Ohh she is awake, how are you doing Freya, I heard you lost your ba....." I didn't let her complete the sentence when I gave her a remugient slap that sent her flying to another side of the room."Who let you come here, answer me now!!" I shouted at her and tears filled
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Jason pov'sI was about turning back to my room when something click my head and i started walking further heading closer to Boss's room when i heard someone lamenting and it drew my attention."I killed her child, how could i do that to her, she trusted me with her life, i poisoned her. Guilt couldn't let me go to see her again, Freya i'm sorry and i hope you can be able to forgive me or hate me cause i don't deserve your love, i deserve death" That's Carmine's voice, i gasped in bewilderment, she killed Freya's child, how could she poison her only best friend child and what are her reasons for doing that to her only friend in this Clan child.My face dropped down angrily, no matter what Freya do yo her,she wouldn't have gone this extreme by killing her child, that's too much for her to bear now all she could is regret after causing someone to be in a traumatic state, she is in deep pains now thinking about her child not knowing her best friend killed her child.How would she feel kn
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She deserve death
MRS COURTNEY POVThe Mansion looks so disorganized, everyone were walking unusually and i wondered what was going on confusingly, it was no longer orderly as it was for the past two days now after the death of Freya's child.It seems something is wrong for everyone to be disoriented, I decided to just focus on what i was doing when i heard some voices, the maids in the Mansion whispering to themselves and gasping. I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation, maybe i might get to know what is going on in the Mansion cause it seems i am the only one that doesn't know what's going on."Have you heard the latest and most shocking news ever in this Clan" The first maid whispered to the second one and she shook her head obviously not knowing what's going in like me."Just spill out, it's not a new thing anymore and I don't think it's gonna be too shocking for me to take cause we've seen a lot of betrayals and spys here so it's not gonna be a big deal" The second one shrugged and the firs
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I hate you!
Noah pov'sI left the field after i shot her dead and went to the underground Mansion no one knows about to clear my mind.I stood there thinking about what I just did, I let my anger took over me although i didn't regret her death though she deserves it but i was wrong for not making some enquires if Jason is really saying the truth.Looking at the scenario Carmine won't just kill her best friend child without any reason, I didn't even let her explain. I couldn't help but feel guilty, who knows if she is not really the real culprit or she was force and threatened to do it.Carmine has been serving me for years,she is one of the most trusted and loyal person here in this Clan, for her to poison her best friend child then i think something is wrong somewhere.My anger is really something else and it's gonna cause alot, Freya would be so heartbroken and angry for killing her best friend no matter the offence, she is not gonna even believe her best friend did that, I just did another thin
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I want Carmine’s body
Freya pov'sEverything just happened so quickly like its nothing, if I was told all these are gonna happened to me, I would deny it and won't accept it. This moment is the hardest and dreadest moment of my life, for the past three day, I am just like a lifeless person who don't know what she is doing, from being a foodie to someone who looses appetites at the sight food. Loosing my child is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, I have planned alot of things to do with my child, I feel that's the only human that gives me reason to fight and never give up but everything got ruined within a snap of the finger.Only the death of my child made me defeat everyone especially my love ones, I just want to be alone and assure myself that everything is gonna be fine even when i know it's not possible but i keep giving myself hopes that it's gonna be okay. I just feel like dying cause there is nothing to live for anymore, everyone i love keep inflicting pains to me. Now my best friend is
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Laughing at the dead
Freya pov's"What did you want to use her body for, she is gone for good and has been thrown away in the think forest immediately, you came too late" He shrugged and was about continuing the sword fight when i held the sword, he stared at me dumbfoundedly knowing that the sword could injure me.I stared at him as I slowly started feeling irritated by his nonchalant attitude.What did he expect?! That I would just give up like this! I really needed to know the truth about my friend, but he wasn't helping matters right now."Can you recall where you threw her to?" I pressed on.He stilled, gripping the sword tightly, it was a miracle he hadn't cut through his own fingers yet, he thought about what to say before answering "I don't remember...her body was thrown." He said trying hard to maintain his composure.I sighed "You're lying, you must have remembered something.""No," he looked down.I needed his help urgently and I wanted to find her body even though it would seem crazy that I wa
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