All Chapters of The Lycan King's Hot Sin: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
145 Chapters
61. Ride My Face
AMANISA’S POVLike a sexy cat with the obedience skills of a cheeky dog, I did as told. Yes, he said something along the line of “sit on my face” but my brain register a different set of words. “Ride my face…” Those were the words my brain registered despite the ones my ears picked up. I had become a juicy mess and my blood was fully pumped with desire as I positioned my dripping pussy over Kovan’s face... I shivered as images flashed through my mind. I trembled when Kovan’s firm hands grabbed the soft skin of my buttocks. I ached when his breath fanned my pussy. He hoisted me and swiftly pressed his wet lips against my excessively wet clits, making me whimper and my hands flew to the headboard of the huge bed to support myself…Kovan might not mind getting suffocated and the Amanisa who I once was wouldn't have minded suffocating him right now but damn these sparks and the excruciating hunger. Damn them all! However, I loved them all. I was slowly becoming addicted to them all.
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62. The Mysterious Visitor
KING ARCHIE’S POV“Is this what love feels like?”I grunted and Jay snorted despite knowing that feeling himself. I mean my heart had never beat this fast before nor had I felt my breath getting caught in my throat just because I was staring at someone.Even during war and disputes, I have never felt so weak yet so strong. Amanisa was sleeping soundly beside me and my eyes had not left her frame ever since they fluttered open some minutes ago.“I think this is what it feels like to be happy and complete.”Jay finally reacted to my silly question. I did feel happy but I doubted that I was complete. After all, Amanisa wasn't carrying my mark. I didn't fully claim her. The buzz was there between us but the last stroke that should have broken the pot of connection and made us immensely connected hasn't happened yet.It pained me that I had to hold back. It pained me that many barriers were standing between Amanisa and me even though we were able to be together on the bed. I felt close to h
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63. The Bigger Bully
AMANISA’S POVMy eyes scanned the surroundings and nothing looked familiar except Ava. I gave her a look to tell her to start explaining but she also had been giving me a look that screamed: “Why is your dress ripped, Ama…”However, before Ava could voice her question, my hands shifted to my exposed chest, covering my skin, and my voice broke through the heated temptation between Ava and me. “What is this, Ava?” Ava cleared her throat and her eyelashes fluttered repeatedly as she shifted her gaze toward the direction Kovan had walked to after he dragged me through a different route and to an unknown place. This was clearly the palace too but what part of the palace is this and why was I brought her? Why was Ava waiting here? Why on earth did Kovan not take me through the path we took to the hidden chambers yesterday? Could it be that he didn't trust me?“Or it could be that he was trying to protect you from unwanted eyes…. Where\as why did you lie to him about the path? I can belie
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64. Love Rage
KING ARCHIE’S POVThe moment I entered my sleeping chambers, I understood why Ardin sounded like a killer when he connected to my mind earlier. I understood why my Delta sounded unfriendly before entering my sleeping chambers. He needed to sound that way because someone he perceived as my enemy had come to meI had been here for the past twenty minutes and I have also been staring at my once-mysterious visitor for that long and the heated gaze I had on him wasn't even as hot as the tension in the room. This was why Ardin specifically protested against having the visitor in my room. Not only was the visitor perceived as a threat, but he was also known to be a threat and many Lycans want his head… the house of gammas especially will kill to get their hands on him. What was he doing here?Why was he here In the Lycan King’s den… so much more dangerous than the lion’s den. “Should he be dragged out, My King? I will gladly–”“That will be no way to treat a visiting Alpha and I remember
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65. The Three Crimes
AMANISA’S POVI was happy to see him. Really. Seeing Damon here in Kovan’s sleeping chambers eased my mind a bit and I forgot about the cunning plans that had been zapping through my head ever since Ava and I took a tour of my living quarters.“Does this mean they have both reconcile and we can get the moon dress?” Arla was even more excited than I was and she even overlooked the fact that Damon was kneeling before Kovan... How did that show reconciliation? The moment I realize that my excitement vanished. How would I get my moon dress if these two don't make up?“Why are you here?”Kovan asked with a stiff tone. I was gnarly convinced that he doesn't want to see me but when I cut my eyes to his, I realized that his stiffness wasn't directed at me. Kovan’s eyes were still on Damon’s bent frame and Damon on the other hand was staring at me with a wide smile.The smile was too wide, to be honest, and that was definitely why Kovan’s nostrils were releasing smoke.“Why are you here, Ama
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66. Common Grounds
CHAPTER 66.KING ARCHIE’S POV“What could she be up to now?”Even Jay was worried about the wide smile Amanisa had on her face as she requested to talk. I was obviously not in the mood for any of her games since I was still getting used to the fact that Damon didn't die and wasn't the real culprit… I did suspect that from the onset, however, now that it had been proven that the Alpha of NightShade pack wouldn't be dying by my royal Lycan sword, the feeling wa different. Perhaps it was mere jealousy… because deep down, I was happy that Damon was innocent. That had saved me a lot of trouble and now I could go ahead and investigate further without creating a riot between my people and the people that still remained Loyal to the previous House Of Kings.It was a relief but I still didn't like Damon one bit… just look at the way he was staring at Amanisa like she was his whole world and he existed for her. “I wish I could read minds, Jay… this lycan is unpredictable and we both know tha
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67. Feeling So Alone
CHAPTER 67.AMANISA’S POVI had my moon dress back!The emotions I experienced when Damon handed the dress to me a week ago couldn't be described in words.To think that I didn't see that coming not even when I was having a nervous breakdown while I had my bath that morning. Going to Kovan’s chambers was just an intuition that I followed to make me feel better.I did get better.I also found a way to rebuild my childhood home thanks to Damon. That childhood friend of mine had come in handy and he had whispered “Thank you for making this possible, Isi.” to me three days ago when we presented the plan to the inner court and also made sure the renovation plan was launched and the alliance between NightShade and Royal Hills was once again solidify.The last few days have been great and I have been really busy with the renovation plans and also with being Lady Of Royalty and having to be with Kovan always.The inner Palace was also my business now much to Violet’s displeasure.“Are you sur
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68. As Good As Dead
KING ARCHIE’S POV“The commotion hasn't even started…”Well, it was long overdue.I would be lying if I said I was surprised that Amanisa was cooking up another drama. The palace had been awfully quiet for the past few days and I was beginning to worry since the atmosphere was strange. Violet wasn't doing anything and Amanisa who was the real drama queen hadn't done anything yet either except the inner court meeting that was held days ago. I haven't heard from her nor have I seen her in my room. We have been seeing only when necessary ad I made sure we see every day even though she didn't say much.Every day was necessary.“And she is back.” Jay muttered as I took steps toward Amanisa. My Lycan Spirit added, “What the hell is she wearing?” If my gammas weren't watching and perhaps if Ardin wasn’t behind me, I would have laughed so hard. Amanisa looked funny as hell and it took all of my consciousness and strength to hold back the laugh that was threatening to force its way out of me
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69. Now Or Never
AMANISA’S POVI was confident… I wasn't nervous at all… Not even when Ardin stormed towards me with a tight fist ad a loud growl… I remained confident.They were all lies… everything was a lie and deep down, I was worried as fuck but no one had to know. Kovan who had been mute ever since I tried to persuade him doesn't have to know that I was nervous and that my walls were breaking as I watched Ardin come for me like a mad bull.Ardin… shame on him. He called himself a Delta yet accepted to combat with me… a female that was supposed to be from his king's Family. I am sure he wouldn't have accepted if it had been Violet or any other true-born royal of the house of Kings… I was a true-born Royal but again, no one has to know that yet until I am ready to let that out. Ardin was approaching like wildfire and despite all the ranks I had gotten in the human Kung Fu society, combat world and also the world of Karate and many other types of martial arts, I was still less confident, knowin
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70. Followed My Heart
KING ARCHIE’S POVWas anyone else seeing what I was seeing? Or were they all too blinded by the dominant energy Ardin was releasing and his anger?Could they see what I was seeing or were they simply seeing a fragile woman struggling in the arms of a big man with all the energy to snap her into two or more pieces?Could they see the way she slid and rendered Ardin useless for a minute?Did anyone notice that this is another side of Amanisa that I, Kovan had never seen before? Lycan King Archie might have missed it but Kovan shouldn't. Kovan was her lover and the closest person to her so why was he just seeing this side of Amanisa?I had once seen her as a fragile female… a rogue but something was different about her scent as she fought with Ardin. There was a huge difference and I could tell that she was barely at her full capacity.“She isn't the Amanisa I know, Jay…”I said to my Lycan Spirit with eyes still on the combat and especially on Amanisa. Every one of her moves didn't mis
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