All Chapters of The Genius Delta: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
Chapter 61 - Persephone
I’ve not met Daniel Weaver, but my best guess is that Jonathan looks like him, though I’m not sure how much. It was enough that Anka mistook Jonathan for Daniel. Jonathan’s feelings about his father are complicated. There’s a lot of hurt and confusion in his mind and heart. I’m unsure how to help him through it, but I will do everything I can. Anka is awake, but there are still eleven more to go. For now, I can help with curing the infected Demonclaw members. I took some of the syringes and walked to one of the frail infected, a woman with red hair that I bet before she was infected was vibrant and full of life. I can’t help but wonder how these people were selected. Were they volunteers? Are they people that Lucian was condemned to death? I can’t imagine anyone volunteering for this, but I can picture that psycho using this as punishment. I considered these things as I injected her with the cure and watched and waited for her to wake up. Pale green eyes blinked at me, and her heart
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Chapter 62 - Silvercloud
Maybe if my mind weren’t elsewhere, I’d have been more present during the bigger dinner at the pack house. People had to repeat themselves when they tried to talk to me more than once. And I probably didn’t give Alec’s food the chance it deserved. I am sure it was delicious, but I rushed through eating it and barely took a second to savor anything. Though even if I’d forced myself to slow down and try to savor what I was eating, I have a feeling it would have been tasteless. Again, not knocking Alec’s cooking. But everything revealed at my office has left a bitter taste. Anka infected herself on purpose. The virus was always intended to kill a wolf spirit. Lucian infected his Gamma female and Delta. Everyone infected other than Anka was because they pissed Lucian off, including Persephone. Realizing how horrid he was and that he could have cost Persephone her wolf made me irrationally angry. It made me want to find a way to resurrect the bastard so I could kill him all over again, sl
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Chapter 63 - Persephone
Fucking hell! This keeps getting worse. I was hoping meeting Daniel would somehow reveal he was innocent in this. Or as innocent as someone forced to create something deadly can be. Instead, Daniel is shitting all over those hopes. He wasn’t forced to do things, at least not that he’s admitting to. He knew what he was doing, and it made me sick. And I could feel how all this was hurting Jonathan. He never voiced it, but I knew he hoped his father could be a victim. But as far as I can see, he’s only a victim of his own stupidity. Outside of some physical similarities, I see nothing about this man reflected in my mate. “What…what kind of person does that?” I demanded. “Who the hell invents things like that? You knew what these things could do. Some scientists get a God complex, but you dared to make an invention that would trick the mate bond. You dared to spit in the face of the Goddess.” I shook my head in disgust. “There is a special place in hell for people like you.” I wrinkled
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Chapter 64 - Silvercloud
Sex was a great and fun distraction, but I had trouble sleeping afterward. My mind wouldn’t shut down even in a comfortable bed with Persephone in my arms. And it wasn’t even where my brain was replaying sex or coming up with new inventions. No, it kept going over all the possibilities. My brain was thinking of all the horrible things Daniel had invented. He’s admitted to developing terrible things, and my brain went down a tangent of what else he may have created; each one is worse than the last. Then there is the possibility that some other force is controlling him. Part of me hopes that it’s true. That there is someone else pulling the strings. But then part of me says it’s unlikely. If there was an outside force that controlled his actions, a magical reason behind all of this, wouldn’t Khalid or Isis have identified it by now? Especially as Khalid had to have gotten close enough to put the symbols on him. Based on all accounts of the events from the Incubi war, Amelia Furlan can
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Chapter 65 - Persephone
I was still trying to puzzle out what Jonathan’s childhood memory could mean. He’s positive that whatever makes Daniel’s behavior seem erratic isn’t witchcraft. And based on what he told me of the memory, it sounds that way. It’s almost like Daniel had a split personality, and Jacira’s shaman power suppressed that vile side we have caught glimpses of. One thing was sure: Lucian attacked Wildclaw to get Daniel, and Daniel knew he was coming for him. But the memory left a lot of new questions. What kind of power would Lucian have that Daniel was certain no one could stand against? Was it something he invented? What kind of insanely evil shit did he make for Lucian? Would it explain why when Bloodmoon arrived to investigate, there weren’t any bodies or signs that Demonclaw was ever there? We agreed to wait until the others arrived before seeing Daniel. I don’t think either of us, especially Jonathan, is in the right frame of mind to see how, anyway. We spent the morning with Kurt and Is
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Chapter 66 - Persephone
“Sorry fer da intrusion.” Cillian apologized. “She was verra adamant dat we come straight to ya Delta Silvercloud. She dinna tink it could wait.” ‘Who’s she?’ Katrina questioned through my family link. “Luna Anka.” I nodded my head. “We didn’t expect any of you to be here so quickly,” I said. “This is Luna Isis of Silverclaw, Luna Katrina of Nebrodi, and Gammas Amelia and Stephen of Madonie.” I introduced them. “Guys, meet Luna Anka of Demonclaw, her daughter Alpha Mila er Tomila, and her mate Aleph Cillian.” “André will be thrilled to hear that his mate’s title is catching.” Katrina rolled her eyes. “Nice to meet you all.” She added. “Anka, what did you mean you can explain?” Jonathan asked. “It’s all in here.” Anka held out the black folder. It was rather thick, and at the sight of it, Daniel had jumped to his feet only to be held back by the chains. Daniel doesn’t want us to see whatever is in that folder. I glanced at Jonathan and knew that reaction only told us we wanted to
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Chapter 67 - Silvercloud
It was all just too much to process. After we returned upstairs, Isis and Persephone gave the rundown to everyone on what happened and the plan. I could feel Logan and Kurt looking at me, I’m not sure what they wanted, but my silence wasn’t it. Both have tried to ask me questions, but Persephone has expertly redirected and answered each time. I made a mental note to make it up to her to deal with all the questions later. ‘You still have your grand gesture. Remember the one you planned before everything went to shit.’ Jaci reminded me. ‘Yes, but some of that plan isn’t applicable now.’ I countered. I silently watched in awe of my mate as she handled four Alpha’s questioning every detail of the plan. I know her attitude has gotten on Logan’s nerves more than once, but it’s one of the things I love about her. She questions everything, including what an Alpha tells her, even if it’s her own Alpha. I think it’s a great quality for a ranked wolf. We can’t just blindly do what our
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Chapter 68 - Persephone
OMG! I can’t believe we just did that. We had sex in a car while someone else was driving! I don’t have a mirror to confirm it, but my face feels like it’s as red as Riordan’s hair. I’m the person who has mocked characters in movies, tv shows, and books that hook up in back seats of cabs and limos. How inconsiderate can a person get to have sex with someone a partition away? And now I am one of those selfish assholes.  What the hell came over me? I mean, seriously, I didn’t believe sex would make Jonathan tell me why we went to the office. If he wants to surprise me, I’m going to let him. I don’t generally like surprises, but if it’s a surprise Jonathan has planned, I know I’ll like it.  So why did I do
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Chapter 69 - Silvercloud
There’s only one word to describe the last three days…. INCREDIBLE! Okay, I could use many other words, but it seems most encompassing. Besides the gags, I’m fine with her wanting those gone since I prefer making her scream. We’ve tried everything in our playroom. When I first thought of converting this office storage area into a playroom, I was unsure how it would go. I didn’t want her to get offended and take this the wrong way. I also didn’t want my grand gesture to be sex because that’s not really showing someone that you love and putting them first. There is, of course, more to my gesture than this playroom. I just haven’t had a chance to show her. If we aren’t having sex, we’ve been sleeping, refueling, and hydrating. Shikoba was smart enough to think ahead and ensure the reception area kitchen was stocked with food and drinks. Not that it was enough. I had to text her this morning asking for more delivery to get us through the rest of the week. If Persephone weren’t in heat,
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Chapter 70 - Persephone
This week has been amazing and a whirlwind. The last thing I had expected Jonathan to do was set up a dark room for us, let alone in his office. I have zero complaints that he went ahead and did it. I didn’t expect it. Then again, I didn’t expect I’d ever want a room like that of my own. I always wrinkled my nose if I passed Alec and Crista’s dark room at the villa and shuddered just looking at the hallway that led to André and Darren’s wing of their villa. Yet I just spent a week enjoying a dark room with my mate. I’m also looking forward to using the space in the future. It will make breaks at work take on a whole new meaning. Not that we kept to the room. Sara was right in her prediction that we had sex everywhere in his office. On his desk, his office chair, the meeting table, the chairs at the table, the sofa, the club chairs, the coffee table, the floor, and of course, all the windows. The windows were hot since we could see out, but no one could see in. And I must be a devian
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