All Chapters of The Genius Delta: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
Cult of Love Chapter 6 - Shikoba
He’s insane, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. Okay, so maybe he’s not insane. Perhaps this weird bond thing makes him not care that I’m trans and still have my dick. I know there are people out there that are into trans people.  I’ve not been so lucky as to find a guy who can accept me exactly as I am. It’s like they only like part of me. Some like that I have my dick but are turned off that I have tits, while others like the tits but don’t like that I have a dick. There was at least one guy a couple of years ago that I thought could be someone long-term, but he suddenly ghosted me after two months, and I stopped dating after that. But even with Steve, I didn’t get these butterflies as I do with Rohan. M
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Cult of Love Chapter 7 - Rohan
She’s trying to kill or at least give me a heart attack. Seriously, what person in their right mind gets in the way of a pissed-off Luna? Especially when said Luna isn’t any ordinary Luna. Even here in Bloodmoon, we know that Luna Crista and her mate Alpha Alec are no ordinary Luna and Alpha couple. They have TWO wolf spirits, and the secondary wolf spirits are ancient ones, like we are talking back to the beginning of our kind ancient.  Her loyalty to Delta Silvercloud is commendable, but she could have gotten seriously hurt. And I’m not sure how I would have handled that. Thorn was torn. He wanted to protect her but was intimidated by the sheer power of the ranked wolves we were surrounded by. It was an impossible situation for him and me.  I
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Cult of Love Chapter 8 - Shikoba
I just had my bruised jaw magically healed by a werewolf and walked through a werewolf town to go on a lunch date with my werewolf… boyfriend? Mate? I don’t know what I’m supposed even to call him. But that wasn’t weird enough. Let’s add finding my sister and her kids are in the werewolf town and were brought here by a VAMPIRE! Seriously what the fuck happened to my life? This is all way too much. I am going to need a stiff drink tonight. I could see about getting one now, but I’m not much of a day drinker. So it will have to wait till it’s at least five o’clock. For now, I’ll have to deal with this madness sober. The bright side is that Rohan is with me, and I know Shannon and her kids are safe. There is no way Michael or Eric would look here. I didn’t even realize this town existed before today. I didn’t want to use the key, so I knocked. I could hear the kids inside, the door muffled their voices, but they were worried. I can’t imagine what they’ve been through to get here. I d
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Cult of Love Chapter 9 - Rohan
We may have gotten a few raised eyebrows from other patrons at the cafe, but no one said a word about me sitting in a booth with three little human kids. They were quiet at first, not that I could blame them. I’m a stranger. Of course, they will be apprehensive about talking to me. But I like to think I’m good with kids, so it only took a few funny faces to get them giggling and at ease. “Not to get too serious on you guys, but how are you doing? I’m sure this must be a lot for you. To suddenly leave home and be in a strange place.” I asked before I took a bite of my club sandwich. The younger two shrugged and looked at their older siblings. There is a hierarchy among them, and it all rolls uphill to the eldest Kennedy. She looked pensive as if giving much thought to her answer. “Do you love our Aunt? Why would we not know about her? Are you like our dad? Or did she have a boyfriend like Dad and run away like Mom finally did?” Kennedy countered with questions of her own. “Well, th
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Cult of Love Chapter 10 - Shikoba
I wish my life were simple again. I don’t mean that as a slight against Rohan. He’s a good guy and has been rolling with the punches in the last twenty-four hours. The thing is, I feel like he’s used to all this crazy shit. I, however, am not. I’m used to Jonathan’s crazy inventions, but that’s different from all this. I am not used to the idea of there being werewolves and vampires. If they are real, what the fuck else is? Fairies? Leprechauns? Genies? Legit, how much of Supernatural is real? Are there hunters out there like Sam and Dean? Is there a God? If he’s anything like Chuck, it would explain why the world is fucked. Yeah, I need to get my mind off all that line of thinking. And what better distraction, while sitting in a bomb shelter with many werewolves and their kids, than playing twenty uncomfortable questions with nieces and nephews, most of whom I haven’t met? And I mean that after the initial worry about being in a shelter wore off, the questions began. And these kids
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Cult of Love Chapter 11 - Shikoba
“It’s wonderful to meet you all. Being here on such a crazy day has overloaded all of you. Julie mentioned you were staying above her cafe. Now I’m sure that place can’t have much in the way of entertainment. Especially for little ones.” Mrs. Rock smiled sweetly. “If you want to grab anything you might need for the baby, you can come to our house. We still have Rohan and Evie’s toys, including the playset out back.” She offered. “I don’t know. We wouldn’t want to impose, and my friend is supposed to come later.” Shannon chewed her bottom lip. “I can tell Byron we’re at my family’s house. He’ll find you just fine.” Rohan assured. “Please, Mom. I want to play.” Walt pleaded. “There are plenty of rooms so that the younger ones can take n-a-p-s.” Mr. Rock added spelling out the word most toddlers dread. “Fine. We can go to the Rock’s house.” Shannon sighed and nodded. “I’ll go by the apartment to get more of Russ’ things.” “Rohan and Shikoba can do that for you.” Mrs. Rock volunteer
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Cult of Love Chapter 12 - Rohan
You’d think things would have settled down, and to a degree, they have. Sadly Miss Fayte is still in her coma while Delta Silvercloud and a chemist from Silvercloud, who, for reasons I don’t fully understand, is aware of our secret, work night and day to find a cure. And since Delta Silvercloud’s sole focus is making that cure, Shikoba has been working even harder. Which means I’ve seen less rather than more of her. I’ve managed to squeeze in a handful of dates since we met. And I do not count attending court hearings about Michael and Eric as dates. Because they aren’t, even if we grab something to eat before or after the hearing. And the few dates we’ve had aren’t often just the two of us. We’ve double-dated with Shannon and Byron while my sister babysat Shannon’s kids. All I want is alone time with my mate. I know she has an important job, and with Delta Silvercloud’s focus on anything but the business, she’s picking up even more slack than before. But I’d like for our dates to be
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Cult of Love Chapter 13 - Shikoba
What was going through my mind when I told Rohan I’d go through with the mating on the next new moon? I must have been insane to say I’d be ready to do this in a WEEK! I haven’t had sex with anyone since my surgery. Well, I tried to be intimate, but the guy freaked out when the reality of my transition hit him, and I’ve not bothered since. “Everything okay? We don’t have to do this. I can turn around and take you to your apartment or hang out at the house. Whatever you want and are comfortable with.” Rohan offered, placing his hand on my knee, making me jump, and I realized I’d spaced out. I shook my head and quickly typed my reply. He’s better with sign language, but I don’t want him to take his focus off the road to read my signs. “I’m okay. I’m just nervous, and that won’t change by putting this off for another month. So, no turning around.” I assured him. “If you say so. The offer is there even after we get there. You decide this is too much, and we will go home.” He promised a
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Cult of Love Epilogue Part 1 - Rohan
The last five months have been the best of my life. After Shikoba and I completed our bond, everything clicked into place. I don’t just mean with our bond, but it was like a domino effect. For the most part, it’s only been good things. Some outcomes could have been better, but I’ll take what I can get. Delta Persephone and all the others infected by the virus were cured. Michael was given a slap on the wrist, serving ninety days for what happened at Shikoba’s apartment and outside Silvercloud. Delta Silvercloud made sure they had surveillance footage from both locations. Eric, however, got fifteen years. I know fifteen years sounds high for first-time domestic abuse charges. That’s the thing domestic abuse was only one of the charges Eric faced. I’m not sure how or why, but Eric was wanted for embezzlement, fraud, extortion, and possession with the intent to sell something like twenty pounds of cocaine. He was adamant that the chargers were fake, but all evidence said otherwise. Whi
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Cult of Love Epilogue Part 2 - Rohan
He kissed his daughters, shooed them back to their nanny, and told her to take them to get something to eat. Once his daughters were out of sight, he joined us at the table, sitting opposite us. He sighed, set a folder on the table, and passed it to me. “Read it.” He nodded. I frowned and opened the folder. It was medical documents. It outlined in detail that Rémi’s wolf and heart have suffered major damage due to his chosen mate leaving him. I’m still not sure why he’s showing me this. “And?” I asked as I pushed the folder back to him. “I’m dying, Rohan. I came here as a last-ditch effort. The doctors in my pack said the only thing that could save me now would be my true mate. Of course, that option is off the table.” He waved a hand at Shikoba. “Obviously.” I nodded. “So why show me that? Why introduce your children? Leave them with their mother.” “Her mate doesn’t want them. He gave her two choices, abandon our daughters and me or be rejected by him.” Rémi frowned. “She wouldn
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