All Chapters of The Rejected Omega Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Chapter 81
EVA'S POVI woke up with a start, gasping for air as I sat up in bed. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt like I had been running a long race in my sleep.But as I tried to catch my breath, the flashes of what happened yesterday came flooding back into my mind, causing my body to shake with anxiety.I remembered how the guards had dragged Zero away, kicking and screaming, and how she had suddenly disappeared before my very eyes.The memory made my skin crawl with fear and uncertainty. I didn't know what had happened to her or where she had disappeared to, and the thought of not knowing was unbearable.Shivering, I wrapped myself in the covers and tried to calm myself down.I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the present, on the morning that was unfolding around me.The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over my bedroom. The light filtered through the curtains, dappling the walls and floor with soft shadows. I could hear the birds outside, chirping a
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Chapter 82
EVA'S POVAs soon as I heard a sound coming from Geneva's room, my heart skipped a beat. It was a sharp, sudden noise that cut through the silence of the hallway like a knife.For a moment, I froze, wondering what it could be. But then, without a second thought, I abandoned all pretense of manners and etiquette and burst into Geneva's room without knocking.The first thing I noticed was the silence. It was like a vacuum had sucked all the noise out of the room.I called out to Geneva, my voice echoing off the walls, but there was no response.Panic started to rise within me. Had she been hurt? Was she lying unconscious somewhere? I scanned the room frantically, my eyes darting from corner to corner, searching for any sign of her.But there was no one there. The bed was empty, the closet door was open, and there was no trace of Geneva's presence in the room.I felt a sudden surge of anxiety. What if she had left? What if she had run away in the middle of the night? It seemed unlikely,
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Chapter 83
ADRIAN'S POVI snatched my hands away from Geneva's grasp as soon as we were alone. The intensity in her gaze made me want to crumble, but I didn't show it.I was angry at her for interrupting my conversation with Eva, and I needed to know why."Why did you interrupt my conversation with Eva?" I asked bluntly, my voice laced with anger.Geneva brushed my question aside and started unbuttoning my shirt slowly. I tried to resist, but she overpowered me with her scent and I was powerless against her advances.We kissed passionately, our bodies entwined as we hit cloud 9.The way she moved against me was intoxicating, and I felt myself lose all control.Her hands roamed over my body, exploring every inch of me, and I let out a low groan of pleasure.She pushed me onto the bed, straddling me, and I could feel her heat through the thin fabric of her dress.I pulled her closer, my hands on her hips, as she ground against me. The sensation was overwhelming, and I knew I couldn't hold back any
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Chapter 84
EVA'S POVI tossed and turned all night, unable to drift off into a peaceful slumber. The moon shone through the window, casting shadows on the walls of my room, but even that couldn't calm the storm raging within me.My mind was consumed with thoughts of Adrian and his behavior towards me yesterday.He humiliated me in the presence of that bitch!! And all for what??!It was as if I was stuck in a never-ending loop, replaying the events of the day over and over again in my mind. I could feel my heart beating fast and my palms sweating. My thoughts were so loud, it was as if they were screaming at me from within.Finally, as the first light of dawn filtered into the room, I gave up on the idea of getting any sleep.I got out of bed and quickly dressed, my mind already set on what I wanted to do. I needed to see Adrian and tell him how his behavior yesterday made me feel.I made my way to his room, the hallways still quiet and empty at this early hour.As I walked, I couldn't help but
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Chapter 85
ZAYN'S POVAs I looked around the pack, I felt my anxiety well up within me.The new war plan against Adrian's pack had been formulated and we were all ready to attack, but first, I needed to inform Omar and Eva about the latest update. I scanned through the pack, looking for someone I could send on this critical mission, but I found no one capable enough for the task. I could not bring myself to trust someone else.I knew that time was of the essence, and that I could not waste any more time but I did not know what to do.With no other option left, I decided to go by myself, even though the Luna refused to let me go. She was worried about the potential danger that lay ahead, but I couldn't let that stop me. I had to make sure that Omar and Eva were informed so that they could prepare for the upcoming attack."Mother, I have to do this. We can't afford to wait any longer," I said, my voice firm."Zayn, please think about what you're doing. This is too risky," she replied, her tone pl
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Chapter 86
ADRIAN'S POVI walked into my room, the door creaking as I shut it behind me. It was quiet, and the darkness of the room felt comforting after the day I had.I walked towards my bed and settled in, feeling the cool sheets against my skin.My mind was racing and the comfort of my bed could not keep me from worrying.I tried to refute the growing worry in my head, but it only grew stronger.I was so sure that my wolf had smelt Zayn in Eva's room earlier, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was really there, or if I was just missing my brother and best friend.Childhood memories flooded my mind, and I tried to bury them deep within me, but they kept resurfacing. Zayn's lively face was etched into my mind, and I couldn't shake it off no matter how hard I tried.Suddenly with great anguish, another thought came into my mind. I remembered what my father had said about Omar, and how my mother had died.The memories were painful and raw as I thought about it and I felt my heart ache with sor
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Chapter 87
ZAYN'S POVAs I led my pack through the thick morning mist, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through my veins. It was the perfect cover for our mission, the perfect cloak to hide our movements from Adrian's guards.The mist was thick and white, swirling around us like a living, breathing thing. Tiny droplets of water clung to my skin, making it slick and shiny. I could hear the soft pattering of raindrops on the leaves and the distant chirping of birds. It was as if the world had been wrapped in a blanket, muffling all sounds and leaving us in a cocoon of silence.I signaled to Zero to create a distraction. As she slunk off into the mist, I turned to the two Omegas behind me with their bows and arrows ready. "Take out the guards," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the soft rustling of leaves.They both nodded, their eyes focused and intense. They crept forward, their movements as silent as the mist that surrounded us. I could feel the tension building in
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Chapter 88
ADRIAN'S POVI was scared. Not scared of Zayn but scared of losing the battle. I could not afford to lose the battle because if I did I could kiss the leadership of the pack goodbye. My father was going to disown me and throw me out of his house so I was scared, I could not afford to lose.I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I rushed towards the frontline of the battle, dodging arrows and pushing warriors away. I needed to give it my all. I was determined to succeed, to come out on top this time no matter what.But then something happened.Suddenly, I stopped dead in my tracks, my feet rooted to the ground as I saw Zero step out of Zayn's pack. It was indeed true that she was working for Zayn.She was leading the swordsmen, and I could see how she was attacking with agility and accuracy.My heart sank and I could feel a cold sweat break out on my forehead.Zero was a formidable opponent, and she was not someone to be taken lightly. I also knew that if she was leading the swo
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Chapter 89
EVA'S POVI walked into the room and saw Omar standing there. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.I tried to hold back the shudder that ran through me but I couldn't.Omar noticed and pulled back a little."It's okay, Eva," he said softly. "Adrian's death was destined to happen."I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes. "No, Omar. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Zayn killed him without giving him a fighting chance. It was unfair."Omar looked at me, his eyes full of sympathy. "Eva, you have to understand that it was a fair fight. Zayn did not cheat or use any underhanded tactics."I cried out in pain, shaking uncontrollably. "How can you say that? Zayn did the wrong thing here! He killed Adrian without any mercy! Adrian wasn't supposed to die like this."Omar sighed and shook his head. "Eva, you're not seeing the whole picture. Zayn and Adrian were fighting for their lives out there. It was a fight to the death, and Zayn came out on top. It w
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Chapter 90
ZAYN'S POVI was a few meters away from the pack territory and my heart swelled with joy as I saw my home, my haven.The sun was setting in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything it touched. I breathed in the familiar scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers.I smiled to myself as I felt the familiar warmth that I had been missing for some days now.As I walked up to the doorstep, I saw Nikita and Luna waiting for me, their faces eager with anticipation.My heart leaped with joy as I saw their beaming faces. I hugged them both tightly, feeling the love and warmth that only family could bring."I'm home," I said with a grin, "and I've got some stories to tell."Nikita's face lit up with excitement. "Tell us everything!" she exclaimed.I could feel the pride swelling within me as I recounted the events of the battle. I told them about how we had fought and defeated the enemies.And as I spoke, my face broke into a wide grin. The memory of our victory filled me with a sens
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