All Chapters of The Rejected Omega Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
142 Chapters
Chapter 91
ZAYN'S POVAs Zero walked away, I felt a strange tug in my gut. I had a suspicion that she was leaving the pack just to be with Xerxes. I couldn't let her go without confronting her about it. I needed to know the real reason behind her decision.So, I went after her."Zero, wait," I called out to her. She turned around to face me, her expression guarded."What is it, Zayn?" she asked, her tone polite but distant."I just want to know why you are really leaving," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "And don't tell me it's just because you want to start a new life."She raised an eyebrow at me. "And what makes you think I have another reason for leaving other than what I just told you?"I knew she was trying to avoid the question, but I couldn't let her off the hook that easily. "I noticed the way you were looking at Xerxes while we were at Adrian's pack. Do you have feelings for him?"Zero's lips twitched in amusement. "And what if I do?"I felt a pang of anger. "Is that why you're l
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Chapter 92
ALPHA AMBROSE'S POVI stood there, frozen, staring at my only child's lifeless body. Adrian, my precious son, who I had watched grow from a tiny bundle of joy to a strong and valiant warrior, lay before me, still and motionless.I couldn't understand how Zayn could have killed him so ruthlessly, without any remorse. Adrian and Zayn grew up together so I still found it hard to believe.My eyes traveled over Adrian's body, taking in the wounds that marked his once vibrant and strong body.It was like a dagger had pierced my heart, and my eyes blurred with tears.My son, my only son, was gone, and I was left to mourn him.I couldn't also fathom why Omar, who had saved Adrian's life countless times before, wasn't there on the battlefield that day to protect him.My heart ached with questions, but the only answer was the silence that surrounded me. It was like the universe was mocking me with its quietness.I struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I didn't
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Chapter 93
ALPHA AMBROSE'S POV"Alpha, Xerxes is in the garden. Should I tell him to come to see you?" The guard asked with a respectful tone."Garden? What's he doing there?" I asked, confused. "Well, it's alright. I will just take a walk and go see him myself. You may leave now."As I walked through the garden, my eyes caught sight of Xerxes standing by the fountain, looking lost in thought.I approached him, my heart racing with anxiety as I asked, "What is the latest update on Zayn? Have you found out where he is hiding? Why is it taking so long to find one man?!!"Xerxes bowed and shook his head slowly, his eyes cast down to the ground. "I'm sorry, Alpha Ambrose, but we have no leads on his hideout yet. We are still searching high and low, but it seems like he has gone off the grid."My patience wore thin as I stared at Xerxes in disbelief. He reminded me of Adrian, who was never able to keep up with my expectations."Shit!! There is no difference between you and Adrian," I said, my voice l
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Chapter 94
ALPHA AMBROSE'S POVI stood there, seething with anger, as Geneva continued to spew rubbish before me. The air around us was tense, charged with the weight of my fury.I had never been one to take things lightly, and Geneva had certainly crossed a line. As I glared at her, my eyes blazed with an intensity that made her flinch."Would you like to spend the night in the dungeon?" I asked her, my voice low and menacing. "Perhaps some time alone in the dark will help you reflect on your behavior and choice of words."Geneva shook her head and I could see a hint of fear etched on her face. I could also see the panic in her eyes as she struggled to find the right words to say."Please, Alpha Ambrose," she began to beg. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to anger you. I only came here to tell you about Eva."I scoffed at her words. "What could you possibly have to tell me about Eva that would interest me?" I demanded.Geneva took a deep breath and began to speak, her words hesitant at first, but gain
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Chapter 95
EVA'S POVI scoured every nook and cranny of Alpha Ambrose's Mansion, searching desperately for Omar.I had made up my mind to leave. The thought of staying in this luxurious prison filled me with an overwhelming sense of dread. I couldn't wait to go back to my parents and my pack. I had to get out of here, and I needed Omar's help to do it. But all of a sudden, he was nowhere to be found.I felt panic rising in my chest, and I could feel my hands shaking as I opened every door I could open and searched every room. There was no sign of Omar anywhere.I was beginning to feel desperate. Had Alpha Ambrose caught onto our plan? Had Omar been caught and punished? Had he run away without telling me? I couldn't bear the thought of it.I moved through the mansion with a sense of urgency. My heart was pounding in my chest as I searched for any sign of him. I looked under every piece of furniture – yeah, I know it sounds funny but I just wanted to be sure he wasn't sleeping under one. I also l
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Chapter 96
EVA'S POVAs I felt a sudden jolt on my arm, I turned around to face my captor and saw a female werewolf warrior. She stopped me in my tracks.She was taller than me, her muscular frame intimidating, and her eyes were sharp, scrutinizing my every move. I could feel her grip on my hand tightening as she asked, "Eva, where are you going to with a bag?"I felt my heartbeat quicken as I struggled to come up with a believable explanation. I couldn't let her suspect that I was running away. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before answering her."I'm just going to give some medical supplies to the Beta guards. They are treating the wounded warriors, and I thought I could be of help," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.She looked at me suspiciously, her eyes narrowing as she searched my face. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as I awaited her response. I was scared that she was going to search my bag, but I couldn't let her see that I was nervous.Finally, s
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Chapter 97
ZAYN'S POVAs I approached the door to Luna and Nikita's quarters, my heart was pounding with worry. The news I had received from the Beta warrior sent to find Eva was not what I wanted to hear.He told me that Eva had left Alpha Ambrose's mansion already, and he also told me about what he overheard from Alpha Ambrose's pack members about Alpha Ambrose and Xerxes cooking up a plan that would destroy our pack. And worst of all, Geneva was helping them out.My thoughts raced with anger.I knocked firmly on the door, and after a moment, Luna answered. She looked surprised to see me, but her expression quickly turned serious as she took in my tense posture and furrowed brow. "Zayn, what's wrong?" she asked, ushering me inside."Mother, we need to talk," I said, turning to face Nikita as well. My words were clipped and urgent."Of course," Nikita said, rising from her chair. "What's going on?"I took a deep breath, struggling to arrange my thoughts. "I spoke with the Beta warrior, and he t
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Chapter 98
EVA'S POVAs I sat on the edge of my bed, staring out of the window, I heard a knock at the door. My heart skipped a beat when I looked up and saw my father standing there.I couldn't believe he had finally come to see me. He had been avoiding me since I returned home two days ago. But here he was, standing before me, apologizing for his cold treatment towards me."Eva," he called out in a gentle voice. "I'm sorry I haven't been to see you since you got back. I hope you're doing okay."I looked at him, my expression unsure. I wasn't sure if I should forgive him so easily. But then again, he was my father, and I missed him. So, I nodded and gave him a small smile."It's okay, Dad," I said softly. "I understand."He took a seat next to me, and we sat in silence for a moment. I could tell he was struggling to find the right words to say.But I waited patiently, hoping he would say something, anything."Eva, I want to apologize for how I reacted toward you," he finally said, his voice lac
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Chapter 99
ZAYN'S POVI stood outside the pack house and my heart was pounding in my chest as I stared at the door. For weeks now, I had been feeling restless, unable to shake the feeling that something was missing from my life.Although the war between me and Adrian had ended, the weight of the past still hung heavily on my shoulders.I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. I wanted to do something to distract myself for a while so I decided to learn more about my family, to try and fill in the gaps that were haunting me. And who better to help me than Nikita?I knocked on the door, and Nikita answered almost immediately, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Zayn!" she exclaimed. "Come in, come in. I've been expecting you."I stepped inside, taking in my surroundings.Nikita settled into a chair and gestured for me to do the same. "So, what can I help you with today?" she asked, her gaze intense and focused.I hesitated for a moment, unsure of where to start. "I just...I f
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Chapter 100
EVA'S POVAs soon as my mom left to prepare dinner, I sighed and stared out of the window. I was lost in thoughts again. Why hadn't my wolf come out yet? I was turning twenty-one in just a few days, and I was starting to worry that something was wrong with me.But I couldn't sit in my room all day, brooding over my worries. I needed to do something to distract myself for a while, so I decided to go to the courtyard and practice my archery skills.I grabbed my bow and arrows and made my way outside. The sun was starting to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the courtyard.I took a deep breath and focused on the target, pulling back the string and letting the arrow fly. I repeated the process, over and over again, losing myself in the rhythm of the shot. It was a calming, meditative experience, and I could feel my worries starting to melt away.But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mom walking towards me. She was carrying a basket of fresh vegetables from
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