All Chapters of The Rejected Omega Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
142 Chapters
Chapter 111
ALPHA JACK'S POVI couldn't sleep no matter how much I tried to, I just couldn't get myself to calm down and sleep so I decided to step outside for a moment.I stepped out of my quarters, inhaling the crisp night air. The moon was full and bright, casting an eerie glow over the packhouse. The chill of the night wrapped around me, but I barely felt it.I couldn't stop thinking about Eva, out there in the woods alone. She had been gone for days now, and even if she had her wolf I was still worried sick about her.I walked aimlessly, trying to clear my thoughts, but they kept coming back to me. I had so many questions. Did she know how to control her wolf? Was she safe? Where was she? I needed her to come back home, to make sure that she was okay.I turned back towards the packhouse and made my way to my Luna's quarters. I needed to clear my head and Sarah's words were exactly what I needed.I reached Sarah's quarters, my heart still racing with worry. I knocked on the door, and it opene
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Chapter 112
ALPHA JACK'S POVI opened my eyes to a blurry world. The edges of my vision were hazy as I tried to focus. A sharp pain shot through my head, making me hiss in discomfort. But slowly, the world came into view and I saw Sarah standing over me, worry etched on her face."Jack, are you okay?" She asked, her voice laced with concern.I tried to speak, but my throat was dry and raspy. Sarah quickly grabbed a glass of water and helped me take a sip. As the cool liquid slid down my throat, I could feel my body relaxing and the pain in my head easing up.The healer then approached me and checked me over, nodding at the condition of my illness and how it made me look. He advised that I rest for a while and handed over to me a small vial of medicine that I had to take.Sarah gently helped me sit up and placed the vial to my lips. The bitter taste of the medicine lingered in my mouth as I swallowed it down.After a while the healer left, leaving Sarah and I alone in the room. I could feel her ga
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Chapter 113
EVA'S POV I could feel my heart beating in my chest as he approached me. His eyes were cold and calculating, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he stretched out his protruded claws toward me.Fear gripped me. I had no idea what he was going to do to me, but I braced myself for the worst.Suddenly, he used his sharp claws to remove a shard of glass that had become embedded in my skin after the accident I had. I winced in pain as he dug into my flesh, but I was relieved to see that he wasn't going to hurt me as I thought he would.As he worked, I couldn't help but study his features more closely. His skin was pale and almost translucent, and his eyes were a piercing black color that seemed to stare right through me. His hair was short and black making his face appear rounder.I couldn't help but wonder who this man really was and why he was helping me. There was something about him that was strangely reassuring, and I found myself trusting him.Finally, he finished takin
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Chapter 114
ALPHA JACK'S POVAs I slowly walked into the kitchen, I could smell the aroma of my favorite dish filling the air. I had asked Sarah to prepare it for me earlier today, and she had agreed to do so. I knew that she was busy with pack activities since I had been unwell, but I couldn't resist the urge to taste her cooking once again."Is it ready yet?" I asked eagerly as I walked up to her, trying not to sound too impatient.She turned around with a smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Yes, it is," she replied, gesturing towards the dining table. "I've laid out everything for you. I hope you like it."I could see that she had put a lot of effort into preparing the dish. The presentation was perfect, and the colors were vivid and striking exactly how I liked it. My mouth watered at the sight of it, and I couldn't wait to dig in.I picked up my fork and took a bite. The texture was perfect. But there was something off about the taste. It was as if my taste buds had lost the
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Chapter 115
EVA'S POV As I got closer to my kingdom, I could hear the sounds of battle growing louder and more intense. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and blood, and I knew that I was running straight toward danger.But I was not afraid. I had a mission and a purpose, and I was determined to see it through. My pack needed me, and I would not let them down. Never!Immediately I arrived at the kingdom, my heart sank as I saw the destruction and chaos that surrounded me. People were running for their lives, screaming and crying as they fled from the enemy troops who were rampaging through the streets.I drew my sword without wasting any time and my eyes scanned the scene for any sign of my family and or anyone I knew. They were in danger, and I was determined to protect them no matter what.But as I moved forward, I was immediately set upon by the enemy. They came at me with swords and axes, their eyes filled with malice and hatred. But I was no longer the past Eva who could do nothing b
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Chapter 116
EVA'S POVAs I lay down to sleep on my bed that night, I felt a sense of emptiness inside me. The memory of my parents' death had left a void in me that could not be filled. But after a few minutes, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep. And that was when I had a dream.In the dream, I saw my parents standing in front of me, both of them hugging me tightly. I could feel their warmth and love seeping into my very being. They told me to be strong for them, to always remember the values they had taught me, and to be the best version of myself that I could be. As they spoke, I felt a sense of peace and calm wash over me, and I felt like everything would be alright.The next morning, I woke up with a different aura around me. I felt a stronger urge to have revenge, to make whoever was responsible for my parents' death pay for what they had done.My expression was cold and determined, a far cry from the sadness and despair that had consumed me the previous day. And with eac
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Chapter 117
EVA'S POV"I am going to make him pay!! He will regret what he has done to my parents. I will make sure of it." I swore to myself as I stared at the pieces of the shattered vase lying on the floor.I was overwhelmed with rage. Alpha Ambrose didn't just kill my dad he killed my both parents and all for what??!! I howled and tears streamed down my face. I was so sure that it was indeed Alpha Ambrose's pack who had attacked my pack and killed my parents. I was also sure that he would be making plans to come for me too.But I won't let that happen. I was going to attack him first.I couldn't sleep anymore so instead I got out of bed and went straight to my father's study. I needed to find information on how to deal with Alpha Ambrose. I couldn't do it alone so I needed to seek allies, anyone who could help me bring down that monster.As I searched through the study for answers I found nothing. Nothing at all. No contact I could reach out to, no name.I became overwhelmed with frustration.
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Chapter 118
EVA'S POVI made my way to my room, shutting the door behind me as soon as I got in. My heart raced as I paced around in deep thought, reminiscing on the events that had just taken place.The meeting I just had with the council elders had been intimidating, with their piercing gazes and stern expressions. I had acted as if I was fearless in front of them, but in truth, I was anything but fearless.I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders as I thought about my next move. My plans to visit the Alpha King were crazy, and I needed the council's support to make it happen. I couldn't afford for them to turn me down, not when the fate of our pack hung in the balance.As I paced, my eyes wandered over the room, taking in the familiar surroundings.Suddenly I stopped pacing and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My face was drawn, and my eyes were dark with worry. I couldn't help but wonder if I was doing the right thing. Was I being too impulsive? Was I putting my pack in dang
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Chapter 119
EVA'S POVAs I stepped out of the small hut, the silence outside was almost deafening. The air was crisp, and the moon was full and bright, casting an eerie glow on the surroundings.I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as the low growling sound reached my ears again. I had told Elder Andre to go back to sleep while I went out on my own to check out what made the growling sound.My heart was pounding in my chest as I slowly moved toward the source of the sound, trying to be as quiet as possible.And immediately I stepped out of the shadows, I saw a large, dark figure standing just a few steps away from me. The creature was massive, towering over me with rippling muscles and sharp claws. It was a werewolf, and not just any ordinary one but an Alpha. It looked like it was furious. Its eyes glinted in the moonlight, and I could see the fury and power in them.I froze in my tracks, not sure whether to run or stand my ground. The werewolf growled again, and I could feel t
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Chapter 120
EVA'S POV "Alpha Ambrose will kill me and my pack members if you don't help us. I have no one else to ask for help."I stood before the Alpha King, my heart pounding in my chest as I continued to plead for his help. I was taking a risk to ask for his help, but I had no other choice. Alpha Ambrose and his pack were getting ready to attack and they were also growing stronger by the day, if nothing was done soon, they would attack and destroy everything I held dear, everything my parents had worked so hard for."Please, Your Highness," I begged, sinking to my knees before him. "You have the power to help us stop Alpha Ambrose. Please, help us." But the Alpha King's eyes narrowed, and I could see the irritation in his expression. "You come here, begging for my help, but what have you done to earn it?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I am ready to do everything in my power to protect my pack," I replied, my voice shaking with fear. "Because truth be told we are no match for Al
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