All Chapters of The Rejected Omega Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
142 Chapters
Chapter 131
EVA'S POVI didn't go back home as I had planned. Instead, I retraced my steps and went on a journey to meet a seer. I needed to know if Zayn was the one for me. I have heard of the seer from my parents when they were still alive, so I was eager to meet her. The journey was long and stressful. I walked for days, sometimes through thick forests, and sometimes through deep valleys. I also had to cross rivers. But I kept going, driven by the hope that I would find answers to the questions that were troubling me. I walked and walked, not knowing where exactly I was going, but trusting that I was on the right path.After many days of traveling, I finally arrived at the small town where the seer lived. It was a beautiful place, with lush gardens and sparkling fountains. The air was filled with the scent of flowers, and the birds were singing sweetly. I felt a sense of peace and calm wash over me.I saw some people working on a farm and asked politely if they knew about a seer and a young
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Chapter 132
EVA'S POVI gasped as the final push escaped my lips, and a cry echoed through the room. The cry was not mine, but that of my newborn baby.I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I looked up at the seer, who was holding my baby. She smiled, and whispered, "It's a baby boy."I couldn't contain my happiness. I felt like everything was going to be okay at that particular moment.The labour was long, and the pain was intense, but the seer was with me through it all. I was taken care of and I felt safe. I couldn't have done it without her.The seer placed my newborn son on my chest, and I looked down at him in awe. He was so small and fragile, yet so perfect. He had ten little fingers and ten little toes, and his face was scrunched up in a tiny ball. I couldn't believe that I had made this little human being. He was mine, and I was his mother.The seer advised that I stayed in the cottage for a week to rest and recover, and I knew that it was the right thing to do. I had no idea how to ca
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Chapter 133
ZAYN'S POVAs I wandered through the forest one afternoon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Eva had promised to return weeks ago, and I had begun to fear the worst. My heart was heavy with worry, and I needed to clear my thoughts.I decided to go on a hunt to distract myself. I wanted to catch a deer, not just for food, but to prove to myself that I still had some control over my surroundings.The forest was quiet, and the only sound was the crunch of leaves beneath my boots. As I walked further, I spotted a deer grazing in a nearby clearing.I crept up slowly, trying not to make any noise. My heart was pounding in my chest as I drew my bow back, aiming. I released the arrow, and it flew through, striking the deer in the heart. It fell to the ground, and I approached it carefully, thanking the animal for giving its life to sustain mine.With the deer slung over my shoulders, I made my way back to my campsite.I prepared the meat carefully, skinning and cleaning it before ro
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Chapter 134
ZAYN'S POVI knew what I had to do as soon as I noticed that Eva had been bitten by a snake and the poison was coursing through her veins. I could see fear in her eyes, and I knew that time was running out. I had to act fast.I felt a surge of adrenaline as I ran out of the hut and into the forest, my heart pounding in my chest. As I ran, my mind raced with thoughts of a type of herbal leaf that cures snake bites.The leaves were the only thing that could save her at that moment so I had to find them.I darted around trees and dodged through bushes. And after what felt like an eternity, I finally found the leaves. My heart swelled with relief as I plucked them from the ground.I sprinted back to the hut with the leaves clenched tightly in my hand. Eva was barely conscious when I reached her and her breaths were shallow and labored.I knelt beside her and took a deep breath. I had to be calm and focused.I took out the leaves and crushed them between my fingers, the sweet scent of the
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Chapter 135
ZAYN’S POVI trudged along the dirt path, my heart heavy with sadness. My feet carried me to the river, a place where I often went when I needed to clear my head. The sound of the water rushing past the rocks was soothing to my troubled mind. I sank onto the grassy bank, my eyes fixed on the water. I couldn't help but think of Eva and the baby.My thoughts were consumed with her and the fact that she now had a child for Adrian. I just couldn't believe it. I was terrified. I feared that the baby would become a barrier between us, preventing us from sharing a future together. As I sat there, my mind racing with worry, I suddenly realized that Eva had not said anything to me about not wanting to be with me. If this baby was going to be an issue, she would have told me right away. I let out a deep sigh. I loved Eva more than anything in this world, and I was determined to make our relationship work no matter what. I gazed out at the water once again, my eyes fixed on the ripples danci
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Chapter 136
EVA’S POVWhen we arrived at the hut, I couldn't help but notice how Zayn had dashed away from the beast.I stood there for a moment, trying to catch my breath as I patted Roy to sleep.Zayn was panting heavily beside me, his eyes filled with fear. He seemed so shaken up, so scared. And I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in him. I mean, I could have just taken on that beast without so much as batting an eyelid, and here he was, acting like a frightened child.I tried to push those thoughts aside and decided to focus on what mattered but I couldn't. I needed to know more about Zayn's werewolf rank.I cautiously approached him. "Zayn, what rank are you in the wolves?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm and level.Zayn looked at me, his eyes filled with surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice shaky."I mean, what's your rank? Alpha? Beta? Omega?" I pressed.Zayn hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm an Omega," he said finally, his voice bare
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Chapter 137
ZAYN’S POVI awakened and quietly sat up, I didn't want to wake Eva up. I was feeling utterly betrayed as I watched her sleep peacefully on the rocking chair after breaking my heart with her hurtful words.My heart sank. She really didn't care about me at all. Her reason for wanting to leave was stupid!! Just because I was an Omega. It felt like there was a crushing weight on my chest, and I couldn't breathe.I always thought we were deeply in love, that our bond was unbreakable. But I guess I was wrong. Eva had no qualms about leaving me behind, she was ready to leave me to bear the brunt of the hurt alone.I couldn't help but wonder if I was ever truly loved by her. Did she only stay with me because she thought I was an Alpha? The thought made me sick to my stomach. I felt like a fool for trusting her with my heart.I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill, but it was a futile effort. One escaped, then another. And before I knew it, I was sobbing like a little girl un
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Chapter 138
EVA’S POVAs I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, memories of that fateful night came flooding back. The night I fled from my pack, searching for the aura that had intoxicated me. It seemed like a long time ago, but I remembered it like it was yesterday.I closed my eyes and let my mind wander back to that night. I remembered the way the moonlight had filtered through the trees, casting shadows on the forest floor. The cool breeze had brushed against my skin, and I had felt alive.I recalled how I had stumbled upon Zayn. He had been washing himself in the river, looking handsome and breathtaking. I had been so surprised to see him there, but I had felt drawn to him.I recalled the good memories we created in such a short time together. I had felt a connection with him, a bond that I had not felt in a very long time. It was like he had understood me, like he had seen through all my pretences and defences.As I lay there, remembering everything, I couldn't help but smile. It had bee
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Chapter 139
ZAYN’S POVA few years had passed and I had finally found a pack I could call mine, and we had grown strong and fierce together. We trained together every day, pushing ourselves to be the best we could be. Even my son, yes Roy, had grown up to be a handsome young boy, and I was proud to call him my son.As I and Roy trained together every day, I could see the determination in his eyes. He was always eager to learn, always eager to improve. And I was happy to be the one to teach him. It was my wish for him to grow up to be a strong and competent man, just like I was.I trained with Roy and the pack every day until I began to feel a desire burning deep within me. I wanted more than just to belong to the pack and train – I developed the urge to challenge the Alpha of the pack, to prove that I was strong enough to be an Alpha as well. And so because of my desire, I trained harder, pushing myself to be the best I could be.I could feel the love of my pack members and I knew that I had thei
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Chapter 140
ZAYN’S POVThe cheers of my pack members filled the air as I stood over the fallen body of the Alpha. I had done it. I had defeated him, killed him, and taken his place as the new leader of the pack. It was a moment of triumph, one that filled me with pride and joy.The pack members gathered around me, clapping me on the back, and congratulating me on my victory. I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me, knowing that I couldn't have done it without their support and encouragement.But suddenly the pain hit me, a sharp, burning pain that shot through my fingers. I tried to hide it, to keep the others from noticing, but they could tell that something was wrong. They were all staring at me with concern and worry etched on their faces.Some persons came forward, offering to help me, to take me to my room. I knew I needed to act fast, to keep everyone from seeing the poison that was inside my fingers. So when they carefully aided me and brought me to my room, I gave orders for them to lea
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