All Chapters of The Rejected Omega Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
142 Chapters
Chapter 121
EVA'S POV I stared at the Alpha King, my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for his response. I had just asked him what I had to do to prove that I was a worthy Luna, and now I waited with bated breath for his answer.But instead of saying a word he beckoned me to follow him, and immediately I fell in step behind him, with Elder Andre walking beside me.We walked outside of the mansion and deeper into the forest, the trees growing thicker and more imposing as we went. The air grew colder and more still, and the leaves rustled ominously in the wind. I shivered, feeling as though we were walking into some great unknown darkness.Finally, we came close to a clearing, and in the centre of it stood a beast. It was massive, its scales gleaming in the faint sunlight that filtered through the trees. Its eyes glinted like jewels, and its breath came out in visible puffs of steam.The Alpha King turned to me and said, "If you can get the gem that the beast is guarding, I will believe that
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Chapter 122
EVA'S POVI stood at the entrance of the mansion, my eyes fixed on the path leading to the woods. My heart raced as I waited for the spy we had sent to Alpha Ambrose's pack to return.For days, he had gone to Alpha Ambrose's pack, risking his life to gather all the vital information we needed to know. And every day, I prayed to the Moon Goddess that he would come back to us safe and sound with good news.Finally, I saw him running towards the mansion. He emerged from the trees, his pace quickening as he approached me. I heaved a sigh of relief, but I didn't let my guard down. I knew that even now, he could be followed, and we couldn't afford to take any chances."Report," I said, my voice calm but firm. "What's happening?"The spy nodded, his eyes flickering with a hint of fear. "Alpha Ambrose is seriously planning an attack," he said. "He has gathered a large force, and they are planning to strike at the heart of our territory."I felt my heart sink. We had suspected as much, but to
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Chapter 123
EVA'S POVAs I led my pack back to our kingdom, the triumphant chants echoed through the forest. My heart swelled with pride as I watched my pack members celebrating our victory. We had fought long and hard, and finally, the war was over. We had emerged victorious, we had defeated Alpha Ambrose and I couldn't be happier.I looked around at my pack members and couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie. We fought together, side by side, and emerged stronger than ever before. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming, and I couldn't wait to return home and celebrate with my pack.As we approached the kingdom, the sight of the familiar trees and landmarks filled me with a sense of nostalgia. Memories flooded my mind, and I wished my parents were there to see how far I had come. They would have been proud of me if they were still alive.I turned to the Alpha King who was walking beside me, and smiled. "We did it, Alpha King. We won the war."The Alpha King nodded, his eyes shining w
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Chapter 124
EVA'S POV"Congratulations, Eva," said one of my pack members, a fierce young wolf named Jackson. "You've done an amazing job.""Thank you," I replied, smiling at him. "I couldn't have done it without all of you."The other members of the pack came forward, one by one, to offer their congratulations. Some of them hugged me, while others simply nodded their heads in approval."I am very sure that you will be the best Alpha we've ever had," said one of the older wolves, a grizzled veteran named Henry. "You've brought us together like never before."I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked around at all of their faces. They had become my family, my pack, and I would do anything to protect them."I just did what I thought was best for all of us," I said, my voice choking slightly. "But I couldn't have done it without your support."There were murmurs of agreement from the crowd, and I could see the pride shining in their eyes. We had been through a lot together, and we had come out str
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Chapter 125
EVA'S POVThe meeting went on but as I continued to sit there, my heart was racing in my chest. My mind struggled to make sense of what the elders were asking of me. It was as though a hurricane had swept through my thoughts, leaving nothing but debris and chaos in its wake.I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. But there was no denying the truth that had just been revealed to me.I was going to have to get married whether I wanted to or not.And not just to anyone I chose, but to an Alpha. Someone who would rule alongside me as we led our pack into the future.It was a responsibility that I had never imagined having to shoulder, let alone so soon. I had been taught by my mother that marriage was important, that it was something every wolf needed to do in order to strengthen our pack and keep our bloodlines pure.But I had never really taken it seriously. I had always thought that I would have more time, that I would be able to choose who I wanted to marry again, especia
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Chapter 126
EVA'S POVA few days later, as the sun reached its zenith, casting a golden glow over the pack's territory, I received a message that sent a ripple of anticipation through my veins.The Council of Elders had requested my presence in the grand meeting hall. So with a mixture of panic and curiosity, I straightened my spine, smoothed the fabric of my dress, and made my way through the winding hallways of the mansion.As I approached the towering double doors, my heart fluttered with uneasiness. What could this gathering hold for me? What did the elders wish to tell me?Pushing open the heavy doors, I stepped into the hall bathed in muted light, filtering through stained-glass windows that adorned the far wall.Five figures, the esteemed council members, sat in sombre silence, their eyes locked upon me as I took my place at the head of the table.A venerable elder with a crown of silver hair rose from his seat. His voice carried the weight of wisdom and experience, resonating through the
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Chapter 127
EVA'S POVA few days had passed since the preparations for my mating ceremony began, and now, on the eve of the mating ceremony, I found myself drawn to the window, gazing up at the velvety night sky.Moonlight spilled through the glass, casting a silver glow upon my room as if it were a celestial spotlight meant solely for me. The air carried a hint of anticipation that electrified my senses.Lost in the quiet beauty of the moment, I took a deep breath, inhaling the fragrant night air. And suddenly a familiar scent reached me, weaving its way through my senses and embracing me like a lover's gentle caress.It was a heady aroma, a delicate blend of jasmine and roses, mingled with the earthy scent of dew-kissed grass. It wrapped around me, enveloping me in its seductive embrace, and I felt a rush of warmth suffuse my being.As I leaned closer to the window, my breath fogging the glass, I sniffed for the source of this intoxicating aura. And without a moment's hesitation, I slipped away
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Chapter 128
EVA'S POVI began to pant and sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. After following the rustling sound that had been echoing through the forest for the last half hour, it finally led me here. As I peered through the leaves, I saw a creature emerge from the foliage. And guess what? It was just a rabbit!A wave of relief washed over me as I stood still and watched the little creature, wondering why it had made me unnecessarily scared. As I watched the rabbit begin to hop away, an overwhelming feeling came over me. Suddenly it felt as if the rabbit was beckoning me to follow it deeper into the woods.I straightened up myself, my eyes never leaving the rabbit's form, and began to follow it. I had no idea where it was leading me, but something inside me was telling me that this was important. As I walked, my heart thumping in my chest, I began to feel a strange sensation, like something was pulling me forward.Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head, and the world around me began to spin.
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Chapter 129
EVA'S POVAs I continued my journey through the forest, I couldn't help but feel lost. Everything seemed unfamiliar and I had no idea where the Moon Goddess was leading me. All I had was my trust in her and the signs she showed me like the moon shining brightly on one path or fireflies gathering around a particular place.Days passed by and I kept moving forward, following the signs that were guiding me. Every night, as the moon shone brightly in the sky, I would feel a sense of comfort and assurance that I was on the right path. I didn't feel lonely because it felt like the Moon Goddess was with me at all times.One day, following the signs that the Moon Goddess had been showing me I arrived at a river. Then I decided to go to the river to wash my face and relax for a while.As I was walking towards the river, I saw a man bathing in the river. He had his back towards me so I couldn't see his face.I froze in my tracks, not knowing what to do next. I had been alone for quite some time
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Chapter 130
ZAYN'S POVThe sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over everything it touched. As I sat outside my hut I could not help but feel elated. I was very happy that I finally had the chance to see Eva after quite a long time.We had finally talked, truly talked, and resolved some of the issues that had been causing a rift between us, issues that made her feelings change towards me.But as I and Eva talked, I couldn't help but notice a certain scent lingering in the air around her. It was subtle but it triggered something deep within me. A memory, perhaps, or an intuition.I tried to ignore it but I could not, it was there. I could perceive the unmistakable scent of a baby – that sweet, innocent smell that wrapped around your senses like a gentle embrace. But I wasn't sure, and I did not dare to ask Eva about it, afraid of how she might react.For the first time in too long, I felt at peace with her and with myself and I wanted it to remain that way. But even as the pea
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