Semua Bab Hated By The Ruthless Alpha: Bab 91 - Bab 100
152 Bab
Leila's POV.I stared at the house I was trapped in many times.Thinking of a way to escape, I couldn't find the chance as I was watching every time.The only thing I can do is wait for an opening and leave immediately.I thought bitterly as I turned around to face my surroundings.I watched the men who kept glaring at me, trying to keep a close eye on me.I hated this. It made me feel uncomfortable. Why did they want me here so bad? I know they said they'll use me to trap Alpha Darren and probably hurt him, and I don't want that.My eyes darted around the place. It seemed like a warehouse, I couldn't see anything outside and I didn't know what was out there if I ended up running out successfully.I tried freeing myself from the rope tied on my hands and legs, but it didn't work, it only brought the attention of the men watching me.A loud slap landed on my face, making me flinch. My cheeks reddened and I glared down at them, glaring at the man who slapped me."What do you think you'
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Darren's POV.I was so surprised when Leila ran into me.Her face was red, and I could see blood on her face.My eyes widened in surprise.“What happened to you?" I asked, alarmed at the sight of the blood.She didn't answer immediately. Instead she looked behind me and my gaze."Let's go." She urged as I watched them run towards us.I watched them run and I growled in anger, I needed to teach them a lesson for touching her.Her skin had been torn, there were small cuts all over it, as well as blood, but I wasn't going to kill them.I was going to catch them, and make them tell me who sent them.I called Aidan immediately, calling him to bring guards for me.I began fighting them, and they were fast, too damn fast,but I was stronger, more powerful, and I would defeat them with ease.One tried attacking Leila and I blocked, and used my speed against him, knocking him off his feet and away from her before I tackled him.I grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. He was struggling and
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Leila's POV.I woke up with a groan, an instant headache hit me immediately.I pressed my palm against my eyes, trying to block out the blinding light of the bedroom door.It felt like something was pounding on my head.I took my hand off and rubbed at my eyes again, the pounding still present. I tried to stand up from the bed but ended up flopping over onto my side.As I lay there, I realized that the room had grown colder.My heart started racing, as it always did when I got too anxious. The pain in my forehead increased, a throbbing sensation now.It felt like a giant fist had been slammed into the middle of my skull.My breaths came faster and quicker as I fought back panic. Something was wrong. I tried standing up again, but only succeeded in falling to the floor in a heap.The pounding didn't let up, and I knew something was wrong if I could barely even get myself upright.My breath grew ragged, the pounding becoming more intense with each passing second, and soon I couldn’t c
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Shantel's POV.I'm fuming, I could feel my blood boil, my veins pumping furiously through my skin. My eyes burn with frustration and rage.The pain in my heart is gut wrenching, it hurts to breathe in that moment, the air is too thick and heavy and hot in here, suffocating me, making it hard to draw in oxygen.I can't believe what I heard from the Alpha, I couldn't imagine it.I won't let Leila steal the Luna position, it is mine and I won't let anyone.I had to rush and leave the room immediately I heard what he said.Watching them kiss, I couldn't stand it, watching their lips move against each other, kissing, kissing.I wanted to slam her head on the wall, kick her in the stomach, strangle her, I wanted to beat her bloody.But instead I rushed back to my room, I paced in circles as my mind raced, I was so angry and frustrated and disappointed.What the hell did he think he would accomplish with his little tryst? How dare he kiss her like that, how dare he touch her. How dare he t
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Silent gun.
Shantel's POV.I watched the area slowly, checking for any guards.I could see them parading close to the dungeon, and I needed to enter the dungeon immediately.My heart was racing with nerves and adrenaline. I needed to shut them up, it was for the best.I already signaled the guard that was always on my side to come and help me in killing them.There was nothing like pity for them, they were out to ruin my plans.I knew they'll finally confess with the way the Alpha kept torturing them all day.I waited for the guards to leave immediately.But they kept parading, I knew they wouldn't let the prisoners escape, that's why the Alpha kept a lot of them there immediately.I couldn't stand the fact that I had to wait too much, I still needed to leave immediately.I kept watching the guards, waiting patiently for the moment when they would leave.Soon enough they began leaving one by one. I saw the last one leave their post at the end. As soon as he did that, I rushed to the dungeon and o
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Darren's POV.I woke up with a smile, I never thought there'll be this day I'll end up waking up with a smile.The morning light streamed in my room and filled the room with warmth, making me feel at peace for once.I felt Leila's hair on my hands, and a wide smile appeared on my lips immediately. It was just too good to be true that the woman and mate I love is lying right next to me.She stirred awake after I stroked her head lightly with my hand. A small whimper escaped from her mouth as she rubbed her eyes and yawned out loud, the sight of her sleeping face brought an unbidden smile to my face.My mood was just too good, I felt so happy and warm that I couldn't stop myself from smiling like a fool.It's been two days since Leila stayed in my room, I didn't want her gone, I've gotten too comfortable waking up with her next to me, and it's only been two days.Leila opened her sleepy eyes to look at me again, but I can see how happy she feels seeing me here, smiling like a fool.Her
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First aid box.
Leila's POV.I woke up with a smile on my face, I've been enjoying the Alpha's attention for two days now.He keeps telling me to stay with him forever, but I can't do that. I need to go back and do my duties. I've missed many work days already.I smiled widely as the memory of sleeping close to him hit me, his scent and touch lingered in the air, making it smell like cinnamon and honey, and when he kissed my nose he smelled like chocolate.It was hard to sleep away from him for the whole night, my body kept longing for his touch until I was wrapped up in his arms for the two nights I spent here.We didn't have sex, but the intimacy between us has improved, I could stay close to him without feeling out of place.I would only get shy for some time, I bit my lips as my cheeks heated at the memory of his kisses.The way he kissed me before we feel asleep, so tenderly and passionately. When he was done kissing me he'd pull away, a little bit too long to be considered normal, I would alwa
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Leila's POV.I rushed to the bathroom immediately I woke up,I was nervous about going back to the slave quarters.But it was about time I stopped stalling in the Alpha's room.I bit my lips nervously as I picked up the dress he left for me.It was so beautiful and eye-catching, it didn't look like a slave's dress in any way.But if anything it looked like the one a princess might wear on her wedding night in some fairy tale books.It's not something you could easily mistake for something a slave would own. The material had light pink and white roses,the lace trim was made from tiny flowers and small leaves,there were also little silver buttons around its neck.I wore it with a smile on my face, I opened the door and walked down the hallway.Immediately I stepped outside, I could feel the stares on me, but I couldn't care less at this moment.I was so excited,I wasn't even embarrassed about my outfit anymore,I felt confident in myself for once.I reached the slave quarters in five min
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Torture room.
Darren's POV.I hit the tree I stood close to severally, not feeling any pain because of how angry I am.My hands balled into fists and my fingernails dug into my palms as the anger seeped through me like blood, aching to be let out on the first available target. My knuckles were white with the pressure I applied, so I stopped for a moment and took several deep breaths before continuing punching.I broke out into a run, thinking of how they all died again, I had checked the CCTV and nothing showed.Which was very suspicious, it felt like someone inside helped, someone who suddenly knew when to turn on the CCTV.“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!! ” I screamed, letting the adrenaline take over as I kept running until my lungs burned from the exertion.I finally stopped, panting heavily. My feet were sore. I kicked at some leaves that had fallen in front of me while sitting on the ground, not caring much. I needed to vent and that seemed like a good way to do it.The adrenaline wore off and
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Leila's POV.I woke up with a piercing scream on my lips, I was sweating like crazy and felt so uncomfortable. I couldn't seem to get comfortable in this giant bed.I kept moving around the sheets, trying to find a comfortable spot. I needed some comfort, but the pain I felt wasn't comforting.It was agonizing. My body felt as if it were being ripped in half. I could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I could hear my heart pounding so loudly and could feel the rapid blood flow of my heart. I felt dizzy for some reason, and all I wanted to do was fall asleep again but I couldn't.I heard the Alpha's voice, I could feel his hands on me trying to comfort me.I loved his gesture, but I wasn't feeling comforted in any way.The pain seemed to increase, my breathing became faster and more irregular. The pain increased exponentially.It was like something was eating at me, shredding me apart. The agony was just too much. All I could think about was a way to make the pain sto
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