All Chapters of Hated By The Ruthless Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
152 Chapters
Sheila's POV."She's alive, the healer somehow managed to heal her." The guard said and I could swear I saw red.I was so angry that I began shivering, my hands shaking at my side. I couldn't speak, not even when he started speaking again.I punched the wall close to me, it didn't do anything but I couldn't help myself. It felt satisfying, a sense of power coursing through my veins."I can't believe this." I yelled, I began pacing, wondering why the plan I thought was perfect suddenly fell through, I couldn't even believe it."You can leave." I told the guard, he nodded walking away leaving me to my thoughts.I remember seeing Leila walk out of the Alpha's room with that beautiful dress, and I rushed to the head slave and told her that Leila disappeared and is suddenly back. I told her that Leila stole the dress the Alpha wanted to give to me.She believed everything and told me Leila would be punished, I thought of what to turn the punishment to.I remember adding wolfsbane to the s
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Leila's POV.I woke up with a headache, my neck felt like it was in a vice grip and my stomach hurt to death.My body had never been this sore before, so I was worried that maybe my immune system finally gave out or something. It wasn’t a bad feeling though; in fact my body ached less than anything from the previous night.The memory of what happened in the night and how I almost died due to the poison chain the head slave used on me.I sat up, my whole body feeling empty, like there was a hole through it.My vision blurred as tears started to well up in my eyes, I wiped my eyes quickly.I tried standing up but it wasn't easy. I knew it was the aftermath of what happened last night and I didn't like it. I hoped to feel better and stand up immediately.I forced myself standing on shaky legs, it wasn't working, I found myself slumping back on the bed immediately I tried standing.My vision cleared after a few minutes and my breathing slowly became more normal, my stomach no longer hur
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Leila's POV.I woke up in the Alpha's bed feeling more energetic than I felt two days ago.I had somehow gathered my strength back, thanks to my mate who had kept me safe during the day and night, he made sure I was alright and nothing disturbed me.I was more excited and energetic for today's activity, he promised me a training session if I was feeling better.I couldn't see him in the room, but I knew he left early.I hoped he made preparations because I was ready and training with an Alpha would be intense.I hoped he wouldn't go easy on me, I could feel an immense strength in me, but I needed to tap into it, so I won't be easily overpowered like I always was.I rushed to the bathroom, turning on the shower immediately.The warm water was just what I wanted, it was the best I've ever felt.After washing my face and hair thoroughly with the shampoo, I stepped out of the shower quickly and wrapped myself in a towel.I opened the bedroom door, finding Alpha walking back, he held a tr
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Leila's POV.I ran after the Alpha again, he's been making me race after him, to improve my stamina, he doesn't take it easy on me.My chest burns as I pant, my lungs burning with each breath that is forced out of them, my muscles screaming at me to give up and rest.My legs are shaking, but I know if I stop running then I’ll collapse in a heap somewhere, my body too tired to support itself.But I don't want to back down because I have something to prove, it seemed like everyone in the pack wanted to see me fail.But I wanted to be strong enough to be accepted as their Luna.And that meant getting better fast. Even though I was so weak, they still didn't understand how much pain I had endured because of their prejudice.I kept racing trying to catch up with him, not wanting to miss any chances to prove myself and also get stronger.My legs were trembling and every muscle in my body ached. All I could think about is resting for just one moment. Just to rest for just two seconds. Just
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Leila's POV.I was nervous for this competition, the fact that everyone sat there waiting to see me fail made me extremely nervous.I couldn't believe I allowed myself to accept a fight with a renowned Gamma in the pack.I wanted to prove myself that I was strong enough to be the Luna, though the Alpha begged me not to and that I didn't need to worry.But I hated whatever they kept saying and I had to prove myself.So here I am standing in the pack's fighting arena waiting for my competition.I was so nervous that my hands began shaking, I clenched them into fists trying to calm down but the adrenaline was pumping through my blood making it so that my body wouldn't relax and I began sweating profusely.The only thing that helped me calm down was the sight of one of the Alpha, he seemed nervous to see me there.I kept glancing at everyone, my heart thumping nervously, I hope I did well, I had trained very well for it.But the gamma I was fighting was the best female warrior in the pa
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Darren's POV.I was damn worried and she was so stubborn.All this happened because of her stubbornness, she didn't want to listen to me, I didn't want her fighting with a Gamma who had extreme training.I believed she would win because her determination was high, but I knew she'd get hurt too.Seeing her fall after winning hurt a lot, I rushed towards her, carrying her away in my arms immediately.I rushed her towards my room carefully placing her on the bed.The sight broke my heart even more. She wasn't moving and I knew she couldn't be alive.I looked at her broken body, I felt like crying. I took her hand into mine, holding it tightly as if I could stop time itself."Call the healer."I yelled immediately and Aidan came into the room.I kept staring at her unmovable body, my mind sending me into a frenzy."Nothing will happen to her." I said, shaking my head.The door opened and the healer ran inside,"She did well, they've all accepted her but she's hurt." The healer said and I no
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Darren's POV.I rushed back to my room, my heart beating at the thought of Leila not waking up.I clenched my fists tightly, trying to keep them from shaking as I stood in front of her, staring at her pale face.Aidan had texted me that her condition actually got worse, and this scared me so much, I ran from the route of the dungeon back to the room.No one was here, it felt like Aidan and the healer left moments ago.Seeing her in this condition scared me, she's been hurt multiple times, and she has survived, but it seemed like she wasn't surviving this one.The thought of losing Leila hit me immediately, making me stumble, I grabbed on to the bedpost just in time to catch myself.As soon as I sat down, I heard a knock coming from my door.“Come in,” I said, taking a deep breath as Aidan slowly opened the door, looking at me.His face looked worried, "She's coming." He said immediately I opened my mouth to speak.He knew I was asking of the healer, I needed Leila to be alive, I don'
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Shantel's POV.I pace my room, my nerves feel like they are about to split, I can't believe she escaped that again.I knew the healer would somehow kill her, when I challenged her to a fight, I knew using Belinda would be the best option to kill her without doing anything.I kept stalling from meeting the witch, but this was the last and final straw, I needed to meet the witch and get things done.When I told Belinda to stab her with the poisoned blade, I thought Leila would die immediately.I underestimated her strength and will to survive, it felt like she really had a strong wolf.She held out surprisingly till she won the fight with Gamma Belinda which was very surprising because Belinda was one hell of a fighter.I told Belinda lies about Leila and this made her want to kill Leila herself.I don't know why Leila kept being lucky, everytime I planned a perfect ending for her, she managed to survive it.It frustrated me how she always survived.I heard Gamma Belinda was killed by t
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Broken Laptop.
Darren's POV.I was stopped immediately on my way to the dungeon.I sighed at the guard who stopped me and wondered what his problem was, I raised my eyebrows at him."What is it?" I asked, I wasn't really in the mood right now.I needed to ask the head slave something, the dots I was connecting seemed to make sense."Hi, Alpha, my name is Dean." He said, I raised my eyebrows wondering why he was introducing himself."I needed help with training." He said, I stared at him wondering when he joined my guards, I knew almost everyone in my pack I couldn't quite place him."Right now?" I asked."Yeah, I really feel like I didn't get any training." He said."I'm always behind during training and if we get attacked, I want to protect the pack too.""Okay, that's nice." I said."Fine, I'll spare some time." I said and he nodded, smiling happily."You wanted to meet the head slave." My wolf said."I'll meet her later." I said.I walked with Dean to the training room, and waited for him to take
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Broken leg.
Shantel's POV.I kept running with Dean, I couldn't seem to stop, stopping meant we would get caught by the guards and we didn't want that happening.We increased our page and the guards seemed to pursue us tirelessly, we couldn't let them catch us. Dean dragged me, he was faster than me and his long legs gave out on me. He turned around to face me, “Come one.” he pleaded with me. With a small sob I nodded my head and followed Dean back in the same direction we were going before.“It's too much!" I yelled."If you don't want to be caught you'll run, those guards there mean serious business." He said and I nodded, I ran as fast as I could, increasing my pace, the thought of the Alpha getting me scared me."They won't stop." I yelled."Yes, we'll run till we tire them out," he replied.I nodded and continued following him as best as I could, the guards behind us were getting closer and closer.The only thing I was focusing on was getting away from them. My lungs were burning, my le
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