All Chapters of Hated By The Ruthless Alpha: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
152 Chapters
Leila's POV.I couldn't wait to see who made this witch take me.My feet felt like it was in a puddle of water that had accumulated.But the funniest fact was that there was no puddle of water anywhere it was just whatever the witch was up to.The air smelled like rotting food and sweat and I could feel my stomach churning as if someone was squeezing it. It must've been the witch. She seemed so strong even though she wasn't using any magical spells at all, all she did was stare at me. I tried not to show my discomfort, but she still managed to catch me off guard by suddenly speaking her incantation. The sound of a door opening echoed through the house, followed by heavy footsteps clanging against the wooden floor.A gasp of shock left my mouth as I saw Shantel walk in.After a while I wasn't really surprised, I suspected she had something suspicious coming up.She has always given me the vibe, and she seemed to confirm that now.She wore black jeans with holes in them for some reason
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Sadness and anger.
Darren's POV.I couldn't believe that my joyful day would turn into something else.I never believed that the day I wanted to celebrate my mate would end up being this way.I was so happy and she was too when I left earlier, I didn't expect all these to happen.I was so shocked when she was announced and she didn't come out.Was more shocked when I went to get her and I didn't find her.Some of my pack members said they saw her when she was about to arrive.My head was spinning as I thought of what to do, I somehow suspected it was Alpha Rick's doing.I didn't see anyone who could do this, I didn't know who would take her during the mating ceremony.My head swarmed as I thought of what to do, the fact that she would be hurt made me scream so loud that everyone in the pack ran away.I began hitting the tree, punching the bark, everything hurt but I needed this, I was in pain."She is going to be hurt. " I yelled when Aidan told me to calm down.Because of how hard I hit the tree, I di
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Darren's POV.I couldn't even sleep properly, I kept waking up and hallucinating.I was too agitated to really get any rest, so I just lay there staring at the ceiling.All I could think of was her, how she was faring, "Who the heck took her?" I asked, staring at my ceiling.The last time I saw her was before the ceremony, and now she disappeared into thin air.I stood up immediately pacing the room as I thought of where she must have been taken to again.My mind kept being fixated on the fact that Alpha Rick took her, though at some point I was thinking of others.But I didn't know who was really going to take my mate from me except the one who gave her to me after lying.I kicked the table, sending everything flying around me, the bottle on the table broke in pieces against the wall, sending shards of glass my way."Ow," I muttered, rubbing my foot and picking all the things up off the ground.My thoughts were spiraling out of control, and it wasn’t a pleasant kind of spiral.I did
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Darren's POV.I picked the stick up in that direction, my hands itching to drive it through his heart immediately.He kept staring at me, his eyes darting around like it did earlier, I didn't have time for all these and wasting time would make me more agitated.I stalked towards him, hitting him as hard as I could with it.He yelped, his eyes blazing, as he looked down at himself. He touched one of the large welts on his chest, wincing slightly. I smirked when I saw blood welling from the wound. It was a good hit too.He swung at me, and I dodged, swinging again so that my hand connected with his side, which sent him flying across to the tree, he fell down with a groan.He looked stunned and terrified. He tried standing up, but he only ended up falling again.“Now what? I got you here. And I have no intention of letting you go, now tell me why you did this.” My voice rose in pitch, anger rising with it. I wanted answers. "I'm the Alpha of this pack, who gives a fuck about a fucking s
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Leila's POV.My head felt like I was carrying a heavy weight, as if my skull were caving in on itself.I groaned and shifted the weight in my arms again but it wouldn't budge.It was like there were rocks weighing down my chest, preventing me from moving, from breathing properly in the world around me.My eyes fluttered open and I found myself lying face down in the ground, my whole body ached.My arms burned and my hands trembled like they'd never been shaken before.I could feel sharp pains at my ribs, poking through the skin like tiny spears being driven into them, making it hard for me to breathe.But that wasn't what was hurting me the most.My heart thudded against my rib cage like it wanted to burst out of my chest. It was so loud that it was hard to think.My hands rushed to my tummy out of impulse, searching desperately to find some kind of comfort from feeling my baby.I sighed in relief when I realized it's still alive, I winced in pain as I tried adjusting myself.It hurt
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Darren's POV.I'm in a fit of rage, the rage in me, it's like a tornado about to explode, I could be anything from a raging werewolf to a raging wolf inside me, my eyes are blood red. I feel it in every fiber of my being. The anger is burning within me, inside my soul but also all throughout my body. My entire body feels as if an enormous weight is pressing against it, I could feel how heavy it iscrushing down on me, how much it is weighing on my very soul.I could feel how heavy it is crushing down onto me as I sat there staring at the wall with tears streaming down my face. It was so painful that my chest ached and my heart was breaking into pieces.It's been days without her, it has been more than a week now, I still couldn't find her, and it left me empty.Without her here, everything felt wrong, empty, it would be nice not having to be lonely, it felt horrible without my mate beside me, my Luna, it was terrible and I was struggling to not get angry.But I wasn't sure of that t
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Leila's POV.The door creaked open, waking me up immediately, I wasn't happy to hear the footsteps coming closer to where I slept.The cold floor sent a sharp pain to my back and made my body ache with every breath that came out of my mouth.My eyes opened slowly, blinking away tears at first before adjusting to the light that came from the door being wide open.The realization that the door was open and I could see what was outside for the first time since I was kidnapped here had me standing up immediately.I forced myself to sit up, the pain made me wince slightly as I finally sat up.I swallowed nervously when I realized it was the witch.She was the most scary one to me here, I knew she could somehow discover I am pregnant easily and I didn't want that.The way she stared at me, made me feel like crawling inside a hole and never coming out.I tried looking out the door, but she moved to it and closed it immediately, her eyes narrowing."I've prepared everything for the ritual so
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Darren's POV.The sadness I'm experiencing is too deep for this world, it whispers to me and takes hold of my mind and body.I can't even move from the bed, since I killed Alpha Rick I thought I would feel better and I thought I would find Leila that day.But it didn't happen, I searched and searched and even found my way back to the Alpha Rick's pack.But I didn't see her, I couldn't smell her, the fact that she was nowhere to be found made my head spin.I was overwhelmed with the sadness I felt, it made me feel weak in the knees.I woke up very early today, trying to prepare for my search, but I couldn't stand up.The sadness that made me numb to everything, I felt it inside and out. It hurt my heart and mind.It hurts me so badly, my heart aches with sorrow.I just want to make this pain go away,but it wasn't leaving without Leila being here with me.The sadness took control over me. It consumed me until there was nothing else to feel anymore. All I felt was the constant gloominess
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Shantel's POV.I sneaked back to the pack as fast as I could, Dean was there to make my hiding better.I couldn't wait to meet the Alpha, I had everything perfectly planned in my heart and I was sure it would work perfectly.I smiled as I stared at myself in the mirror, my reflection was too beautiful to behold.My mission was simple and I knew I could achieve it easily.All I needed to do was seduce the Alpha, the outfits I wore were mind-blowing.There was no way he would see me and not try touching me, even for a second.The only problem was seeing him in his room. Dean told me he had locked himself up in the training room since morning. He has been trashing the whole place and no one can open it.I knew he did all that because of that stupid Leila, I groaned immediately I thought of her.She seemed to leave a bitter taste anytime I thought of her, ever since she had come into our lives. I hate her so much.I'm happy I killed her, it was very essential that she dies, and I was ha
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Shantel's POV.If I thought I was upset with Leila before, it wasn't compared to how I felt right now.If I could break down the whole walls of the pack I would right now.I was vibrating with the anger in me, I could feel my legs and knees shaking because I was trying to balance and walk to my room.The embarrassment I felt would be in my mind for life, I couldn't wait to make Leila pay for what her mate did to me.The humiliation felt like it was only befitting for her to pay for it.I could feel my heart gladden, with the immense punishment I thought of given to her immediately I reached where she was.I couldn't wait to make her feel the undiluted rage in me right now, I feel like blasting down everything around me.Seeing if anything could make me less angry than I am right now,I cleaned the makeup immediately wiping it away with anger.It was so unbelievable that after all the preparations, he still sent me out of his room.I I started and destroyed every object I could find try
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