All Chapters of Wolves at the Lycan's Door: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
132 Chapters
Final Planning Stages
“Alright, so we send enforcers to the house so they can lie low first.” Dean was looking over a desk scattered with maps and papers. It was all old school way of planning, but they didn’t know if their electronics were being watched. “After we know for sure that there’s no one watching the house for Kiera to return there. We have someone leave a message for the blood dealer that he’ll be able to find a Lycan at that house again. I’ll be with the enforcers inside, and you’ll bring Kiera there.” James’ head was just inches from Dean’s as Kiera and Trisha watched in fascination. The planning completely wrapped the two alphas up in their planning that the two females sat there watching them and having their own conversation. “Is it me, or are they like Irish twins or something? They don’t just look similar, their facial expressions are similar. How did I never see that before this?” Trisha asked Kiera as they watched the two at work. “Right, the excuse
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The Setup
Trisha and Kiera watched James take several enforcers with him toward the cabin behind the Rocking Horse Tavern, where she lived for close to a year. She didn’t know if this would work, but they needed some way to find this druid. In the beginning, Kiera had to agree with Trisha. She couldn’t believe that the druid was the person who stole and sold the blood on the black market. But when Dean agreed with James on almost everything, and the little information, Kiera knew from their father while he was alive. It soon wasn’t that big of a leap to believing she was in danger. No, they were all in danger from this unfeeling monster. From making new Lycans, to creating werewolves, and of course killing people with the blood, this became horrifying. Blood magic, for the most part, was banned and what they could practice was carefully regulated. But there always was someone that broke the rules. Now they waited with Dean to hear from James that he had everyo
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Let's Review While We Wait
Dean held Kiera’s front door open for her and then followed her into the place she’d once lived. Why she didn’t know was all because of him. He’d moved her things into the packhouse. He didn’t even allow her to have her old place in his territory back. This showed her how serious he was about changing things. All the talk of mating, changing how and where she lived. Inserting himself back into her life. Never mind the hot too good to turn down sex. The change was so great in him she wasn’t sure how to come back from this. Now he claimed he was trying to protect her and his pack from this blood dealer. Not just his pack, but all shifters within the area, really. It was a noble thing, but was it something she could truly say surprised her about him? Yes, he played pranks, annoyed her, and made it hard for her to be around him. But he wasn’t a selfish person otherwise. He’d learned quickly that he needed to keep a focus on the pack, even if he was blin
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Trouble Spotted
“I knew I should have stopped you from drinking that night. It was all too much even for you, Kiera. Why did you drink that much in the first place?” Dean finally asked the one question he’d been struggling not to ask. “Really? You need to ask? I wasn’t sure if I should leave this area and if I did, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do once I was gone. Keep on living somewhere else, doing something else, or end it all.” That statement rang with a tone of stark truth, and everyone met her words with silence from everyone that heard it. A silence that telegraphed the horror, and guilt of those around as they realized how far everyone’s actions went and the effects, they had on this one person. “That’s over now. This isn’t your space anymore. Whatever hung from the ceiling isn’t here right now. Elder Evans can no longer campaign against you, and the pack knows the truth. I’m here, no magic to interfere with my feelings, and the fighting with James a
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They were finally ready. It didn’t take long for everyone to get into place, but it still felt like it took too long. Dean and Kiera put their backs to the back door and waited. He kept Kiera talking about her time there when she was attacked to keep up the act in case the person listened to their conversation before; they entered to attack. “I just don’t know what was in here, and that’s the scariest thing about all of this. What did that happen? You said you thought I might have been hit by a tail and that’s why I didn’t hear someone land behind me. Are you sure about that?” “Look at it. We took pictures, measurements, and impressions. Then let experts look at them. So far, the information that came back is some kind of reptile.” “So a reptile shifter then? Because I doubt a mundane reptile would be that smart. I didn’t know that they even existed.” “Technically, if there are avian shifters, it’s not far off to believe there cou
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Unexpected Twists
While Dean struggled to claw the vine from around his throat, Kiera, too, like everyone else, fought. At seeing Dean struggling, Kiera couldn’t stop her transformation into her Lycan form. She hated others seeing her in this form. The fear she felt around her while she was in her Lycan form felt almost painful to her. Kiera hated feeling the negative emotions of those around her. Over time, she’d almost blocked others’ emotions from her. Right now, the aggression from those around her, the fighting, the anger, and the violence all did something to her. All she wanted to do now was save Dean from suffocating to death. Kiera tore through the vine with her teeth. The vines tasted wrong. Almost meaty. That’s when she saw the skeletal face on the lower body. Horrified, she spit out what vine still hung from her jaws in disgust. She needed to get this thing slowed to a stop. Her thoughts within her Lycan form were complex but simplified by images rather t
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Dealing with the Clean Up
Eventually, the fight wound down and James came out of the house and into the backyard. “I’m glad she’s staying with you. It’s a mess in there. But the guys are securing what’s left of the rogues now. We can figure out what we want to do with them later.” There wasn’t much of a question about what they’d do with them. The Ruling Council had a bounty on the heads of these fools. They’d split the bounty, since they were both involved, and it happened in the neutral zone between their packs. “Oh, and the healers called in. They’ll be here in the next few minutes.” “Good.” Ty basically nodded at the rest of James’ update. “What in all that’s sacred?” He now was close enough to see the scattered and charred leaves, and pieces of the creature around the prone body of the druid. “Wait, is that the thing that attacked in the kitchen?” “Yeah, it appears the druid found some sort of way to change into that.” James made a face of total disgust because he final
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Someone's Watching Out for You
“Kiera, the healers are here. Someone brought some chains for him that will prevent him from using his magic. It’s okay, you can shift back now. Come on, sweetheart. Don’t make me force you to shift back.” Dean didn’t know how long he’d been begging Kiera to shift back, but he was losing his patience. Lycan generally tended to have a painful transition from one form to the other. They resisted shifting forms as much as possible because of this. Her excuse was for not shifting was at an end and she was making everyone uncomfortable in her current form. One healer stood just outside the kitchen door and dangled a set of handcuffs from his hands to show Kiera they existed, which caught her attention. Kiera nodded and wordlessly grumbled as she went to all four feet. Her shift came on slowly, and several healers and enforcers came out to watch. Dean hated this. They were shifters and shifting should be a spectacle of any sort to them.
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The Waiting Game
The chaos at the healing centre was insane. Not only were there Ruling Council enforcers and investigators clogging the corridors as everyone and their uncle appeared to be waiting for their chance to speak with the druid. Dean and James didn’t realize how great their achievement was. The druid underestimated their brains and ability to plan. Trisha, when she was finished yelling at them for locking her in the closet, pointed out the Druid probably looked on them as country hillbillies and simpletons. Their plan he’d probably expect from alphas of larger packs closer to more urban centres, where more conflicts occurred, and education was better. Kiera kept her mouth shut for this, but couldn’t stifle her giggle of amusement at hearing Trisha’s left-handed compliment. James didn’t take being called an uneducated hillbilly very well. He knew what she was capable of saying, but he’d rarely had her viper’s tongue turned directly on him.Dean knew about
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Preparing to Get the Answers
Walt stepped from the secured patient room. The Druid wouldn’t leave anytime soon. The fight and the magic took a lot out of him. The fool must have forgotten or ignored the fact that all magic like science got results and those results may be what they intended, and the rest were unintended or side-effects. There’s only so much of anything in this world. When it’s gone, it must latch onto something else. The druid cast a spell that fused his body with a creeper vine among the other plants. It made for a toxic combination for whoever he attacked if he’d been able to get in contact with his opponent for too long. The negative effects were something Walt feared he’d ignored, not expected, or disregarded. When Kiera lit him on fire, that fire first consumed the plants and then consumed him before he broke the spell and returned to his human or druidic form. The fool wouldn’t answer questions, but that didn’t matter. He was his mother’s son and a druid him
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