All Chapters of Wolves at the Lycan's Door: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
132 Chapters
The Truth Without Ulterior Motives
“Hello?” “Hello Alpha. I’m calling in response to you email. I’ll wait until you’re comfortable.” The voice was unfamiliar with what Dean remembered. “Sorry, who is this?” His confusion was apparent in his voice. “Alpha, this is Lillian Provost. I’m sorry. My mate and I are both Oracles. Maybe I should have started with that. You left us an email, and I got the impression that it was rather urgent.” Dean absorbed that information. “Wow, surprises must suck in your relationship.” Lillian’s laughter reverberated through the connection. “It’s hit or miss, really, but I’ve been able to pull a few. Now you said your mate. No, future mate, have some concerns about your mating in connection to Rionnan, the Moon Goddess? I’m a little confused, to be truthful.” “I’m not surprised. I’m not sure how she or we came to this theory. But she’s hesitant about the mating until she’s sure we aren’t leading the wolves and lycan
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When Suspicions Are Confirmed
Kiera couldn’t believe what she was listening to. Everything she feared wouldn’t be happening in her time. “So you’re saying basically that Dean and I are starting a new species of wolf shifter? That we kick off the entire ball?” “Essentially, my dear, Christianity has Adam and Eve. Not true, but close to the truth. What we have is the first stage of the existence of a new species. A few hundred to begin with and you’re both part of it. It’s how it all begins. Believe it or not, but you’re the talk of the world in certain scientific circles because of this. The humans have never seen the moment the gods openly created a new species. You’re lucky you don’t have people visiting to gawk at you. Or try to protect you, or take advantage of your unique situation. Just think of your lives and how you can live them best. Think of your happiness and those around you will come around.” Lillian could feel things clicking in her mind now that were from that unknow
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Mating and Manners
“Fine, we’ll go upstairs.” Kiera laughed off her embarrassment. She couldn’t hide the fact that she’d been rather uncomfortable for a while, and now she understood why. She’d been clenching her more intimate muscles trying to avoid that telltale scent of a she-wolf who’s nearing a mating. In other words, she was horny and afraid everyone would know it. Lycan might not have the olfactory senses to smell it from a distance, but Kiera knew wolf shifters did. Had Dean smelled the changes in her urges and been responding to them? She-wolves were warned that could happen. Their scent could change to signal they were interested, and male wolves would respond, knowing or unknowing what they were doing. It caused fights in the past between male wolf shifters over a single female. She’d give off the scent that she was receptive to mating and multiple males would pick up on it. Then the fight for dominance and which male would get to do his duty would happen. Or
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When the Heat Gets Turned Up
Dean stood, pulled his fingers from her eager heat. While sucking on his fingers, he moaned as he fitted his cock to her entrance. “Fuck.” He cursed as he watched his cock sink into her. There was nothing better than feeling and seeing it. Her hot warmth was slick and ready to hug his aching shaft. “So pretty how you take me all in on one thrust.” He stood there, balls deep in her quivering heat. Dean’s eyes all but rolled to the back of his head as he rested for a moment, enjoying her body. How did he never notice before this how perfect she was in every way for him? Now all he wanted to do was please her along with pleasing himself. Then he leaned over her and replaced her hands on her breasts with his own. His mouth kissing and licking the base of her throat. With his teeth grazing there, he teased her breasts before he used them to hold her to him as he drove into her repeatedly. “That’s it, baby. Take all of me. Listen to how needy you are. You make me so ha
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Changing Attitudes
It took Dean a long time to calm his raging need for Kiera and he lost count of the number of times they’d come to completion without the end in sight. It was glorious. Sex with his mate was not over hyped as he’d feared. He’d come several times and when he finally could leave her core, Dean had an ‘I did that’ moment as he watched his essence slip from her core, because he’d filled her so completely. Shifters struggled to have pups, and so all pups were a blessing. That sight told him he’d done his job and then some to the effort. He bloody well wanted to see pups come from this effort and all the other efforts he put into her in the future. Fuck, just the thought of fucking her had his body responding with an eagerness that shocked even him. He’d wanted her before and it was powerful at the healing centre, but now… Now was on a completely different scale and Kiera seemed to be right there with him. She lay beside him, sleeping now. He’d ex
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Planned Interventions
Kiera woke up sore but relaxed. She couldn’t believe how excitable and aggressive Dean became once they entered his bedroom. He knew what he wanted, and he took it. Oh, but at least he returned it as well. Kiera didn’t remember ever having an encounter like that before, let alone an entire night. They’d need to air out the room this morning. Finally, she opened her eyes to see Dean asleep beside her. His hand lay possessively on her breast and his leg was lying over hers. As if he feared she’d escape as he slept. Another night without the nightmares. It felt so good. Her body interrupted her, needing to get up and start her day. There was no way Kiera could move without waking Dean. Too much of his weight was on his leg, pinning her to the bed. She needed the bathroom, and he’d have to live with that knowledge. So, out of the kindness of her heart, she tried to slip out from under him and from the bed without waking him. She made a pained face the enti
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Next Morning
They breezed through breakfast, but got bogged down with pack members continuing to discuss many of the things covered last night during their walk through the common ground. It wasn’t so bad, but it took time out of their morning. When they got into the study, Oli and Jerome were there going over things at Oli’s desk. “Hey, uh, do I get to thank you for the dirty dishes left on my desk this morning that I had to walk back to the kitchen? You know, doing that is worse than the walk of shame first thing in the morning.” “Sorry about that. We had a lot of things on our mind.” “Really, is that what we’re calling it? Okay. Just next time I’m going to hide them where you’ll find them weeks later. I hate the looks I get taking things like that back to the kitchens. It’s embarrassing.” Dean didn’t respond, but gave Oli a look that shut him up on the subject. “Did any of the old Council of Elders drop of what I asked for?”
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Making Decisions and Following Through
Dean and Kiera settled down with the list of possible elders for the vacant positions on the pack’s Council of Elders. It didn’t take them more than a few minutes to go through the list and compare notes on all the elders. They discussed their skills, experience, and temperament. It was easy enough for them to agree on the three with two backup options. With the results from Jerome’s calls, they had two seats vacant, and Dean gave Jerome the information on the candidates for those positions. He would ensure that the elders would accept the position and agree to be tested. Dean then turned to his email and took a look at it. As usual, there were several new emails since he’d last looked at his inbox. “Hey, we have something here from the chief investigator. He wants to meet us at our earliest convenience. How about you come with me and hear what he has to say for himself?” “Well, it sounds better than sitting here wondering what was going on
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A Bloody Mess
They didn’t have much of a chance to prepare for the visit from the Ruling Council’s main investigator. He swept in with a triumphant smile on his wide lips. Clearly, he’d finally found some or all of the answers he needed to close his investigations. “Hello and welcome Investigator Simons. Come, have a seat. We’re very interested in hearing what you have to say.” “Thank you for allowing me to see you so quickly, but I feel you need to know the information I have received. First, I would like to say that you, Alpha Jonas, were correct. When we started to get our questions answered, it all came out in the wash. The rogue druid you identified as Helmet Lingus, is, in fact, a druid we are looking for, named Rathborne Devonshire. He’s a known black marketeer in blood and other banned items. He’s admitted to so many things that I honestly fear I might miss telling you some of it because of the sheer volume of his crimes.” “Well, let’s start this with. Did h
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Meetings and Elders
Next thing on the hit list for Dean to deal with was the meeting with the new Council of Elders. It took several days to get the elders straightened out and, in the meantime, Dean received a message from Dr Graves with an appointment time for them to see him. At least Dean could tell Kiera that they weren’t bugs under glass interesting. The appointment was for nearly a week after he would first sit with the Council of Elders. It was a relief of sorts for Dean to know that Dr Graves could follow through on his offer and advise them, at the very least, through this attempt. There were rumours of other successful matings but more still of failures that had happened. Dean couldn’t fathom the grief and sadness that came from such an event. He promised himself that he wouldn’t push Kiera unless he felt sure he would leave her alone in this world. That thought made him stop and wonder why. He knew why, it’s something he didn’t stop to think about
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