All Chapters of Wolves at the Lycan's Door: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
132 Chapters
The Efforts to Include Everyone
Dean settled the elders into the blue sitting room. One of the few public spaces set up and maintained for the older wolves’ comfort. The styling didn’t fit the lifestyle of the younger pack and pups weren’t allowed in there to prevent them from damaging the contents of the room. It was pleasant enough, but Dean felt it was too formal in an antiquated way. He’d prefer to update it’s décor and make it more comfortable for everyone. So here he sat on a chair that felt far too light to accept his weight for long and having tea with the seven new council members. “First, I would like to apologize for pressing you to take several tests to prove you were fit to sit on the council. But I now have two ex-council members who are dying because they took matters into their own hands to change. What I want to discuss with you right now will sound very hypocritical and I am aware of it. But please hear me out on this matter.” “Alpha, please let me stop y
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The Dreaded Appointment
The day came, and they took a portal to Black River Hospital. It was one of the foremost supernatural hospitals in North America. Run by the Black River Pack and the Wolversen Family, the alphas of the Black River Pack. The hospital specialized in many things and kept it’s existence a secret from the world by existing underground, mostly. The majority of the supernatural world that used this hospital or worked there used mage portals to arrive there. This kept the traffic down and the pack territory secure. All were welcome for treatment and the Ruling Council, along with the Black River Pack, ensured the hospital continued to function. Not an easy feat when they cared for everyone, even human mates. They used a variety of method to heal the sick and injured from magic, natural remedies, artificial remedies, and science. It functions as a research and teaching hospital as well. As it’s access to patients and funding was so great. Now Dean and Kiera
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Listening Vs Going For It
“What’s wrong? You agreed to come here for this, Kiera.” “I agreed to look into it. I don’t know it all seems so easy, doesn’t it? What if everything looks good but something still goes wrong?” “Then we deal with that when it happens. That’s what life is like. People don’t stop living because they could be hit by a car or struck by lightning. Chances are made and done some work and others don’t. But when they work, we reap the benefits and enjoy life all the more. I want you beside me in all how count. I don’t want to always be looking over my shoulder, wondering who will force you to mate with them and take you away from me. I’ve already had to live with the worry that James would do that. It’s hard enough that he took Trisha. I know there will be someone else sooner or later in the wings wanting to do the same thing.” They hadn’t left the chairs they sat in while they said this. Kiera couldn’t argue with his logic. She knew there were some
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Caving In For Peace
“Are you both in agreement with this? If so, I can get you admitted Alpha Jonas, Kiera. We’d only need permission to draw your blood. If all goes well, you could be home in a day or two. Free to mate in a more relaxed and traditional manner on your own timeline.” Dr Graves looked calm and understanding. He didn’t press them further than that. “I’m game if you are Kiera.” Dean knew he was taking risks with his life. If it meant his life would finally be on track and he could see a happily ever after, he’d do it. He knew it was risky, but something in the back of his head was pushing him to do it and he wasn’t strong like Kiera, and he couldn’t resist listening to it. “Fine. I will let them take some blood. As long as I don’t need to be admitted for this. How long will it take to know whether it’s working or not?” “Once your blood is within his body it, we can test his body to see if there’s any rejection or damage to his organs. But since you
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On Pins and Needles
At some point, Kiera looked up at Dean. “Did you call your sister and tell her you were doing this right now?” “Nope, because you know very well what Trisha would say and I wasn’t going to listen to it, because this is between you and me.” “Goddess save me. Fine, I’ll do it. But when she’s pissed, I’m laying all the blame at your door. So you better be prepared when you see her next, because you’re going to hear about it.” Kiera couldn’t take it. She needed to talk to someone other than Dean. Trisha was the first person she thought of. Her mind did flit to April and Mary, but right now they were too busy trying to impress her to be reliable. For two who claimed they wanted to help her part-time, that changed when they understood she wasn’t dreaming that Dean wanted her as his mate and Luna. Kiera wasn’t leaning toward either of them because right now she didn’t feel she could trust them to receive the unvarnished truth. She hoped that would change.
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Trisha to the Rescue
“That bastard. Dean’s a jerk. He knew he’d do this and didn’t tell anyone that he’d do it. Kiera went there to discuss if it were possible. I know Kiera. She’d want to plan for all the worst things before trying anything. I bet he pushed her to let him do it.” “Enough Trisha. I’ll get us the earliest possible portal to there if you just let me think and listen to the portal booking system.” The mages ran the portal system and with it’s high risks of danger, they kept a stranglehold on almost all portal travel. When, where, and how long it would take are just a few of the questions James needed to answer. “Crap. I forgot to ask Kiera if she needed me to bring her anything. I don’t know if she has a change of clothes.” “Well, I’ll leave you to create a care package for Kiera and Dean. Let me get this booked.” “With four bags, James. We’re taking four bags with us. We can carry them if we have two duffle bags and two packs.” “Fine, I’
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Two days later, Kiera and Trisha waited outside Dean’s room as Dr Graves examined him and looked at the latest test results. James returned to his pack to manage a few things. “So what are you doing for your mating ceremony? When will it be?” Kiera asked Trisha to try to find a different subject that didn’t revolve around Dean’s or her recent decisions. “Oh, I have him waiting until we can have both packs in the same place without there be fighting. I figure in a few years. I mean, technically, we’re mated. It’s just the ceremony of recognition of the mating that’s not been done. It seems so old-fashioned to me.” Trisha tried to brush it off. “Hon, if that were true, then you’ll be waiting forever to have the ceremony. Why don’t you just have it, and we’ll threaten to string up anyone and post signs of what they did? Like those photos of cats in their harnesses. “I shredded all the toilet paper while my owner was pooping.” Or “I pooped in m
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No Stopping Now
It took another week before Dean managed to shift into his alternative forms. He’d noticed a lot of changes in him. He needed to get larger clothing because his entire body went up to two clothing sizes while he lay in bed. That surprised him quite a bit. Finally, he could hold Kiera and kiss her without feeling like he’d been hit by a steamroller. Once they were home, Kiera wouldn’t speak of their mating and she wouldn’t set a date for the mating or acknowledgement ceremony. So he surprised Kiera with an evening to mate with her. He didn’t need an acknowledgement ceremony. His daily pain was almost nonexistent now and he want to give her what she deserved. Dean wanted Kiera to love their new form and position within the pack. So this evening they’d start with a private dinner in his apartment and then enjoy the evening with his soon-to-be mate. His mind kept wandering to what was to come. By dawn, they’d be mated, and thi
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Behind Closed Doors
In the bathroom, Dean had the shower running, and he was making sure they had everything they need within easy reach. He remembered to heat the towels and lay out the mat. Whoever built this bathroom put down super smooth tiles on the floor and it was like skating on ice when you stepped out if you weren’t careful. The mat had rubber grips to prevent that while drying your feet on it. Dean heard Kiera sigh as she settled under the spray of their large shower. A standard wolf could bath in this shower while in their fur. Now Dean wondered if he needed to remodel the bathroom to fit their new size. Kiera was smaller in her dire wolf form, and he didn’t think she’d fit in here. That was something for another day to think about. Right now, he had an eyeful of his mate and a promise to keep. There was no question for him if she was his mate. Just seeing her like this made everything right. Dean followed her into the shower and cornered her under
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New Lycans at the Door
Their mating went on after the cleanup and Kiera’s world was addressed. Dean ended up marked as well at some point by Kiera and, finally exhausted, they fell asleep hours later. With the sun coming up and the mating over, Kiera felt a disturbing calm between them. Like this took away the jittery need to find a stable footing. Kiera could swear she could feel Dean’s mood as he slept. He’d exhausted her so much that she’d not been bothered by any of her usual nightmares. Kiera felt delicious and loose-limbed. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt like this. If she were a cat, she’d be purring at this point. “Morning. Luna Jonas.” Dean stated with a proud grin like he’d accomplished something last night. Kiera wouldn’t tell him, but he had accomplished something. The jerk got his way. He had the pack and her permanently. It wasn’t fair. She wasn’t ready for this, but she didn’t know what she was ready for. She wasn’t sure if she should be unhapp
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