All Chapters of One Night With The Ruthless Beta: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
181 Chapters
Chapter 101
JASON’s POV..It felt like fire, like someone who was in desperate need of my help was behind me and the moment I turned, I was disappointed to find no one there.Frustrated, I ran my fingers through my hair as I fell to the floor, it all hurt, badly. The thought of being her dominant, a ruthless beta at that and I couldn’t help was bringing me immense pain and I was still angry when I noticed something. Slowly wiping the blood that covered my sight off, I picked it up and I stared at it, it was a bracelet and it looked really familiar. I squinted as I tried to recall where I’d seen this bracelet because it was really familiar.Bingo! I recalled, it was Amanda’s. I smiled as I got up on my feet, this was perhaps all I needed to find her. I thanked the goddess for that day, the day that incident happened.I sighed as I placed my nose to it, it indeed smelt like her and I frowned, I was going to make whoever had the audacity to take her away pay for their actions, by hook or by crook.
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Chapter 102
I immediately picked the sword as with every single strength in me, I rushed to the edge of the cliff where I saw Amanda hanging on, in tears and fear evident in her eyes.“Amanda!” I called as I extended my hands so she could grab it and then maybe I could pull her to safety.She looked down as she raised her head back to me. “Jason!” She cried out to me and my heart clenched at this. I stared at her, my heart was hurting seeing her cry and I would make sure these people paid for daring to even try hurt Amanda.“Grab on to my hand, I’ll pull you up” I told her as I moved closer despite being injured, stretching my hand to her.She was injured, badly. I could see it and she slightly raised her hand in tears as she tried to reach out to me but sadly, her hands wouldn’t get to me. Tears were pouring down her cheeks and I could see it which broke me even more.I stretched my hands even more as I folded my lips, I was in so much pain and just as her hands were almost getting to mine so
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Chapter 103
I had to save her and myself but the pain I was feeling was unending. I shut my eyes as I muttered some words to myself before putting my leg to one of the rocks and then climbing.I made sure to hold on to her more tightly than I did the rock as I climbed harder. I could see my soldiers stare at me like they didn’t have enough trust in me and even if I hated that, it didn’t matter to me. What mattered to me at the moment was Amanda’s life.I shut my eyes as I continued to climb while holding on to her tightly.Luckily, we made it to the top of the rock and a soldier held on to my hand as we finally climbed up and the moment we climbed up, I held on to her as I heaved a sigh of relief. We were safe!Her eyes which had being slightly open finally closed as we made it to the top and I looked around, there was bloood and the bodies of different soldiers lying around and I gave her head a little kiss.“We’re safe now, we’re safe” I told her as I rubbed her head.“The lives of many sold
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Chapter 104
I closed my eyes as I smiled to myself, this was currently how I wanted to feel, like a princess, like a beauty. He wrapped his hands around me slowly as he placed a kiss on my forehead and jt felt like it was all a lie.He was treating me so tenderly, more than a princess was to be treated and I had to admit, it was slowly scaring me. I swallowed as he wrapped his hands around me again and I smiled as I shut my eyes. This was definitely the safest I’d ever felt around Jason my whole life.Ever since he’d taken me, claiming me. He had always being so rude and mean to me. He had never treated me so tenderly and this time, he was. He was treating me so well that I had to smile over and over again.“You should really stop smiling, your cheek will definitely ache afterward.” He told me and again, I smiled. Why did I have to continue smiling when I knew he knew I was smiling? I sighed, I had to keep a straight face but then I couldn’t help it.Every single time that moment came to mind,
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Chapter 105
“Hold on, don’t move closer to her.” I heard a man say as he took out his sword before placing it to the woman’s throat and I stared in shock at him as I immediately took the sword off.“What are you doing? Can’t you see she is injured?” I asked as I pushed him away before bending to have a closer look at the woman she didn’t even look mature, she looked like she was around my age, in her early twenties.“Hi, who are you?” I asked her and I could see that she was barely keeping her eyes open and I could feel the pity for her right to my bones.“Stay away from her, she is not to be trusted.” The man said and I turned to Jason who didn’t say anything.“He’s Zakil, the delta. He is right, you shouldn’t just trust any single person you see laying injured on the road, they are not to be trusted actually.” He told me and I scoffed as I placed my hand to the woman’s head.“What’s your name?” I asked as my throat started to clog, tears threatening to stream down my cheeks.She struggled to s
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Chapter 106
I clenched my fists in anger as I slowly opened the door of the room. I peered in slowly as I stared at Amanda on the bed, she was badly injured. They had hurt her pretty badly and I hated it. She had being treated, sure but then she still looked pretty hurt and just one look at her would tell you that she had being battered.I hated seeing her this way, it broke me. And that Eva, who knew what she had told Amanda and what triggered the memory? What were the Sadiphers about and why did it suddenly make Amanda pass out? I needed to find out, at all costs.I took out a sword from my armor as I stared at it, she would have to tell me the truth, whether she liked it or not. She had dared to make Amanda land in this pitiful state and make me so worried had she not? She would have to pay for it, whether she liked it or not, that was a promise.I walked into the room slowly as I sat on the bed, beside Amanda. For some reason, I was hurt seeing her this way and it wasn’t just my wolf, it w
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Chapter 107
I yelled in anger and then I noticed her start to calm down as she turned towards me. She smiled slightly as she placed his hands slowly to the bed before getting off the bed and then walking towards me.“It annoys you right?” She asked with a smile on her face. I stared at her angrily, the sword still in mid air as I pointed it to her. She took the sword as she placed it to her own throat, “come on, kill me.” She told me. “Just admit it, it annoys you.” She told me and I withdrew my sword as I stared at her.“You’re wrong, it doesn’t.” I told her as I stared at her. She annoyed me even more.She smirked as she turned away from me, “of course it doesn’t. It shouldn’t annoy you.” She told me with a smirk on her face as she turned away before turning back to me. “It makes you jealous.” She said and I took a step backward as I stared at her and I could see her smiling like a fool.“Only fools with hearts get jealous. I’m not one with a heart and as such, I can’t ever be jealous.” I t
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Chapter 108
I paused and he stared at me, wondering why I hadn’t said or done a thing. “Jason?” I called out softly as I stared at him.“Yes?” He asked me as he stared at me, his eyebrows slowly carved and it made him look even more charming than he already was.I took a deep inhale as I raised my hand, slowly placing it to his chest as I caressed it softly and just as I was about to take his shirt off, he held on to my hand as he stared at me. “What are you trying to do?” He asked me and I took a deep inhale.“Why don’t you care about yourself?” I asked him and my head slowly started to ache.“If I don’t care about myself tell me who I’ll care about? An omega?” He asked and at that moment, I recalled how Tristan had ditched me. He didn’t even bother to go call for help so he could save me he just ran off like a coward.Remembering this and recalling how he had always being the cause of mine and Jason’s fights, tears slowly started to stream down my cheeks. I stared at him. “You don’t care ab
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Chapter 109
“What’s wrong?” I asked him as I stared at him, there was no way someone would have changed so easily.The more he rejected my advances, the more I always wanted to go close to him and it had started to make me wonder if he was only playing hard to get.I took a deep inhale as I waited for him to answer but then he didn’t. “I do hope you’re better now?” He asked and I knew that he was obviously trying to change the topic but then I wouldn’t let him.It sounded strange in my head and I knew I would have never imagined myself asking the question but then, for someone who had always wanted me, he was really acting strange and I really needed to know why.“Can I ask you something?” I asked him as I swallowed. This was probably going to be the hardest and toughest question I had to ask my whole life but then I felt the need to do so.“Sure, tell me what it is.” He told me and I moved closer to him on the bed as I took my hand in his, raising my head as I stared at him. I took a deep inhale
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Chapter 110
At that moment, we stared at each other, neither of us saying a word. How did we manage to say the same thing at the exact same time? I swallowed as I stared at him because at this point, neither of us was saying anything.I swallowed slowly as I continued to tend to his wounds and it was at that moment tbat be held on to my hand and I stared at him. Gosh, his touch just felt so firm, so firm that it made me tweak in the knees even more, this time, I felt even more weaker in the knees than I’d always felt.“I’m sorry” he told me as he slowly turned, pressing his lips tightly and my heart clenched at the sight of him in pain as he got up, sitting upright as he turned to me.“Jason, let me help you, you’re not doing fine.” I told him as I tried to get him to lay back down but at that moment, he placed his hands to my lips as he shushed me and I blinked slightly as I stared at him, gosh, what was this man?“Don’t say anything, let me speak.” He told me and I blinked as I stared at him
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