All Chapters of One Night With The Ruthless Beta: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
181 Chapters
Chapter eighty one
I stared at her and watching her walk in with such sadness in her eyes broke me, Infact it weakened me to the core and I had to be strong, if I wanted to do what it was that I wanted, I had to be strong.I got off the bed as I walked to her, grabbing her little body in my hands and weakly, she raised her head to stare at me and I could see the sadness in her eyes but then, I ignored.“It hurts doesn’t it? “ I asked her as I slowly tucked her hair behind her ear and she looked away from me which caused me to chuckle slightly as I pushed her away. It hurt me to know that Amanda, my own taken was this sad because she couldn’t be with that omega who she loved and I hated that fact.I clenched my fists as I stared at her, “you wouldn’t be able to see that omega ever again, that I promise you” I told her and with that, I ripped the robe off her and she gasped as she covered her oranges and I smiled slightly as I stared at her now exposed body.She was half naked already because at this p
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Chapter eighty two
I clenched my fists as I stood at the door, my conscience couldn’t let me leave the room after what I’d just done. I couldn’t even turn to look her in the eye after what I had just done and I hated it. I hated and regretted every single thing I did to her in this room and I treated my head on the door as I swallowed, memories of what I had done flooding my head.Gosh, how could I have done such a thing? I would have never believed had even the white witch come to tell me that I would do such and I turned to stare at Amanda, hoping she would have at least moved to show that she was alright but sadly, she hadn’t. I swallowed hard as I stared at the pitiful state she was in, she hadn’t moved even an inch since I left that spot.I banged hard against the door as I cursed myself for doing what I’d just done. I couldn’t control myself, I let my anger get to me and I did something that I should never have done. I sighed, why’d I have to let my anger and wolf get the best of me?As she stoo
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Chapter eighty three
“Amanda “ I called slightly as I moved to the bed, slowly cupping her face with my hands but sadly, all she did was flinch before going back to her former icy self and goodness, it felt like I was supposed to start crying in front of her.This was the first time I’d ever felt this way, it was the absolute first time seeing someone like this would hurt me and I could not believe that person would be my taken.I tried calling out to her again but this time, instead of merely flinching, she turned her back to me as she laid on the bed and I could hear her sniffle as she turned against me and slowly moving, I could see she was crying.I buried my face in my hands as I couldn’t help but feel remorse. I hated the fact that I felt this way. She was the one who was supposed to be punished for what she had done to me, her dominant but here I was, feeling all guilty about what I’d done to her. I shook my head, this wasn’t supposed to be, she was supposed to pay for her sins and not me feeling g
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Chapter eighty four
“Amanda!” I yelled as I bent to pick her up. “Call the doctor!” I yelled angrily and Tristan, the omega immediately rushed out of the room while I placed Amanda on the bed.What had I done, what was I thinking? She would never forgive me for this, I was sure of that and the thought of her never forgiving me broke my wolf immensely.I quickly took the first aid box as I stared at her, holding on to her stomach where I’d just stabbed her, accidental while she gasped for air. I poured some ointment and just as I was about to place it on her wound, she held on to my hand and I stared at her.“What are you doing? Let go of my hand” I told her as I struggled to help treat her but she remained stubborn, she wouldn’t even listen to me and it broke not only my wolf but myself too.“The… there’s no need to help me when you would still go ahead and hurt me again” she said and I could see the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.“What are you saying? I never meant to stab you, it was the om
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Chapter eighty five
I couldn’t believe this, how was this even possible? How was I crying and all because of Amanda? It seemed like a joke, a very big one but then again, I could still feel it streaming down my cheeks and then I turned to the room, I now knew that I really did care for Amanda. How could I not?I ran my fingers through my hair, how could I have done something like that? Every single time she cried, I felt my wolf move and kick against me in displeasure and I shut my eyes, how did this woman have this much of an effect on me?I was still standing outside the room in shock and confusion when the door of the room came open and the doctor walked out of the room.“How is she doing now?” I asked her and she smiled slightly.“I’ve applied special ointments to the wounds, she should be better soon” she told me and I nodded. “That’s good” I told her and she was about leaving when she turned back to me.“Commander, I’ve prescribed some drugs for her, please ensure that she takes them and is taken
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Chapter eighty six
I sniffled as I slowly wiped the tears off my cheeks, I wasn’t supposed to be thinking of it, it had being so many years since it happened and I promised myself to never think of it but then, with just what he had done to me today, I recalled every single moment of that day, every single one of it, none excluded.As Jason picked me up from the bathroom, dragging me to the bed, those memories started to coming to nind but then, I hoped it was like every other time, when he would just do this to show he had an effect on me but sadly, it wasn’t. It was completely different from the other times as this time, he actually did it. He actually punished me. This time, his touch didn’t seem to awaken whatever jr awoken those days, it just brought me hurtful memories. His touch this time reminded me of the pain I’d gone through several years ago and I was sure I would never forgive him for what he had done to me, not in the next seven lives at least.He had assaulted me, taken or not not, h
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Chapter eighty seven
My head was slowly starting to ache and my throat, it was burning like I’d just consumed acid. I raised my head to stare at him and I could see a slight smirk on his face as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair.“What did you add into this?” I asked as I got off the chair, making for the bathroom where hopefully, I would be able to ease myself but then he didn’t reply and at that moment, I started to regret every single choice of mine that was linked to this party.I gasped as I started throwing up into the sink, what was this? Why was I feeling this way? I coughed hard as I washed my face and then, I slightly raised my head to stare into the mirror and there, I saw him standing behind me, a deadly smile on his face.I moved back in shock and just as I was about to get out of the bathroom, my head still aching badly, he held me back as he pulled me closer to himself, still not saying a word.“Leave me, what is wrong with you?” I asked him as I struggled to get free from him bu
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Chapter eighty eight
I opened my eyes slightly to stare at the couch where Jason was and for some reason, my heart clenched seeing how uncomfortable he was as he slowly moved around the couch.My opened my mouth to call his name so that perhaps he would come join me on the bed but the words just couldn’t leave my muuth. I cursed, why did I care so much about him? It was his fault that he was on the couch after all because if he hadn’t stabbed me, he would not feel compelled to go lay on the couch and I hated the fact that him being uncomfortable bothered me.I sighed as I sat up, dragging the bedsheet to cover myself before finally gathering the courage to call out to him. “Jason!” I called him and he turned to me.The lights were still on so I was sure he couldn’t have fallen that deep into the sleep. As he turned towards me, i could not help but feel sad, especially as I saw the worry on his eyes. It took every single thing in me to stop myself from asking what the problem was.I was mad at him, he h
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Chapter eighty nine
I walked into the room and shut the door behind me, I knew Tristan wouldn’t be in the room at this time as he was an omega but then, Jason didn’t know this and I was tired of being with him, I needed to be away from the one who had caused me so much pain, for some time at least.I sighed as I held on to my stomach, moving to the bed as I fell back in it, it hurt so much, especially not being able to resist being around the one who had caused you so much pain.I sighed, I knew it would hurt Jason knowing I had come here to see Tristan, especially that ego of his but I had to forge myself to not care, I had to do that because the more I cared for him, the more I forgave him for the wrong he did to me.I inhaled deeply as I dragged the pillow to myself, I was so tired, tired of every single thing and I needed to pull myself together, even if it wasn’t for anyone, myself at least. I closed my eyes as I let tears stream down my cheeks, I couldn’t even make it to Cora’s one month remembe
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Chapter Ninety
THIRD PARTY’s POV… In a deserted area, humming and banging could be heard as a woman rubbed her hands together with stones to make fire. She smiled to herself which revealed how beautiful she looked as she tucked her hair behind her ear.She would definitely make it a special night for herself and her mate and she was on the verge of making the night a success. She sighed as she recalled the previous night, how they had made love all through.She slowly placed her hand between her thighs and recalled how beautifully and heavenly she felt when he had placed his hand there, slowly rubbing it as he called out to her.“I love you” he had told her as he slowly slid his tongue into her mouth and she smiled to herself as she rested her back on the wooden frame behind her.It had taken so long for them to finally consummate their marriage after they got mated because he didn’t want her, especially as she was a witch but then, after she had saved his life a couple of times and they got to k
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