All Chapters of A Marriage To Cure A Broken Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
71 Chapters
21. Expression From The Heart
Dexter came around quickly to open Taesha’s door. He was pleasantly surprised to see her patiently waiting for him to unbuckle her seat belt. He smiled inwardly, happy to release her from anything emotionally or physically that might be holding her back. When his soft leather glove touches her hand to help her out of the car, it felt like warm butter. The ‘Cut’ restaurant doesn’t normally offer valet parking for its clients. But Dexter didn’t want to have the snow touch Taesha tonight if he could help it. So he paid for this service to park right in front of the door. She slid her delicate hand around his forearm as they walked inside the restaurant together. Taesha tilted her head slightly upward, looking at this six feet three, lean, handsome man next to her who was a stranger only two days ago. She couldn’t believe things between them had advanced so quickly; two kisses. She unknowingly opened herself to it, and now they are on a date together. Once inside the place, und
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22. Getting So close
Once the waiter sets the food on the table, Taesha inhales, taking in all the aromas that float in the air. The waiter uncorked the red wine that came with the meal. He handed Dexter the cork to sniff and poured a sample into a glass. Dexter, the perfectionist, swirled the contents, held in the goblet, looking for sediment in the crystal, then sniffing and sipping. That's what one would think. He's drinking red wine but has never seen the color of it until now. The wine coated his tongue with the most delightful hints of fruits and Moka. Nodding his acceptance, he requested the lady have a sample of his selection. Taesha followed his lead, taking the wine glass, inhaling, tasting, and nodding lightly."Waiter, can you bring us a blue cheese board with this wine?" "Yes, Madam," He said, pouring them both half-full goblets and leaving.Once again, Dexter was impressed. She took his hand, which surprised him. Dexter saw her lower her head, and he followed suit. She blessed the food. "
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23. Take me to the Mountaintop
The only lights in the restaurant were the line of candle sconces that went around the walls of the large room. Taesha's eyes expand, trying to focus in the dark. Then moments later, she hears a voice coming from straight ahead. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have a special performance tonight. So sit back and relax and enjoy." Taesha had no idea that the 'Cut' allowed live performances. She looks around for Dexter, hoping he gets back to his seat before the show begins. The room was still dim, and then she heard a voice that captivated her attention as her eyes tried to focus."Tonight, I want to dedicate this song and performance to a special young lady. She inspired this song and the title. So, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoy."That's when a single spotlight shines on a man in all black as he strolls so cool out in the center of the floor. Taesha stood up because, sitting, all she could see was a side profile. Taesha still doesn't realize who it is as she looks ar
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24. This Is My Confession
The ride home was quiet. Dexter didn't know how to break the thick ice of tension that had developed between them. Their romantic and sensual night they were having had suddenly come to an end, and he didn't know why. There was no explanation or anything. Then, finally, Taesha abruptly left him on the dance floor. She gathered her things and walked out of the "Cut restaurant.During the drive home, she asked. "Are you sliding your eyes over here at me?" Taesha sounded agitated."No, I'm not sliding my eyes at you," Dexter replied. Things got quiet again. Dexter wanted to kick himself for pretending like her coldhearted actions weren't bothering him. But how could he tell her that he enjoyed seeing her pretty face even though it looked irritated? They finally arrived at the cabin. The minute Dexter opened the cabin door Taesha walked through it and went straight to her bedroom, closing the door and leaning against it. "Why? Why? Does he make me feel this way?" Her body tingled with
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25. Something To Remember
"Perhaps I'm reluctant because this thing we are experiencing feels so good it's got to be something wrong with it. And trust me, I'm not trying to get hurt or disappointed." You. "Taesha, let me reassure you, I've never been the type of man to desire love. I never knew what love was and had no desire to know. For the first time in my life, these emotions I have for you are so refreshing. Only words of endearment fill my heart when I look at you and think about you. I know what we feel is undeniable and rare to be experiencing in such a short period. Love doesn't happen like this with anyone. Today when I sat down and wrote that song about you. I liked my thoughts. The words came into my mind and heart with such ease. I don't smile. But I've I'm smiling now for no apparent reason. You give me a whole new range of affections and sentiments. If this is what love is supposed to feel like, then I want it. I want it with you." "Woah! Hold your horses there, pal! Hey, we are getting deep
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26. When Only Darkness Appears
His mind and body stirred with great need. His hand reached out to touch and feel every inch of her body. If only he could show her how he felt about her. The words she uttered, she'd liked kissing him and hadn't wanted to stop. How was he supposed to walk away knowing that? But Dexter didn't want to scare her away by showing her how badly he wanted her. So instead, he leaned close to her ear, inhaling, taking in her sweet scent he'd become addicted to already. "Hm-mm. A very long, happy three days it's been." Trust. His trust is vital. Dexter wanted her to trust him. So he forced himself to stand up straight as he tiptoed out of the room. He collapsed on the couch, closing his eyes, now grappling with his strong desires, willing himself to sleep. "I can do this..." Dexter found himself a few minutes later in her bedroom. "How did I end up in here?" He asked, confused. Taesha's body was his greatest damnation. He craved her and the way she came alive beneath his fingers. She'
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27. Unearthing Desires
I raised the bed covers up to my neck, staring at him as he stared back at me, and when he blinked slowly again, I saw a fresh set of tears slide down his cheeks. I didn't know what to do, he looked as if he needed something, but I didn't know what. Emotionally, he confused me; tears drew me to his open vulnerability, and I wanted to comfort him. But at the same time, he didn't look like the Dexter I had come to know these three days. It made me a little fearful. I knew that I had to stop beating around the bush. "Listen, if you're not going to say anything or tell me what's wrong. You are going to need to get out of this bedroom." Dexter grimaced (a twisted expression on his face.) in response to my words, which seemed to have no effect as he maintained eye contact with me. "What? Are you all right?" After what felt like minutes, he shook his head slowly, no. I tried to smile, knowing I was under his scrutiny. His gaze was unsettling, but strangely I felt more exposed than a
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28. Beautiful As The Sun
The weather forecast was correct; the heavy snow was over, but it was still cold even though the sun was shining so bright. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful day to be out of the cabin. Dexter pulls up to the mechanic shop across the street from the clip & Dye hair salon and boutique. They read the sign across the street, Gas, Repairs, Oil changes, Used cars for sale, Plowing machines, and Firewood. We do it all.""Now there's a combination you don't see every day," Dexter utters as they laugh. They stepped out of the car, and this was the first day you could see the charming little town amid the majestic mountains. The area has colorfully painted buildings that house a variety of expensive small businesses. They had the Fish and-ski-hike store that displays fishing rods and gear, snowboards, and hiking boots in the window. "Look, Dexter, they even have an art gallery," Taesha smiles."Who would have thought all this was here in this little town," Dexter replied.The gallery shared
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29. Open Up to Me
Taesha always smells fantastic. If it's not her hair, it's her skin or stylish clothing. He looks at how those leather pants hugged her sexy round backside and how great everything else looks exquisite enough to stir up his passion."Hey, Dexter, do you want to sit at the table or over here on the sofa and watch television?" " the table." "Alright." Taesha set the table with candles and dinnerware. Then she prepares their plates."I'm waiting on the garlic bread Mr.," She says to Dexter.Dexter pulled the oven open. "Coming right up." Dexter sits at the table and digs into his plate of food."I'm very impressed. It's delicious," Dexter says. "I'm glad you like it," Taesha replies. "Dexter, you boiled those noodles to near perfection, and I've never had greater-tasting garlic bread. Mmm..." She said, playfully teasing Dexter. All he could do was smile at her teasing him as they continued to enjoy the meal to the full. "No, seriously, I see you put a hundred percent into w
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30. Turn Off The Lights
Yawning and stretching her arms, she states. "Dexter, I'm going to say good night." Taesha stood up as Dexter held onto her hand. When he heard her say let's go our separate ways. Dexter thought about how he wouldn't be able to see her or have this colorful light of vision at all again. He didn't want to lose her or go back into the darkness. A dark world without vibrant color and light, he realizes, is awful, especially now that Dexter's been exposed to the warmth of her smile and beautiful face. He looked up at her clear burnished golden brown eyes that were open, honest, and filled with expressions of her fears and desires. "Taesha, please don't go." He uttered low and sultrily. "But I don't want either of us to get hurt here. Our hearts are already too involved so fast, and I can't explain or understand how that has happened. I don't want to add more pain by involving our bodies. It'll only make it ten times harder to go our separate ways. So, Dexter, let's put on the brakes her
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