All Chapters of A Marriage To Cure A Broken Billionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
71 Chapters
31. Taking Another Route
Within ten minutes on the highway, his vision of color started to fade. The warmth that had invaded his heart began to melt like the snow disappeared as the green trees and grass reappeared. But only momentarily Dexter saw the green grass, brown leaves, and blue sky. The sun even resent as the ash gray took hold of his sight. Tears pour from his eyes like never-ending waterfalls. Dexter's drive home was solemnly quiet, head filled with thoughts of the last few days spent with Taesha. This experience with a female and all its purity was a first in many ways. However, Dexter knew he had to dismiss the best time he's ever had because he would be home soon and back to reality. Taesha and having his sight would have to be a beautiful memory. Dexter knew when he arrived back at his vacation home. It would be to pack, rest, and then prepare to head to his house. He opens the door, hits the light switch, and realizes he doesn't need it. Here it goes again. The dark, the worst side of him,
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32. Family Ties
Dexter (POV)A few weeks ago, on the flight home from the majestic mountains. I spent the entire time on the plane writing songs for my new album."My Dance With You." Inspired by Taesha Tran, I signed smiling.One song after another pours out of me like hot lava. Beautiful melodies came from my perfectionism, and every detail I wrote from it's inception to its conclusion came from heartfelt feelings. Each lyric I jotted down embodied my experience with Taesha for those four beautiful days and nights.The album was about her making me feel pure and alive. I couldn't hear the sound of music without thinking of Taesha. All my thoughts of Taesha became poetic lyrics. 'She was such a beautiful, free-spirited, independent soul.'Taesha inspired feelings within me without us having sexual contact. 'It seems Impossible!' I thought. But that's when I knew I had become a changed man, a different man, a better man because of a woman of quality. It came time to go into the studio to record my a
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33. Memories from the Past
Dexter was moping around as he dressed for the party, still trying to figure out how he could not attend this event. He loved his cousin like a brother. They were raised to always be there for one another as a family. That is what was stuck in Dexter's head as he forced himself to get dressed and leave his house. Thinking about his family and Riley always warmed his heart, and it often motivated him to give of himself even when he didn't feel like doing something.For instance, to name a few. My family and Sunday dinners have taken place for as long as I can remember. My grandmother made sure we were a close-knit family. And they weren't all that keen about inviting others over, but Riley and I would always have some surprise guests now and then.Dexter laughed, thinking about when they were teenagers at these Sunday dinners with the family, they weren't allowed to drink alcohol. But when the adults would go off into the living room talking and drinking, he and Riley would sneak into
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34. I Can't Believe My Eyes
I toss the phone on my king-size bed as I prepare to get dressed for a party I was the least interested in attending. I promise you, if Riley weren't family, I wouldn't go tonight to this event. I wanted to call Taesha tonight, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. When I do call her, I don't want anything to interfere. I'm going to make sure my schedule is all clear. So I stand in my walk-in closet, trying to figure out what to wear. Everything is already color-coordinated. My stylist has the closet organized with black items to my left and gray clothing to my right. The pinstripe white and gray shirts are in one section, and my ties come in shades of blues, reds, golds, and multi-colors. That way, it wouldn't matter which one I picked. It all will match superbly. But tonight, I'm not going to wear a tie that would require me to put on a suit. So, I pick something else to wear from the casual section in my closet. "Humm, what to wear?" I tap my finger on my chin. Then, I begin
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35. Love Don't Live Here
When the light hit the person who stepped through the door, I was shocked at who I saw. In all the years I been knowing this person. It was my first time seeing her face. I was utterly shocked by it all! But something was wrong! It wasn't Taesha! No, it was my ex from ten years ago. Candance Coldwell came through that door, and it was her face that I could see in color with my eyes! I shook my head, hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me. When I opened them again, the woman who had just walked through the door was Candance Coldwell. With long, red hair and darkest brown eyes. The tight black tank top accentuates her small breast, that's for sure, but the short little red skirt has every man's attention right now. It fits snugly around her heart-shaped backside and hits mid-thigh, with lean legs, a mile long. Her entire outfit leaves little to the imagination, and if the lustful looks of half of the men in this club are any indication, she's fulfilling many fantasies all over the
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36. You Abandoned Me
Candance sat there shaking her head. At the same time, Dexter expressed what has been sitting in his heart for ten years."I don't like to have to repeat things of the past, and I was willing to let by gone be by gone, but you showed up here asking me to give you another chance. So you must have forgotten. I told you something that I have never shared with anyone. Remember Candance, that conversation?"She hung her head, nodding yes. Dexter went on to recant word for word that conversation that night for her. "What is it, Dexter? You can share anything with me. I love you with all my heart." "I know. That's why I'm opening up to you. Uhmm, my secret is I have a rare and complicated form of color blindness." "Oh my God! What does that mean? You can't see any colors at all?" "Well, as I grew up, the amount of color I can see diminished over the years. By the time I'd turned four, I couldn't see anything in color anymore." "Candance, you became very quiet that night, like you
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37. Perception & Reality
Dexter's Reality: I had never considered myself a particularly private person, especially with my family, until I had something big to hide from my loving but overly involved family. So my Gamma, auntie, and mamma are dying for me to start dating someone, yet they had no idea I had found someone. A smile split my face as I drove across town from my home to an area called the Northeast Kingdom of Burlington. Every Sunday, I go to my Gamma's house when I'm not on a tour or a business trip. What should I do? Do I tell them to prepare them for what's to come, or do I keep it a secret? "Riley's in the house!" Gamma's youngest grandson shouts in a party tone walking through the front door. "Wow! Everything looks delicious, Gamma!" Riley says as the aroma of well-prepared food hits his nostrils."Come give me my hug." Riley gives his sprite but seventy-two-year-old Grandmother a big hug and kiss. "Oh, you didn't think I wasn't going to have my celebration party for my handsome FBI Agent
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38. When I Think Of You
Taesha's (POV)I knew how getting involved with another culture worked. My family probably won't be as accepting this time around after dealing with Sean's craziness. After what he and his family had put my family and me through. I sighed. How can I forget that we were two different races? His sky-blue eyes alone should have been enough of a reminder. There's just something special about that man. Dexter truly makes me forget everything important. I returned to work, trying not to think about Dexter, a guy who would never leave my heart because of his kindness. Looking back, the separation and long distance are far more challenging and painful than I thought they would be, as it had only been a short time. How could I become so attached? It's not making any sense what's so ever!One evening while at home alone, I decided to close the shop early and come home and relax and rest. I lay there on my couch watching TV late that evening. I wore a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt with my ha
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39. A Very Special Woman
Dexter had planned his attack stealthily on the flight back to America, coming from his Europe tour that ended two weeks earlier than expected. He had arrived home with only two weeks to get his affairs in order. He had big plans for this occasion. Since his loving family was anxious and dying to know what he's been up to in his private life. He intended to fix that curiosity at one of their family Sunday dinners. It was time to reveal the woman he had found that was perfect for him. . It had already been so long since he's seen Taesha and held her in his arms. He wondered if a man could die from not just loneliness but horniness, too. If so, he was about to take his last breath. Dexter had to do this before he lost his mind from wanting more of her. She put on the brakes since they left the mountains almost five months ago. Dexter tried to respect her wishes to take things slow so they didn't get in over their heads.But long-distance relationships suck. Dexter had no idea just ho
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40. Dexter's Explicit Instructions
Taesha couldn’t believe it was fall season already. Pleasant days and cool nights. It was two months of waiting to hear something from Dexter. The last few weeks before the two months ended was the most anticipated time for Taesha because it was time to receive and follow Dexter's explicit instructions, which she had been mentally preparing to implement for months.She and Cameron lived off that video. But, at first, Cameron was skeptical about telling her friend what she thought about this guy. “Taesha, what do you know about this guy? You only spent four days with him.”“True, but it was four days and nights for 24 hours. The night we stayed up, we discussed everything from A to Z. I feel I know him enough to follow his instructions. He’s not going to ask me to do something ridiculous. So stop worrying about me. He’s a level-headed person.”Finally, Cameron gave up and waited for the instruction to decide whether Taesha should comply. ~~~Late one evening, Taesha came home from wo
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