All Chapters of A Contract Marriage And A Baby: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
220 Chapters
Chapter 101
The next 15 minutes was a dash I barely remember. My eyes pounding in my chest, perspiration collecting copiously ok my brow, I knew I had to find out what was going on, and fast. Without thinking, I sped as fast as I could to Chloe's house, ignoring the curses from drivers and pedestrians alike.I just didn't care.Chloe lived in a duplex located in a quiet, upscale neighborhood. The Montgomery heiress picked out a wealthy but not a flamboyant gated community. Classy without being too loud.Just like her.As I pulled up outside the house. Leaping out of the car and hurrying to the door, I saw that the lights were on, but no one answered the door. I rang the bell.No reply.I knocked loudly, but there was still no response. I tried calling her again, but the call went straight to voicemail.Frustrated and worried, I began to pace back and forth in front of the house. I couldn't just leave. Not since I knew that Chloe was in there and avoiding me, I had to know what the hell was going
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Chapter 102
Chapter 102ChloeBut it was too late. He had already pushed past me, striding with urgency out of my bedroom and into the next room."Nathan, stop, you can't just barge in here like that" I yelled after him, feeling the panic in my voice.He ignored my protests, pushing the door to Adele's room open and walking in.There, in a crib, was a little girl with dark curly hair and big brown eyes. She was crying loudly, her tiny fists balled up and waving in the air.Nathan stood there, staring at her in shock. "Chloe, who is this?" he asked quietly. I could tell the answer was quite obvious to him.I bit my lip, tears welling up in my eyes. "Nathan, I..."Nathan's mouth fell open. "Our daughter? Why didn't you tell me?"I could feel the panic rising, I had to do something, fast "Nathan, don't be ridiculous."He stepped closer to the crib, looking down at the little girl. She slowly stopped crying, staring at him curiously before holding out a chubby hand towards him. He hesitated before re
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Chapter 103
103It just hit me, I had seen that face before.I had just finished up at the gym and was heading back to my car when I saw her. She was in the park with a nanny, laughing and playing on the swings. My heart skipped a beat as I watched her, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.But then I noticed something that made my heart swell with pride. She was smiling just like me. That same crooked smile that I had inherited from my father. It was a small thing, but it filled me with a sense of connection to her, a sense of pride that she was mine.I watched her for a few more moments, then turned to leave. As I walked back to my car, my mind raced with thoughts of of the kid. I felt an instant connection to her. Her blue eyes, dark brown hair, a crooked smile that looked like she knew something nobody else did, like a real life Monal Lisa, only infinitely more beautiful.My daughter.But then reality hit me. Chloe, her mother, had denied me access to her. I couldn't believe my
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Chapter 104
104I felt the red-hot anger boiling inside me as I reached for my daughter. But Chloe, with agility that surprised me, threw herself between me and the cot staring up defiantly at me. Addison slid next to her, protecting the baby from me, her father."Chloe, move out of my way. I'm taking Adele home with me," I growled, my voice low and firm."No, Nathan," Chloe said, stepping planting herself firmly, refusing to lose her ground. "I won't let you take her. You're being rash, and you're not thinking straight.""I am thinking straight," I snapped back, trying to push past her. "I'm her father, and I have every right to take her home with me."Addison stepped forward, putting a hand on my chest. "Nathan, please, don't do anything you'll regret. Adele is scared, and you're only making it worse."I craned my neck to see Adele behind them, her small frame shaking with fear. "Mommy... mommy?" she cried, her voice breaking. I immediately realized my sudden outburst must have scared her shit
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Chapter 105
105As Nathan stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. Our argument had been intense, and it was clear that he was not going to give up on his quest to get our daughter, Adele, back. I knew Nathan's temperament all too well, and I feared for our daughter's safety.I turned to Addison, my best friend and confidante. "We need to get Adele out of here, now," I said, my voice shaking with fear.Addison looked at me skeptically. "Chloe, are you sure this is necessary? I don't think Adele is in any real danger."But I knew that Nathan's outburst had changed everything. I couldn't take any chances with Adele's safety. "I know you don't believe me, but please, Addison, you have to help me.""Chloe relax, you are taking things a bit too hard. You are very stressed out right now and you are not in the mood to make any life changing decisions.""No." I said, walking into my bedroom to immediately start yanking my clothes from the wardrobe. "I
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Chapter 106
106I had just gotten out of the shower when the phone rang, it's shrill ringing snapping me out of my reverie."Hello?" I answered, picking the call. I didn't bother to check the caller ID, I already knew who it was. "They are on the move boss." Came the reply. The infamously gruff voice confirming my guess.Joseph "Mando" Ackerman, ex United States Navy SEAL, veteran of the Iraqi and Afghan wars, took an honorable discharge after he got wounded out on a mission to take out a cell of Taliban terrorists and now working as the chief of my security detail. Standing at a massive 6'5 and 240 pounds of pure muscle. He looked like a walking tank. "You are on their tail?" "Affirmative sir."I chuckled slightly, like most veterans, he kept the habit of answering like I was his commanding officer."Good, stick to them, don't be spotted, text me whatever location they get to when they stop.""Copy that boss." The line went dead.***I sat in my office, staring blankly at the computer screen
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Chapter 107
107I stepped into my living room and let out a deep breath. The familiar scent of home and safety enveloped me, but the memory of the airport still lingered in my mind like an unwanted guest, refusing to leave. Addison walked in behind me, holding my two-year-old daughter Adele in her arms."Are you okay?" Addison asks, concern etched on her face.I shook my head, trying to push back the tears threatening to spill over. "No, I'm not okay. That was a nightmare."The flight to New York had been cancelled. I had realized running away wasn't going to change much. Nathan would follow me anywhere and I still had business to conclude hear in North Carolina.Addison set Adele down on the floor and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. "Deep breaths Chloe," she intoned, "calm down."I nodded, pulling away from her embrace. "Nathan showed up at the airport. He must have somehow found out about my plans to leave."Addison's face contorted in a slight frown. "How did he
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Chapter 108
I stepped into the cavernous lobby of Azul Enterprises, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. As I walked with David, my lawyer, towards Eduardo's office, I couldn't help but notice the grandeur of the building. It was evident that Azul Enterprises was a force to be reckoned with.Eduardo greeted us with a warm smile and a handshake, and we exchanged pleasantries as we made our way to his office. I immediately noticed how confident Eduardo looked, even as we walked into his territory. He knew he has us on the ropes. He knew we needed him, I didn't like that.Once we were seated, David started speaking about the acquisition that I was interested in, our flamboyant host cut him off almost immediately."Ah no business yet, I am a gracious host you see mi amigos." He said smiling widely, pressing a button on his intercom, he beeped his secretary. "Elizabeth dear, can you bring in some refreshments for our guests?""Mr Eduardo, it'
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Chapter 109
109I was sitting at my desk, staring at my computer screen when my phone rang. I picked it up to see Cameron's name on the caller ID."Hey Cam, what's up?" I asked."Nathan, I got some intel. Chloe has visited Eduardo," Cameron said, his voice tense."What? When?" I asked, trying to keep the surprise out of my voice."I don't know the exact yesterday, she went in with her lawyer, David. . The details of the meeting aren't clear, but it doesn't look good," Cameron said."How do you know this? Are you sure?" I pressed. Part of me still wanted it to be a lie, I still didn't want to believe Chloe was involved with the son of a bitch. Even after what she had put me through."Nathan come on, this isn't my first rodeo." Cam replied, sighing in exasperation. "I have my sources.""And how reliable are these sources of yours?""Very." He snapped back. I could tell he was losing his patience."I am sorry Cam." I apologized, I hadn't meant to antagonize him. "It's just... this is a lot on me.""
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Chapter 110
110I was sitting on the couch in my living room, trying to distract myself by watching some mindless TV after the disastrous deal with Eduardo. I just couldn't believe that I had messed up so badly. I had put everything on the line for that deal, and now it had all fallen apart. It was like my entire future was hanging in the balance.Suddenly, Addison walked in, interrupting my thoughts. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked, concern in her voice."Yeah, barely."Addison was quiet for a moment, thinking. Then she spoke up. "Chloe, maybe it's time for you to cut your losses and move on. North Carolina has been nothing but bad news for you.""Yeah," I said, smiling weakly. "You know what they say, never go back to an ex."We both shared a chuckle, the tension in the air loosening for a bit. I really needed as many laughs as I could get these days."Chloe, have you ever considered moving back to New York?" Addison asked out of the blue."What? Why would I move back to New York?" I asked,
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