All Chapters of A Contract Marriage And A Baby: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
220 Chapters
Chapter 81
Eighty-One Nathan The cool Sunday air seeped through the windows of my car, making the air around me chill and freezing. I ignored the strain in my fingers as they tightened around the steering wheel. There was no way I would take my eyes off the gate. Or off the building that stood behind the gate. Arabella Montgomery's home. "Arabella," I mumbled dryly, tasting her name on my tongue. It rolled out smoothly and perhaps it suited her. I didn't give a shit. She was Chloe to me. My Chloe. My phone beeped and reluctantly, I let go of the steering wheel to reach for the device. It was barely seven in the morning and here I was, at her doorstep. All that was left was for me to stick my tongue out, lapping like some dog. Mahn, sometimes I hated how she affected me. How my insides tied up and my heart shook in Its place at the thought of her. How every part of me, just as it was now, tightened up like a coil only she could unwind. I clicked on the message Cam had sent and my bro
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Chapter 82
Chapter eighty-twoChloe A pregnant silence filled the air. I stared blankly at Tristan who sat on my sofa, grinning at me like we were two souls connecting over a heart-to-heart. His wife, my mother, or ex-mother, whatever role she was assuming at the moment, sat beside him, her eyes roving every nook and cranny of the living room. "State your business," Addison spat with so much venom, it startled me as well. The man I had grown up calling Father smiled even wider. But the look in his eyes told me exactly what he thought of Addison. The same thing he had always thought of her. A nuisance. A bother and someone who I shouldn't associate with. Perhaps it had been foolish of me to allow them into my home. I was pretty surprised to find them outside my gate too. It wasn't like I could turn them away. Tristan was tricky, if he wanted to see me, he would find a way to do so anyways. "It is sad to see my daughter return without so much as a visit." He said, his smile dimming as he sp
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Chapter 83
Eighty-Three Chloe "What do you mean he's gone?" I asked, rising to my feet. "The trial is supposed to be by ten." The defeated look on David's face caused my heart to stutter. I shook my head frantically. "No. He can't just disappear like that." "Chloe-" Addy called out soothingly and I clasped my hands over my ears. The room spun around me. The weight of what had just happened dawned on me and I didn't want to acknowledge it. "I should have known," I whispered. "I should have known. He walked in here so fucking confident that the trial would not hold! I should have fucking known!" "Chloe! Calm the fuck down!" Addison ground out. I couldn't figure out where she was. The room seemed to spin faster as fear rocked within me. My knees knocked to the ground as I hunched over, quivering. Dad had known all along. That the trial wouldn't hold. I had been foolish to think he had come to beg and grovel. That he was trying to avoid a trial. But I was wrong. No. I was foolish. David ha
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Chapter 84
Eighty FourNathan Cameron and I sat in my office, surrounded by a sea of papers and files. We had been working together for months, trying to uncover Eduardo's secrets and bring him to justice. Right at that moment, I stared at Cam in shock. He had said something that looked like we were finally making headway. "You're serious?" I asked arching a brow at Cameron who sat across my desk. What he had just said was... Intriguing. Cameron leaned forward and looked me in the eye. "I've been tracking Eduardo for the past few weeks," he said, his voice low and serious. "Of course I'm serious!" I leaned in, my heart racing with anticipation. "Tell me, again." I growled, "This is fucking too good an opportunity." Cameron grinned at me and I could see the glaze of excitement in his eyes. "Eduardo is falling out with the mafia," he said. "With the way I see it, They'll cut ties with him completely, soon enough." A chuckle slipped from my lips as I reclined in my chair. Eduardo's power
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Chapter 85
Eighty-FiveNathan I trudged through the front door, exhausted from a long day at the office. After Cameron had left, I had been slaved away at my desk for hours, eyes fixated on the never-ending pile of paperwork that seemed to grow with each passing minute. It was a fucking chore. Sifting through all the paperwork that threatened to suffocate me. As I walked into the living room, a sense of relief washed over me. At last, I was fucking home. An image of Chloe's happy face filled my mind. As if she were there with me as If everything was fine. But my sense of comfort was short-lived. I was met with a scowl on Lily's face. She was perched on the couch, her arms crossed over her chest, and a look of annoyance etched onto her face. I ignored her like I always did. It had become a routine, an unspoken agreement between us. She was there because she carried my child. Because I couldn't turn her away. Whatever made her look like some sour pumpkin was none of my business anyway. I ju
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Chapter 86
86Chloe I and David huddled together at the kitchen table, our once-confident expressions replaced with visible concern. Our faces were etched in worry. We had been preparing for the court case for weeks, rallying people to our side and putting together a solid case. Something that would take Tristan down. But now? With the judge missing, we had no idea what to do now that our plan had been thrown into disarray. It was as if the rug had been pulled out from under our feet, leaving us disoriented and lost. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. It felt more like my face had been bashed against the floor. Two days had passed since Tristan had walked into my home, disturbed my peace, and left a trail of disturbing thoughts in my mind. Leaving now was not an option. Not when the crazy man could drive a sword down her belly and be done with her. The silence in the room was thick, broken only by my shuddering breaths. I couldn't afford to wake either Addy or Della. It was barely seven in the
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Chapter 87
87NathanI walked into the grand lobby of Eduardo's company, feeling the weight of my mission pressing down on me. The air was thick with the scent of freshly polished marble floors and the gentle hum of voices echoing off the high ceilings. The walls were adorned with grand paintings and sculptures, exuding an air of sophistication and wealth.Wealth bought by the blood of my family. Gritting my teeth I clicked the device in my ear. Cameron was somewhere around the area as my guide, my eyes and ears in a surveillance van outside. His job was to keep me safe, provide me with the necessary intel when facing the big guy up there, and notice things, anything that could implicate Eduardo."Okay, Nathan," Cameron said through the earpiece. "What do you see?" I looked around, taking in the grandeur of the space. "The bastard definitely spent a lot on the fucking lobby," I replied in a low voice. "It's a huge ass room with high ceilings and shiny marble floors. There are large columns at t
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Chapter 88
NathanI sat across from Eduardo in his office, the hum of the air conditioning the only sound in the room. Eduardo leaned back in his leather chair, looking intently at me with his piercing black eyes. I maintained my composure, keeping my gaze level with Eduardo's, my expression calm and collected.At least I hoped on the outside I looked like I wasn't restraining myself from bashing his head against a wall. "Why a casino business?" Eduardo asked, his voice heavy with skepticism. I knew that Eduardo was not one to mince words, so I prepared his answer carefully. Cameron was quiet and it wasn't surprising. His job was to listen in and detect things I may not have noticed in the conversation and in my surroundings. "We all know how very profitable that business is," I replied smoothly, leaning languidly against the sofa I sat on. Eduardo raised an eyebrow at my response, clearly expecting more of an explanation."Yes, but it has a rather high risk," Eduardo pointed out, leaning forw
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Chapter 89
ChloePark Hudson was not here. The realization weighed on me like a sinking stone. I scanned the room for the second time, slower this time, ignoring the loud pounding in my chest. He would come. I assured myself, looking for a stool to sit on. The bar was scanty and quiet. Men were scattered around the room, holding glasses of hard drinks and staring at me. As far as I could see, I was the only woman in the room. Shit. Turning blinding towards the bar, I hit a strong hard wall of muscle. Gasping at the impact, a familiar scent tickled my nose, and like a hungry wanton, I buried my face deeper into his chest. Nathan. I didn't have to look up to know it was him. His scent teased and taunted my senses, watering my mouth and my thighs. He smelled so fucking good that it took all the willpower in my body to pull away from him. With his hair, wild and tousled on his head and the rest of his yummy body clothed in an Italian suit, He looked good. So fucking good. The muscles he'd add
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Chapter 90
NinetyNathanForget each other. A mirthless laugh slipped from me at her words. I ran my fingers through my hair, wondering where to begin.  Was it that easy for her to toss me aside? For her to forget me?"Chloe," I called and when she looked at me, blue eyes hard with resolve, I felt I was losing her already. "I could never forget you if I tried." "Try harder," was her retort and she tapped the car door again, asking me to open it. No way in hell. I had her trapped in my car, there was no way I would let her go so easily. Why was she acting like I was some piece of muck? I knew I messed up. I had done her wrong, completely. But I was trying to make up for all my mistakes. Why couldn't she give me a chance to set things right?"Chloe,""Nathan, this is getting crazy!" She snapped. "I don't want you anymore. I don't need you in my life and I cannot stand the sight of you!" Every word was like
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