All Chapters of A Contract Marriage And A Baby: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
220 Chapters
Chapter 171
As I ended the call with Chloe, a wide grin spread across my face, my heart still fluttering with the anticipation of our upcoming reunion. The joy within me was practically palpable, radiating through every fiber of my being.Lost in my thoughts, I was brought back to reality by Cameron's teasing voice. "Nathan, you've got that goofy grin plastered all over your face. I can only assume it's because of Chloe. Looks like you're love struck, my friend."I chuckled, shaking my head at Cameron's playful remark. "Oh, come on, Cam. Love struck? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think? I'm just happy to be seeing Chloe tonight, that's all."Cameron raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just happy? Nathan, my dear brother, I've known you long enough to recognize that look on your face. You're head over heels, my friend."The banter between us continued as we made our way to the bar, the dimly lit atmosphere providing the perfect backdrop for our lighthearted jesting. It was a ch
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Chapter 172
172I made my way to Chloe's home, a sense of excitement bubbling within me. As I approached the front door, anticipation mingled with the familiarity of her presence. Opening the door, I was greeted by her radiant smile, a sight that never failed to warm my heart. The air was filled with laughter and playfulness as we engaged in our favorite pastime – teasing each other. Chloe's eyes sparkled mischievously as she threw a playful jab my way, her words dancing on the tip of her tongue. "Oh, Nathan, I see that mischievous glint in your eyes. What do you have up your sleeve today?" Ah fuck this was the life. She made me so damn happy, it felt like a dream all over and over again. I matched her playful tone, a grin spreading across my face. "Oh, you'll just have to wait and see, my dear Chloe. But rest assured, it's going to be something that'll leave you pleasantly surprised." She snorted and a mock frown slid over my face. "What? Now you're mocking me?" Giggling, she raced away f
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Chapter 173
As Nathan's lips left mine, a warmth spread throughout my body, and a longing for his presence overwhelmed me. I looked into his eyes, hoping he would understand the unspoken plea that danced within my gaze. "Do you have to go home, Nathan?" I asked softly, my voice laced with a desperate yearning. He paused for a moment, his eyes searching mine, as if deciphering the hidden desires in my words. And then, with a tender smile, he responded, "No, Chloe. I don't have to go anywhere. I want to be here with you." I grinned and pulled him closer, craving his touch and his presence. Our bodies pressed against each other, fitting perfectly as if we were two puzzle pieces finally finding their rightful place. "Oh" I purred, closing my eyes as his lips ran down my neck, slowly and softly, gently stroking the nape until I became nothing but a jelly-like mess in his arms. "Nathan," In that intimate embrace, our souls intertwined, and time lost all meaning. The world outside faded into insignif
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Chapter 174
I felt Chloe stirring in my arms, I held her tighter, sensing that something was bothering her. Concern etched across my face, my eyes flew open to look down at her. Her face was contorted in a frown and she held me tighter. Gently brushing her hair away from her eyes, I asked, "What's wrong, Baby? Is something on your mind?" She hesitated for a moment, as if struggling with her thoughts before finally finding the courage to speak. "Nathan, how many months pregnant is Lily?" Her voice trembled and those sweet eyes looked pretty serious. I took a deep breath, knowing that this was a delicate subject to broach. Lily had long been a thorn in both our flesh. And it was all my damned fault. "She's about eight months along," I replied, my voice filled with a mixture of heaviness and responsibility. "Oh wow. She'll deliver anytime soon. You should stay with them. She is the mother of your child." Chloe's suggestion took me by surprise. Her words hung in the air, urging me to stay with Lil
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Chapter 175
I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Chloe's lips, savoring the taste of her affection. The morning sun bathed us in a warm glow as we continued to playfully tease and laugh, relishing in the joy of being together. But just as the carefree moments seemed to stretch on endlessly, my phone pierced the air with its insistent ringtone. I reached for it, recognizing Cameron's name flashing on the screen. With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, I answered the call. "Cameron, what's up?" I asked, my voice filled with a hint of excitement. His voice crackled with enthusiasm on the other end. "Nathan, you won't believe it! The trial for Eduardo has been fixed. It's finally happening!" A surge of exhilaration coursed through my veins, a rush of emotions that I struggled to contain. The long-awaited moment of justice was finally within reach, and the realization sent a wave of elation crashing over me. A wide smile spread across my face as I turned to Chloe, my eyes sparkling with ne
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Chapter 176
I watched her expression change, the lines on her forehead deepening as she absorbed the news delivered by her lawyer. It was clear that whatever David had shared with her had struck a chord, raising new questions and concerns that threatened to disturb our newfound peace. With a heavy sigh, Chloe turned to me, a hint of frustration mingling with the worry etched on her face. I reached out, my fingers gently tracing the contours of her cheek, silently reassuring her that I was there for her. "Nathan, it's important," she murmured, her voice tinged with a touch of regret. "David needs me." A sense of disappointment washed over me, but I understood the gravity of the situation. Sometimes, life demanded our attention and compelled us to face its challenges head-on, even when we longed for the solace of each other's arms. Reluctantly, I released my hold on Chloe, allowing her the space to address the urgent matter at hand. But before she left, I leaned in, capturing her lips in a linge
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Chapter 177
I returned to the room, the weight of the situation heavy upon my shoulders. Despite Nathan's invitation to rejoin him in bed, I found myself unable to muster the same sense of intimacy that had filled the room just moments before. My mind was consumed with thoughts of the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. Seeking solace in the bathroom, I turned on the shower, the sound of water cascading down providing a comforting backdrop to my swirling thoughts. The steam enveloped me, creating a veil of privacy as I stood beneath the soothing stream of water, lost in contemplation. As the water washed away the physical and emotional residue of the past, I found myself reflecting on the decision to assume the identity of Arabella Montgomery. It had been a desperate move, a means to reclaim what was rightfully mine – my parents' properties and companies that had been cruelly stolen by Tristan. But now, with Eduardo out of the picture and Tristan's malevolence looming over us, I couldn't sh
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Chapter 178
I stepped into the grand lobby of Nathan's Industries, taking in the sight of my dedicated team bustling with energy. The air was electric, filled with anticipation and excitement that radiated from every corner. It had been nearly two weeks since I had been physically present, and it was clear that my return was met with genuine happiness. As I made my way through the bustling corridors, I was greeted by smiling faces, nods of recognition, and warm words of welcome. The genuine warmth and enthusiasm from my colleagues were contagious, lifting my spirits and filling me with a sense of pride. The office hummed with activity as each department carried out their tasks diligently. The passion and dedication in the air were palpable, making me realize how fortunate I was to have such a remarkable team. Their commitment to their work was evident in every conversation, every interaction. Handshakes, hugs, and playful banter greeted me as I walked down the corridor, reinforcing the strong b
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Chapter 179
Armed with the knowledge and updates provided by Andrew, I felt ready to tackle the day's challenges. The briefing had not only brought me up to speed on important matters but also reaffirmed my belief in the strength and dedication of my team. As I delved into the files and reports, I couldn't help but appreciate the efforts of Andrew and the entire Human Resources team for their meticulous attention to detail. It was through their hard work and dedication that I could seamlessly transition back into my role, confident in the knowledge that the company was in capable hands. With a renewed sense of purpose and armed with the insights Andrew had shared, I set out to make informed decisions and lead the company forward. The briefing had not only filled me in on the past two weeks but had also reignited my passion for the work we did at Nathan's Industries. Grateful for Andrew's assistance, I knew that with him and the rest of my team by my side, we would continue to overcome challenge
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Chapter 180
"What do you want, Eduardo?" I mustered the strength to retort, my voice tinged with defiance. "You're locked away, powerless. There's nothing you can do."Eduardo's laughter resonated through the phone, a chilling sound that pierced through the air. It was a reminder that even in confinement, his influence stretched far beyond the prison walls. The implications of his words sent a shiver down my spine."Oh, Nathan, my plans are just beginning," Eduardo sneered. "There are forces at work, people who share my desire for revenge. They will make your life a living hell. You won't escape unscathed."Anger surged within me, mixing with the fear that threatened to consume my resolve. I couldn't allow myself to succumb to Eduardo's threats. I had to stand strong, face him head-on, and ensure that justice prevailed."You can plot all you want, Eduardo," I declared, my voice firm and resolute. "But I won't be intimidated. You're imprisoned, and justice will be served. Your threats won't dictat
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