All Chapters of A Contract Marriage And A Baby: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
220 Chapters
Chapter 191
CHAPTER 191 NATHAN’S POV I ruffled my hair as the thoughts of Chloe filled my head, what the heck was wrong with me? Trying to focus on the work at hand, I ended up requesting coffee from my secretary. “Are you okay sir?” she asked with worry as she gazed at my worried self. Not wanting to look weak in the presence of my workers, I shot a forced smile at her. “I am okay, just that I am working on a project and it is so tiring,” I answered as I collected the coffee from her. I had to lie, no one was to be trusted again and I promised myself not to be used as a pawn in anyone's life again. Chloe taught me a good lesson, I wasn't going to allow anyone into my life again. That was definitely the last time. It was better to stay alone than have lots of people around you because they were going to betray you the time you needed them the most Standing up, I paced around my room. “Why was this happening to me,” my emotions were at their peak as I thought about how Ch
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Chapter 192
CHAPTER 192     ADDISON’S POV         I woke up with a stretch as I checked my phone for any calls. “What the heck was happening?” I asked no one in particular. Shrugging, I checked on Adele who was still sleeping soundly. Not going to deny it, Florida has been nonstop fun for me. Going away from the troubles in North Carolina besides Florida was more interesting than there. I couldn't wait for Chloe to join us here, with her it would be very interesting.          I didn't know anyone here and it was quite boring talking to myself, Adele was just always there to chip in. I was quite angry that Chloe still wanted to do anything for Nathan. She still loves that man and It pisses me off every time. That man was trouble and didn't even deserve Chloe. After he cheated on her, I had started growing a special dislike for him. I didn't want to see him or anything that has to do wi
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Chapter 193
CHAPTER 193 CHLOE’S POV Pain! That was the word I could use for what I had been feeling these past few days. Trying to ignore the pain I felt in my chest was almost impossible. After what had happened with Nathan, I felt my world crumbling down. It felt surreal and I still wondered if everything was a dream. I had sat down and gently scanned through my memories, trying to recollect where exactly I had gone wrong but I couldn't find any answer. Several questions that I had, I wanted to ask Nathan what I had done to deserve this from him. This past few weeks, everything I had done was for him. I was even willing to neglect my problems all for his safety, I was ready to sabotage my chance of ever getting my rightful property all for him and this is what I get. He couldn't even say goodbye properly, he had nothing to see. All he did was rant and call me all names. Addison was right all along, I felt so ashamed to call her. I couldn't get myself to call her and tell
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Chapter 194
CHAPTER 194 CHLOE’S POV “What…?” I stuttered in confusion. “You have to be kidding!” I said to David in shock. This felt like a joke to me, I had never imagined this day will ever come. David was threatening me, he was using my daughter as a bait! “Are you willing to agree or not?” he asked quite harshly. “Are you crazy?” I screamed over the phone. “I can't believe this!” I was baffled by all that I was hearing. “I can see the safety of your child isn't pertinent to you,” he mumbled. David knew how much I cared about Adele, I was willing to do anything for my daughter. She was everything I had and I would do whatever to make her happy and safe. “You know I care about her safety, but what you are saying…” I stuttered trying to explain to David. “Just do what I asked, else forget about your daughter!” he replied. Not knowing what to say, I left my mouth wide agape. It felt surreal, David had to be joking. “Am I speaking with David?” I asked to be sure. He sounded so
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Chapter 195
CHAPTER 195 CAMERON’S POV I walked out of my hiding place immediately I saw Chloe walk out. Glancing at the video on my phone, I left the place hurriedly. I had to show this to Nathan as soon as possible. I had come to check for something when I sighed Chloe coming in with her lawyer, I had to use that opportunity to get a video clip of them, Nathan was right then. Chloe was working with Eduardo but it kind of baffled him, if she was working with him why did she help them to escape all those times? This was all a mystery, I didn't know why but I suspected foul play in all of this. I felt like Eduardo was playing with all of us, we were just a pawn in his game. I had to warn Nathan, we had to be careful. As it is, even the prison is not stopping Eduardo from doing anything, he was too powerful and dangerous! We had succeeded in getting him into prison, the best thing we could do was to end him else Eduardo was still a threat. Disguising myself as I walked back to t
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Chapter 196
CHAPTER 196 NATHAN’S POV Staring at the building that brought so many memories, I felt conflicted about what to do. Deciding to make a decision, I had no choice but to shrug. Life was a risk itself, I had to retrace my steps and find something meaningful to do apart from brooding over Chloe. I pressed the doorbell as I waited patiently like a gentleman for her arrival. It didn't take up to minutes when she opened the door ajar, her mouth widely opened as she gazed with disbelief which was soon replaced with grief. I felt bad for ignoring her all this while, Chloe was always there and I didn't realize when I forgot about Lily. She was carrying my child and the least I could do was support her. She glared at me as I stood there watching her every move. “Seriously Nathan, you left me all by myself despite my condition!” Lily shouted at me as she started crying. “Good evening baby,” I rather say with a forced smile. Why was I feeling like this wasn't right? “Get over wi
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Chapter 197
CHAPTER 197 NATHAN’S POV I rushed into the hospital and I paced around anxiously, seeing some doctors announcing to other men outside, I couldn't wait for my turn. Trying to keep my calm till the doctor came out, I said a few prayers before sitting down on a bench. Seeing a nurse rush out of Lily’s ward, I ran after her to ask what was happening. “What is going on?” I asked worriedly as the nurse ignored me. I hated this, why do they have to keep me in the dark? Searching for my phone, I finally brought it out as I dialed Cameron’s number. Cameron was the only person I could call in times like this, he was more like a brother to me than a friend. His encouragement had made me come this far especially with Eduardo’s case. “Urghh, what is it, Nathan?” I heard Cameron groaning from the other side of the phone. “Lily is about to give birth, she started having contractions early this morning,” I started saying as I explained everything to him. “I am really panicking, a nurse
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Chapter 198
CHAPTER 198 CHLOE’S POV I heaved a long breath after the movie came to an end, I had decided to watch a movie just so I could relieve myself from all the stress. I had decided to move on, dwelling in the past wasn't going to fix anything. I wished all of this was a dream, praying silently for Nathan to call back and apologize. I was staying back in North Carolina, wishing Nathan would call back but he hadn't. He really did mean what he said, pushing the thoughts away. I decided to start packing some of my stuff. I needed to be out of this environment, even my room had turned against me. My room keeps reminding me about the last nights I and Nathan had together. His touch, kisses, everything was still fresh in my head! Trying to take it off was pointless, I couldn't stop thinking about everything. It was stuck and I had to realize how much I love Nathan. My phone vibrating loudly made me glance at the phone screen, seeing it was Addison’s number I hesitated to pi
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Chapter 199
CHAPTER 199 CHLOE’S POV Rushing out of the house, I drove speedily to only God knows. “That bastard!” I cursed as I hit my car angrily. I loathed Tristan with everything I own, he didn’t deserve to be called a human. He was such a coward, using my friend against me, no real man would do something as despicable as this. I grabbed my phone as I checked the address he sent to me. Not knowing where it was located, I connected my phone to the car just so I called use Google Maps. I tried to ignore the feeling of anger that was brewing in me. “I just hope Addy is fine,” I prayed silently before calling David. David picked up his phone at the second ring as I heaved a long breath. “Hey,” he greeted. Ignoring his pleasantries, I went directly to the point. “Tristan has struck!” I said with anger as David went silent on the other side of the phone. “What do you mean by that?” David asked confused as I scoffed angrily. “I just got his call now, he has taken Addison in the capture,
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Chapter 200
Nathan Mahn, I had no idea labor took so fucking long. I thought I would lose my damned mind with each passing meeting, standing outside the labor room. I couldn't hear a thing unlike shit I saw in movies because the room was soundproof, but hell that was even scarier. I was terrified as hell. How was Lily doing? Now that I thought about it, her belly was pretty swollen. Could have contained four large watermelons easily. Was that normal? Ah fuck. I was doomed. I should have asked a long time ago if that was normal. She'd had to carry all that weight for some four months and dear God that's crazy stuff. If that baby pops out and grows up to have a shitty personality, I'd tan his hide! Okay, calm down Nathan, fucking breathe. If I was this anxious, then Lily must be losing her mind in there. Was this how it was for Chloe when she had Adele? A twinge of guilt in my chest made me grimace. Chloe had nobody to stay with her. I missed the birth of my daughter and missed her first two ye
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