All Chapters of The Girl Who Loved Two Princes: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
84 Chapters
Day three: hurt me a little, love me more - pt 3
2019, March 26thWhen James and Cassandra entered Aaron's suite, the two brothers approached each other warily. Cassandra watched the tense situation unfold, hoping it didn't end like last time. In the end, though, they reached out for each other at the same time and hugged it out."You should've come to me, you dumbass.""I know. I'm sorry."Having changed and cleaned herself up a bit, Zoey waited at the door, content to watch the interaction from the other side of the room. She smiled. She couldn't remember the last time she was this happy. The sight of them hugging brought her peace. This meant that things would be okay now, didn't it?"I need to get back," said James, as they sat down.Aaron's eyes found Zoey, standing by the door. She was disappointed."I actually just came to ask for some advice," said James."I've been looking into Maine Industries. I took a look at the books, courtesy of Emily and it's not common knowledge yet, but I think Duke Maine is broke?""Sounds about r
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Day three: the honey trap - pt 1
2019, March 26thZoey was up early that morning. Aaron and Cassandra had promised her a complete picture of everything that had been happening over the last two days. It was just as well, because as it turned out Aaron had a mission for Zoey today. “What is all this?” Cassandra asked, as she watched the suite being filled up with dresses, shoes, handbags, jewellery, the works. “They’re for Zoey,” Aaron answered. “For our little visit to The Honey Trap.” “I see,” said Cassandra, giving Aaron a funny look. “What’s The Honey Trap?” Zoey asked, still groggy eyed.“It’s-” Cassandra began. “We’re just going to have dinner there tonight,” Aaron answered, holding up a dress to Zoey’s body. “In that?” both women asked together. “You wanted to be in on what was going on,” said Aaron, swapping out the dress for a different one.“You still haven’t explained anything about what’s been happening to me though,” said Zoey, as Aaron pressed another dress up to her chest. “Also, stop that!” she
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Day three: the honey trap - pt 2
2019, March 26thThat night, as per Aaron’s instructions, Zoey showed up at The Honey Trap on her own and took a seat at the bar, crossing her legs. She ordered a Chardonnay, also as per his instruction, and then she waited. In a few minutes, Aaron came and sat down next to her. “Whatever I do, just follow my lead. Okay?” he said, looking straight ahead. “Okay,” she answered. She could do this. She could sit next to Aaron in this ridiculously uncomfortable dress and somehow handle whatever he threw her way. Yup, she was fine. Totally fine. He turned to her and subtly took her hand, gently tracing circles on the top of her hand, remembering that she was ticklish there. Sure enough, in a few seconds, she gave light little giggles. Aaron’s eyes darkened, clouded over with lust as his eyes dropped to her cleavage. Zoey’s face reddened. His face produced a dangerously sexy smile to go with the lustful look. He was making her uncomfortable, and he didn’t seem to care, not this time. He
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Day four: the secrets our parents keep - pt 1
2019, March 27th(Paris)Waking up to Zoey’s head in his lap, Aaron sighed. This was the second and probably the last time he would wake up to her face. Her eyes were puffy from crying herself to sleep, but she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever beheld. If he could only take it all back, the moment he’d lost her, undo it somehow. Realize sooner just how much she meant to him. Looking at her now though and the way she was clinging to those rings, she didn’t need to tell him it was too late.He might even have seen it coming, had he not been so determined to believe that he really could find his father and save the day for once. They were behind him, surrounding them before he knew it and then she walked in and he knew that feeling of dread he had gotten the moment Jesse opened the door was justified. “If you’re done playing detective, son, we have a war to start,” said Queen Mary, calm and detached as ever.Aaron glared at Jesse, who bowed and said, “Forgive me, Your Highn
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Day four: the secrets our parents keep - pt 2
2019, March 27th (Copia) When James and Emily sat down with Duke Maine for a second time, he said, "You should be flattered. I have a rule about not letting people waste my time." James put three different folders down in front of him, smiling coldly. He hadn't had time to prepare the last two times he met with Duke Maine and came away both times feeling somewhat like he'd lost. And James Beaumont didn't lose. Ever. He was going to enjoy this. He slipped the first to Duke Maine. "I have a rule too. I don't sign contracts my lawyers haven’t looked at," said James. Curious, Duke Maine picked up the folder and flipped through the contract he and James had signed a few months ago. He found a highlighted clause and even Duke Maine couldn't hide his surprise. The contract had looked standard when he reviewed it at Eleganter Ludo, but then he had only glimpsed at it. He didn't think his daughter's future husband would try to screw him over. Ironically, he hadn't. This was all just dumb
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Day four: the secrets our parents keep - pt
2019, March 27th(One hour later) James checked his phone one last time before getting on to the plane. Still no word from either Aaron or his mom. Were they okay?When James arrived in Copia, the sun was already setting. He took in his soldiers from the rooftop of one of Beaumont House’s towers as they were preparing to lay down their lives for their city, for his city. The Crimson Mercenaries had already joined the rest of his army in preparation for the impending war. Now, more than ever, they couldn’t afford to make any mistakes. With both Aaron and his mom not responding to him, James was on edge. He had every confidence in his army and its capability, but James was still hoping that they could somehow avoid it altogether. Copia could weather the storm, but how many people would lose their lives in this futile war? And what would James himself have to give up?“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” said a voice from behind him. James was sure he was hearing things, but sure
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Day five: undoing our love - pt 1
2019, March 28th(Caines)Zoey had been looking for Aaron all night, having run out the door after him the moment she could make her mind comprehend that he had left. She went everywhere he’d ever taken her, finally ending up in front of the cabin. The lights were on, but now that she might have found him, she didn’t know if she should be here after all. The door opened, and she gasped. “Won’t you come in?” he asked. She stepped inside. He was a mess. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night and he reeked of alcohol. “Aaron. I-”“You’re sorry, right?” he said absentmindedly, staring intently at a photo of them he had had framed and put on the mantle. It was of her asleep on the floor in his arms in front of the fireplace. She couldn’t answer him, her eyes now also glued to the image, to the memory. When she was brave enough, she looked. Seeing the pain she had caused him, was causing him, the hurt she’d allowed herself to ignore because he hurt her first, broke her heart. “Fathe
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Day five: undoing our love - pt 2
2019, March 28th(Caines)“Where were you?!” Natalie asked, a sigh oozing out of her when Zoey got back to the Arden mansion. Zoey’s eyes went to Bart. “How’s CC? I hear congratulations are in order. She’s already called to ask me to be her maid of honour.”Duke Arden looked between his children. “She’s getting married? To whom?”“To Bart,” Zoey answered, suppressing a smile. “What?!” Duke Arden answered, dumbfounded. “It’s matron of honour, dear,” said Duchess Arden. “You’re married now and about to become a crown princess.” It wasn’t the duchess’ grinding voice that bothered Zoey this morning. After all, she didn’t mind having her ears hurt so long as her heart would let up for a moment. “That’s not going to happen,” Zoey announced. “The marriage is going to be annulled. I just signed and sent the papers back.” “You did what?” Bart and Duke Arden asked at the same time. “What’s wrong?” Zoey asked, looking between them. “Wrong isn’t the word exactly,” cooed Duchess Arden.“
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Day five: undoing our love - pt 3
2019, March 28thThe walls were filled end to end with paintings of little events, moments they had shared. There was one from the first time he’d asked her to dance. It captured everything, down to every last little detail. The way he bowed, the dress she wore, the way her hair was put up. There was one of her getting out of the car as he waited for her on the streets of Caines, one of her in the red dress he had picked for the restaurant. She knew for a fact she hadn’t looked that good that night. There were many different ones: of her taking his hand and opening up his fist when he got angry at the bellboy Ren, of him throwing her over his shoulder, of her in the wedding dress when she was still in the boutique trying it on, of him kissing her cheek on the day of the press conference, of Zoey asleep in bed next to him, of him kneeling before her at the duchess’ welcome as he gave her his mother’s ring, of her kneeling with him after the fight, of their first real kiss on a corn
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The wedding night - pt 1
2019, March 4th"He proposed right here! He said, 'Zoey, marry me already!'"She was yelling out into the night now."Why did he do that?! So what if I didn't marry him? Is it really such a big deal if two old guys don't get along?!"James came up to Zoey, pulling her away from the edge of the cliff. He must really not be thinking straight. How the hell had he sat still in a car next to this crazy woman while she drove him up the dirt road (the condition of which seems to have worsened since the last time he was in Caines) of Height of Caines like a rookie Formula 1 driver?"When those two men are your dad and my dad, yes," James answered, emptying more of the whiskey into his mouth.He knew he had to stop. He still had to get them back down safely somehow. James pulled out his phone and called for a helicopter to take them back down, all the while keeping his eye on her. She was completely wasted and not to be trusted to make even the slightest move.The screaming had stopped. Sudden
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