All Chapters of My UNFATED Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
129 Chapters
Take On The Victory
{ Elliot }I love Angelique. And I love my mother. But I don't love when I'm in a car alone with them for so long. And I also don't love how Angie is corrupting my mother, forcing her to tell lies. The only good thing about this is that my dad is suffering, so I'm not going to complain.Plus, now I know that this Markus guy is fictional, so I don’t even have to worry about something like that, because I just knew I would have to go save him from my dad. My mother is special. I've always known that. She's loud, spoiled and not very mature, but I still can't remember a time when I didn't love her. I guess I don’t enjoy how I always feel like her pet instead of her son, but I've never hated her, which she now seems to think. We had a deep talk standing in the middle of the restaurant where I told her for the first time in years that I love her, which made her feel better. When I park at the campground, I breathe a sigh of relief and get out of there quickly. I don't wait for Angelique
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Family Matters
{ Angelique }I'm happy.I've never felt so happy in my life... well, maybe I have, but this last month and a half has been so horrifying, I'd forgotten how happy I used to be. Luckily, everything seems to be going my way at the moment.I'm lying behind Elliot, massaging his back with my feet while he plays in his little play box with Luc and Hunter.I fall asleep before Elliot, but I feel him cuddling me later and that makes me even happier.A few hours later I wake up with a jolt because someone suddenly opens the door with a loud bang and it crashes into the wall. I gasp and immediately sit up in bed, where I’m all alone. "Where is my son?" the General asks, in an annoyed voice. The guys are also awakened by his abrupt entrance so Hunter tells him he's probably eating breakfast, "Mmm, good. Monroe, put on some decent clothes and come with me. I'll be waiting outside."I swallow, nervously. I don't think he would want to do anything evil to me, right? I mean... he wouldn't. Maybe h
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Punished Again
Everyone notices my dark mood because I don't even try to hide it. Marea walks up to me a few minutes later and puts her arm around my shoulders, walking at my pace."Hi, stranger.""Hi, Mar," I murmur, slipping my arm around her waist just because. She turns to me and gives me a beaming smile, "What's up?""Nothing, I just wanted to make sure our little dare is still on," she says. I stare blankly for a moment, trying to remember what she's talking about, but she continues before my head gets too hot, "About taking Elliot away from you?""Ah!" I remember, and I frown at her, "I'm sorry, that's not going to happen. Forget about it.""What? Are you afraid?" she teases, squeezing my shoulders tighter and laughing, "If you were actually sure he loves you then you wouldn't be afraid to let me try something.""I don't want you to try but it's not because I'm afraid you'll take him from me, it's because I know you're a dirty slut with no principles whatsoever," I clarify, but then I think a
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Bad Blood
{ Elliot }I start devising how I'm going to apologize to Angelique from the moment I get in the truck. I refuse to be her personal puppet and do whatever she asks me to do without questioning her or thinking for myself. That's not who I am and I won't become that kind of man for anyone, especially not for her, because I know that's exactly what she wants, for me to be at her beck and call like a pet and comply with whatever she feels like… but on the other hand, I don't want to get off to a bad start. We haven’t been together for more than 24 hours and we're already fighting again.But it’s not like I can just ignore Marea fainting. If I let some rich omega die because of my girlfriend’s jealousy, I wouldn’t be a good soldier. However… I start to think Angelique was right about an hour into the drive, because Marea makes a low sound in her throat, sighing like a comfy kid sleeping. She was supposed to be passed out, not asleep. Still, I’m hoping that this damn trip to the hospital
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Fifteen Seconds
I stay in the truck for a few minutes trying to calm down, but when it starts to get dark, I get out and walk to the formation slowly.I haven't felt this way in a long time, like I’m walking straight to get a beating for something bad I did. Unfortunately this will be worse, because I don't think Angelique will want to fix this by beating me up and expecting me to defend myself and fight back. To be honest, I would prefer that at this point.When I arrive to formation I see just five people listening to something Luc is saying. Marea is there but Angelique isn’t. That’s when I close my eyes and bring my hands to my hair because I remember the punishment I gave her in the midst of my frustration because she wouldn't get out of my way.I scan the perimeter for a second until I find her, sitting in the corner of a cabin in front of the formation, looking totally and utterly pissed off. Her arms are crossed across her chest and her lips are in a tight line. I take several deep breaths
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{ Elliot }Angelique hasn’t come to my room yet, so I can’t sleep. I’m really worried… what if she fought with Marea or that crazy witch did something to her and now Angie’s lying dead in the middle of the desert? Or what if she went to sleep alone in her cabin and lied about being okay? What if she’s plotting how to break up with me?The door opens around midnight but it’s not her, it’s Xavier. And I know even with my eyes closed because he trips over something on the floor, making a fuss. As usual, he can't walk three steps without doing something stupid. I almost ask him about Angie but before I can get up, Superluc gets out of bed to go to his boyfriend's rescue and they start making out standing right there, thinking I’m asleep.Now I have no choice but to stay in bed and cover my ears, especially when they move to Luc’s bed and their noises get even worse. I only uncover my ears when their moans stop but only because now they’re fighting.Apparently, Xavier is being needy and L
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Territory Marked
‘Mar and Angie request the pleasure of your company at their Farewell Party, which will be held tonight at the Alpha Headquarters in the center of camp. It would be a pleasure for us to have you celebrate that it’s almost the end of this dreadful camp. We will be waiting for you at 9 pm in formal attire.’I finish reading the fancy invitation Angelique handed me and I look at her in confusion."What does this mean?""It means we're having a party, silly. Tonight," she says, walking to my closet, then she starts looking at my clothes, "Your father let us use his alpha cave to have some fun."I’m still confused. I don’t think there’s ever been a time when two delinquents throw a party in this place. I mean, why would they? And why would Angelique have a party with Marea of all people?"Why are you getting along with Marea like nothing happened, Angie?" I ask, ignoring what she said, walking to her and turning her towards me, "Remember she wanted to seduce me? You should hate her. You sh
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Growing Up
{ Angelique }I wake up with a stabbing pain throughout my body, mostly in my head, which is increased by a familiar voice screaming very close to me. I'm lying on top of someone and my arm is asleep and sweaty because it was trapped between our bodies. I lift my head a little, grunting from the effort and I realize I'm on top of Elliot on the couch and he's not wearing a shirt. I’m not wearing one either, or my bra. I blink and groan as I start to get up, looking at the chaos around me in disbelief."...Now!" that voice shouts again, making a person groan something. My eyes start to focus better and my brain wakes up a bit. I see people waking up all over the place, most with a missing garment or two, or more. Everyone is trying to come back to life just like me, except for Eva. She looks normal and is helping Xavier stand up. Lesley is at his side and she’s the only one with all of her clothes intact. Kelly and Taret are completely naked. Hunter and his girlfriend are nowhere to b
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Speed Limit
{ Elliot }I throw up hugging the toilet until I have nothing left inside of me. Somehow, I manage to get up and make it to the shower. I stand under the freezing water for a while without making a move. I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't feel the right side of my body at all, I have a split lip and a purple cheekbone.While I'm touching it, a flashback comes to me. Last night, Luc was kissing Marea right in front of Xavier, both of them half naked. To my left, Mercedes and the mute were doing a strange dance, if you could call it that. To my right, Xavier was crying. And in the corner next to the bar, Angelique was at the karaoke, rapping. I grabbed Marea by the shoulders and pulled her off Luc's lap being surprisingly gentle to her, then I punched Luc right in the eye, in the name of Xavier. Luc got up yelling something and of course he punched me back. "Elliot, are you in here?" Angelique asks from outside, knocking on the door. I say yes without moving and she comes in
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Why Now
{ Angelique }Elliot is gently stroking my arm, letting me know he’s awake again. I take a breath and brace myself. I've been practicing this conversation for over a week and I won't let him keep changing the subject."Uh... Elliot? I was thinking maybe we should talk abou..."Before I can finish saying it, Elliot moves to get on top of me and kiss my neck. He starts to move his hand down my belly but I grab his wrist before he can get to my poor pussy because she's still tired."I bet I can give you another one before we have to start the day," he promises in a whisper, still kissing my neck. My eyes start to cross at the suction he's employing on that special spot."No," I moan softly, pushing him away so he stops kissing me, "I’m still sore, four is my limit."I sound like a grandma and I'm ashamed of myself, but I really don't think I can deal with another orgasm. I'm sensitive and I know I'll walk funny later, plus, I know why he's doing this and I can't let him keep distracting
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