All Chapters of My UNFATED Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
129 Chapters
The Goodbye
“I think… today is definitely not the day for whatever that was,” I mutter after thinking about it for a few seconds. Angie looks like she wants to keep punching me, but she also understands.“In a year,” she pushes, “We’ll get back to it in a year.”“I. Don’t. Know,” I spit. I can’t promise anything yet. I don’t like hollow promises or saying shit just to say it. “It wasn’t a question,” she states, starting to walk back to the game and leaving me all alone to curse my wolf out. This was definitely not the right moment to say that, now we’re both going to be thinking about it and struggling with the separation even more. That was the opposite of what I fucking wanted. When I walk back, everyone is congratulating Lesley’s group because apparently they won. Good for them, I don’t care. I just look around for Angelique. She’s talking to her parents now.“Yeah, I know… I’ll go get my stuff now,” she says, pursing her lips the way she does when she's annoyed with me, “Elliot, come with
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Moving Forward
A few seconds later my father has to basically force me into his car because I'm just watching Elliot walk away from me, unable to move on my own. I lie down in the back seats while someone adjusts my feet to close the door. The moment the car starts driving, I let out a loud sob and just let myself cry."Please, baby, take a breath and calm down before you choke," my mother turns around in her seat to put a hand on my back. That only makes me cry harder."I can't," I cry, "I'm so sad, I think I’m going to die of sadness like a widower.""You're not going to die," my father snorts, and I can almost bet he rolls his eyes mockingly, "Stop being melodramatic, he’s not even your real mate. And he'll be back before you know it.”"That's not true, dad. He is my mate… he chose me. His wolf chose me,” I say before I start crying again. Remembering that is the last straw, “Call your buddies in the council and tell them to fire Elliot. He needs to be with me. He needs to service ME.”“Wait, wa
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For Real Now
I have learned several things since I started my new life in New York fourteen days ago, but the most important is: real life is hard. Living among humans is hard, taking the subway is hard and getting a job is hard. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting all this hardship. I thought everything was going to come easily to me as it always has, but that's not the case at all.Humans don't have designations, they are just divided between men and women, women being the inferior ones, clearly. So I suddenly went from being the best thing to ever live... to being an inferior being. That's hard, but to be honest the hardest obstacle I’ve encountered is living without the inhibitor after living under it for so long. My senses feel more acute than normal and my wolf is losing her mind. She’s throwing tantrums in my head every half an hour. She doesn't understand why Elliot is nowhere to be found. I try to tell her he's working, but that's not a good enough excuse for her. My wolf is a dominant
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As The Months Go By
"Wake up. It's time for an intervention," Xavier says and pulls the covers off me without a warning. I groan and try to cover my face because my head hurts and the lights are now on, but Xavier just grabs my arms, using his alpha strength to lift me out of bed and carry me to the bathroom as if I weight nothing. I feel like a rag doll, "One week is my limit. I can't just let you fade away. You have just a few days left to get that project done. Emilia has been working tirelessly because of you, your parents are worried and Marea has been bombarding me because you don’t answer her texts.”"I'm sorry," I mumble once I fully wake up, "It's just...""Elliot left, I know. It's sad and I understand, but you can't keep this up. You need to take a shower, go to class and do your project. And after that, we’re going to go sell some of your expensive things. Poverty is not for you.”"But...""That was an order. And this is me putting my foot down," he growls, his voice deep with alpha power. Al
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How You Like That
It's been nine months and twenty-two days since Elliot left. I could be even more annoying and count the hours too but I don't have such a good memory. I only know how long it's been because I have a calendar in my room counting down the days until this year is over and I can be with him again. All he’s given me in all this time is that email and a dry ‘Happy birthday love’ on my birthday four months ago. That was the saddest birthday of my life of course, I just went out to have dinner with my three friends and I didn't even drink or dance or had any fun, I was just thinking about Elliot's email and how even though it was horribly short and lacking in sentiment, he remembered my birthday. Being without him has gotten a little bit easier now. At least I am no longer thinking only of him every second of my existence and my wolf accepted that Elliot is doing his thing, helping people in need like a hero. She’s very proud of him. My classes are going okay. Same boring shit, I’m just
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Give Me One
My father arrives a while later but he mostly stays quiet. Surprisingly, his scent and alpha presence calms me down so when I feel a little more grounded he starts talking about the attack to help me understand everything better. We followed that 'sex doll’ network all over the world, following the path of the buyers and trying to find other victims in their possession but the main mission was to get to the head of the organization. We ended up in Russia, in a very big clan called Okris. The day of the attack I was feeling anxious and weird, and my superior was pissing me off, so I impulsively decided to break off to do my own thing.Hunter told me not to multiple times, but my gut was screaming that I should. So I just did it. I walked away from the group to go search on my own. Hunter followed me. He didn’t have to, he just decided to go with me. He trusted me. Just as I thought, my instinct was right and I found their hidden dungeon only twenty minutes later by following my wolf
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{ Elliot }I almost regretted it.And I almost complained when she said we wouldn't be in touch anymore, but I didn't and I'm grateful. I won't let it get to me that much, not right now. My rocky relationship with Angelique seems like the least important thing at the moment. It may go well or it may go badly or it may end altogether, but there’s more important stuff in my mind. I can’t give her the amount of importance and attention she requires. Or demands. However, I almost regret not opening my eyes and looking at her beautiful face for a little longer, not talking to her, not telling her that I'm sorry for not replying to the hundreds of emails she sent. I almost regret not turning my face and giving her a kiss. Not trying to raise my hand to touch her. Not telling her that even though I don't want to deal with her right now, I don't want this to end, either. I'm so frustrated when she leaves that I get up from the gurney making use of all the strength left in me. I have to st
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Back Again
It has been four days since I heard Elliot is traveling home with me. With us. At first I wanted to yell and complain, but now I think it’s whatever. We can be in close proximity and not even talk, it’ll be fine. I’m currently talking to the kind driver who’ll take us to the airport until the door opens and Elliot gets in the car next to me, flooding my nose with his stupidly delicious alpha scent. I hate how much I love it. My father climbs into the passenger seat and the driver finally starts the car. Elliot doesn't turn to look at me at all so I pretend he doesn't exist as I pull out my phone to pretend I'm still popular and don't need him, but I still notice that he no longer has the bandages on his face. Now I can see he has a big red scar running across his face on the left side, from his forehead to his jaw, it’s deep red and… kinda really hot. He still has the ear patch, so I can't see how that is. His arms are uncovered as well, but if he has scars they’re not visible beca
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No Good Answers
My parents quickly escape from this awkward hell before I can complain, leaving us alone in the living room. Before everything gets even more awkward, I start walking to the stairs hoping Elliot will follow me, which he does. "Wow, it’s so big," Elliot says when we get to the first guest room I found… the one next door to my room. It wasn’t on purpose, it just happened. Elliot drops his backpack on the floor."Yeah, so… this is the bathroom and this is the dresser for you to put the three things you brought with you. There are new sheets in there, blankets, towels, pillows, and so on. Everything you could possibly need is there.""My mom will send my clothes tomorrow," Elliot mumbles, "But thanks.""You're welcome. So, that’s it, now you know where everything is. Feel free to use the gym or the pool whenever you want. Hope you sleep well, see you later."I pretend not to hear his goodbye and I flee to the living room again. I don't want to go to my room because I have a feeling I’ll
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{ Elliot }I’ve been in Remstone for a full week now and I’m already fully recovered… physically, of course. I’m back to my 100 percent. However, that’s where my recovery ends. I still have to take sleeping pills that haven’t even helped yet. I just can't turn off my brain, I can't stop worrying and overthinking. I also feel that the moment I close my eyes and let go, something is going to take advantage of my vulnerable state. "Life after service always feels strange, but you'll get back to normal," Cristoff says once he finally stops drinking water, that’s what he was doing while I was pouring my heart out about all of this. He sets his bottle down on a small statue of an angel outside his house, "The first time you served you didn't feel this way, did you? That’s because rookies get treated with kid-gloves, they’re never allowed to get close to the heavy shit because they wouldn't be able to handle it. This time around you were treated like a real soldier and as such, you experien
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