Hunter's Revenge의 모든 챕터: 챕터 11 - 챕터 20
104 챕터
11. Escape
...Sienna POV...I wake up groggy and confused. Where am I? What happened? My chest feels like I've been stabbed in the heart. My lungs are burning, and my head is pounding. I fall back in bed and close my eyes. Until my subconscious grows restless, wait a moment... bed? I don't remember going to sleep. Actually, to be honest, I don't really remember much of anything. My head feels like I'm trying to put a puzzle together. However, I'm missing critical pieces.I open my eyes, only to find the bright light to be blinding. I look around, but nothing seems familiar. I sit up in bed, only for my head to feel dizzy. I reach my hand up while I close my eyes, attempting to steady myself. I can feel the veins throughout my body as if they're on high alert. It feels like my veins are going to pop out of my body, gushing blood all over the place."Good. You're up, firecracker." A familiar voice calls out. I try to place it but I can't seem to remember it either. I open my eyes to see a tall man
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12. What Happened?
...Rylee POV...I was going absolutely insane. It had been a few hours already since Sienna had left for the underground fight club. I had texted her a bunch of times, hoping to hear anything back. However, I didn't get a single response back from her, which only made my nerves increase. I had a bad feeling about all of this. But I didn't want to stop her from going. I knew there was no point in even trying. Once Sienna got her mind on something, it was impossible to stop her. She would do whatever it took to achieve her mission, even if it meant risking her life. Sienna's look on life is what always scared me the most about her. She never seemed to worry about whether she could be injured or killed. She did whatever she wanted without caring about the risks. I think part of it is related to our condition. While I'm thankful to be alive, Sienna sees it as a weakness. A weakness she wishes she could give away. She hates feeling vulnerable. In fact, just the sheer thought terrifies her
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13. Proximity
...Hunter POV...I had Javier drive us to my house. It was more of a temporary home, as I only ever used it when I came to the States, which wasn't that frequently. I spent most of my time in Soacha. Colombia has been my home for longer than I can even remember. The only reason I started coming to the States was because of Matías' younger brother. Tomás was nearly ten years younger than us. Over the years, Tomás had become like a brother to me as well. This bond truly developed after Matías had been killed. I promised to take care of Tomás, knowing that was what Matías would want. While Tomás may not actually be my biological brother, he's the closest thing I have to family. We both grew up on the streets. However, while I was an orphan, Tomás' parents were still alive. His father would beat him to an inch of his life, nearly killing him several times. When Tomás was only six years old, his father strangled him cutting off his airway until he passed out. His father had attacked him a
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14. Desperation
...Hunter POV...Over the past couple of years, I've been working on acquiring more American businesses with the goal of overthrowing the triad. Ever since I became a part of Los Calaveras, I became familiar with all the other mafia organizations. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to take down Sun Yee On. It was one of the few organizations that had no morales. They did whatever it took to get ahead. Whether that meant using people, taking advantage of people, or participating in the truly dark side of the mafia. Sun Yee On was one of the largest organizations participating in sex trafficking and abduction. They were known for their hostile takeovers that secured them access to any and every business their hearts desired. They quickly became one of my biggest competitors, which meant it was up to me to take them down. If I was going to go against Sun Yee On, then I would need an army behind me. In order to do so, I needed to expand my business beyond the reach of Colombia. I needed to
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15. Raised Stakes
...Sienna POV...A week had gone by since that crazy night. I decided just to forget it ever happened. Instead, I put my focus on recreating the artwork for Rylee's family. Rylee had shown me exactly what paintings were going to be included in the new exhibit. So I made sure to have all of them ready on time. We had planned everything out. Friday evening was the grand opening of the new exhibit. We wanted to wait until after the grand opening, as there would be many art critics in attendance that evening. So if there were a chance my work wasn't precise, we would be found out right away. So we thought it would be best to strike Monday evening. It was a holiday, which meant the art gallery would be closed earlier than normal. We planned on entering the exhibit just before close. We would just claim that we were there to see Rylee's father, as he was going to give us an after-hours tour of the artwork. Everyone at the gallery was familiar with seeing our faces. Rylee and I are there at
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16. Bodyguard
"If you wanted a quickie, all you had to do was ask, firecracker." The man spoke, making me roll my eyes."Why are you here?" I ask, getting straight to the point."The same reason as you, I reckon." He smirks, winking at me. Causing me to roll my eyes at him once again."Why are you following me?" I ask."What makes you assume I'm following you? Just because we're both here doesn't mean I'm following you.""Then why are you here?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest."Isn't it obvious?""Isn't what obvious?" I question back.He begins to step closer to me until my back is up against the door. He leans down and places his head near my neck. I can sense he's about to kiss me, but I don't understand why. I feel him lean into me more. However, I drop down and spin away from him. I twist his arm behind his back, forcing his chest into the tiled wall. "Omph." He remarks."I'll have to admit, firecracker, I never saw that one coming." He remarks. I can sense a smile in his tone. "Why do
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17. Black Dragons
...Hunter POV...I had been in a meeting with the leader of the Black Dragons for well over a few hours now. I had come here in good faith as I propositioned them with a merger of sorts. However, they didn't seem to take too kindly to my terms. I had proposed that they work for me instead, with an 80% profit share. They seemed to be under the impression that they deserved more than a 20% take considering they were the ones doing the work. However, what they failed to realize was that I was being more than generous. Whether they took the deal or not, I didn't care. I was being generous by granting them a 20% take in the business. But if they refused my deal, then they would discover the rath of the Reaper. I'm not one to fool around. If I want something, I take it. If people don't give it to me willingly, I make them live to regret it. I already have a team lined up, ready to attack the Black Dragons if they decline my offer.My phone ringing takes me out of my trance. I look at the di
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18. Shark in the Water
...Ace POV...Ever since I told Hunter about Sienna's real identity, he had become cold and distant. No one seemed to know what the reason was either, which was weird. It was as if he had become an entirely different person. Not that Hunter was super outgoing from the beginning, but he grew a lot worse. Instead of checking up on businesses, he started to send messages. These messages were like his calling cards. Everyone was afraid of the Reaper and terrified even to breathe wrong. Hunter had begun to kill mercilessly. There was no rhyme or reason for who he killed. It was almost like a sport for him. Others had begun to speculate, saying that he was seeking revenge. But no one knew for sure. I overheard Gary and Paul, a couple of our fighters, talking in the practice ring about Hunter's new attitude."Did you hear what happened with the Black Dragons?" Gary asked as they were taking a break. I was in my office located outside of the practice ring. The men quite frequently talked out
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19. Dominance
…Kevin POV…"DAMN IT!" I yelled, tossing the papers from my desk onto the floor. Valerie, my assistant, ran into my office, wondering what was going on."Sir?" Valerie called, walking carefully towards me.I was too frustrated to even speak. I had been counting on this merger to improve our financial situation; however, at the last moment, we were outbid."May I ask what happened?" Valerie asked, reminding me that she was still in the room. I took a deep breath to calm myself before turning around to look at her."The deal fell through.""The deal with Mazari Electronics?""The very one.""What are we going to do?" Valerie asks, causing me to sigh in frustration.Ever since the feud with the Cobras and Stone Enterprises, the Industrial Guild has been hemorrhaging money. Damian and Zayn were aware of our involvement with the Cobras and have been out to get us in any way they can. Since they aren't involved with our line of business, they've been hitting us where it hurts. They've bee
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20. A New Plan
After several more rounds, we all fall back, panting."Well, that was unexpected." Valerie says, ending the silence. "Agreed." Shanyuan remarks, standing up to grab his pants from the floor."However, we need to get down to business." Shanyuan remarks, suddenly turning serious.Val immediately stands up and waltzes in his direction."Sit down and get dressed." Shanyuan commands in a firm tone.It's clear our time of distractions has run out."No more distractions. I'm here for serious matters. Now, you will either listen, or I can go back to the Triad and tell them to remove the Industrial Guild from the Triad effective immediately." Shanyuan remarks, leaving no room for question.Both Valerie and I nod our heads and quickly get dressed.Shanyuan sits at my seat behind my desk as Valerie takes the seat opposite him. I look at him with a raised brow wondering why he's in my chair, when I feel Val tap my leg. I look at her and watch as she signals me to sit down and not make a scene. I
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