All Chapters of Hunter's Revenge: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
104 Chapters
51. Warrior
...The day after the accident......Hunter POV...I was growing anxious about my date with Sienna. I don't know why. I've never cared to take a girl on a date before. I've only just f*cked and dropped them. I never cared about any of them to show an attachment. But for whatever reason, Sienna was different. The need to wine and dine her was unparalleled. I couldn't explain why she was different. Perhaps it was because she was the first girl I met who willingly challenged me. She didn't fear me, which I found both refreshing and concerning. Why did she never seem to fear me? I wondered. Even the strongest of men feared me. To the point that I had grown used to no one being able to look me in the eye. However, Sienna wasn't like that. Rather, she seemed captivated by my eyes. I caught her a few times staring aimlessly at me. A smile graced her lips each time. It was as though she didn't see me for the monster I was but the man I am. No one has ever looked at me like that. But yet, it w
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52. Mic Drop
...Kevin POV...I was absolutely livid. I had done everything to get the Reaper on our side, and he has the audacity to shut me down once again? I couldn't believe it! I literally had the ultimate bargaining chip in my possession, and yet the Reaper didn't care. The Reaper's refusal to meet with me sent me into a blinding rage. I didn't realize how out of it I was until I saw the wreckage that was my office. I had only been this upset once before, and that was when I came back for Haley to find out that she had left me for that American. "Sir?" I hear Val's tentative voice at my office door. I turn my head to see her standing in my doorway, unsure as to whether she should enter or not."What do you want?" I shout out in irritation."The Reaper..." She begins, making me grab the closest thing to me and slamming it against the wall in frustration."I'm aware! Are you trying to provoke me? Cause you're doing a hell of a job of it!" I shout, reaching for something else I can throw. This
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53. Two Truths and a Lie
...Hunter POV..."What did you just say?" I asked, not sure if I heard right."You heard me. The Stones are the reason why you grew up an orphan." Kevin remarks.I turn around to look at him. I knew this had to be another one of his ploys to keep me here. To join him. And yet, I couldn't shake the curiosity. I had spent my entire life searching for clues about who my parents were. So how was it that he was able to uncover the truth? While I was pretty sure that whatever he was about to tell me was more than likely his own conceived story. I wanted to see where this led. So instead of arguing with him, I allowed him to entertain me with his story."How much do you know about the Stone family?" He asks instead, making me raise an eyebrow. "What does that have to do with anything?" I ask, not even attempting to hide my annoyance."Take a seat. This will be a while." He says, gesturing to the couch at the end of his office by the window. I'm really tempted to just walk out of the office
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54. Good Vs Evil
It took a lot for me to remain seated and continue listening to this old man's flawed way of thinking. I may not be a saint, but I respected people, whether they are male or female. Kevin's way of thinking was night and day in comparison to my own way. But I couldn't share that with him. I needed him to think I was on the same page as him."We decided to smoke her out. Going after her would be pointless. She could literally come into any of our buildings, and we would be none the wiser. It was like she had been turned into a ghost. So instead, we started to seek out her friends. Even though we couldn't track Haley, I knew she would still manage to find a way to find out what was happening with her friends. We knew she wouldn't come out of hiding if she thought her friends were ok. So we needed her to think we were going after them. Chase arranged to have his members follow all her friends around, including Damian. So it was only a matter of time until she discovered our little hidden
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55. Undeniable Proof
"Where did you get this?" I ask."It was difficult to find, but this is the original copy." Kevin states.But how? I wondered. When I searched for information about my birth, I was given a copy where the names of my parents were redacted from my birth certificate. I was told that it was because my parents didn't want any ties to me. I looked up from the paper in my hand to look back at Kevin. I wasn't sure what to think. Did he make this up? How is it possible he was able to find this out, and I couldn't?"This is bullsh*t." I comment, handing the paper back to him. There's no way this could be true. "Actually, it's completely true. I have more to back it up." Kevin said, rummaging through his desk once more. He grabbed a file, took some paper out, and handed it to me. I tentatively grabbed the paper from his hand to see what this proof was."Who are these people?" I ask, looking at the pictures of both a man and a woman. Even without him saying anything, I couldn't deny the similari
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56. Second Chance
...One week later......Hunter POV...After the meeting with Kevin, it was as if my entire world had been shattered. Kevin told me everything about my parents. Whether I believed it or not, I wasn't quite sure. For all I knew, this was just another ploy. Those that looked into me knew I had no information on who my birth parents were. A simple fact that Kevin could just be trying to exploit. He could make up whatever he wanted for all I knew, and I would have no way to prove it otherwise.After all, Kevin Westshire wasn't exactly known as an honourable man. Though, neither was I. Though just like me, I knew Kevin wouldn't tell me something like this unless he wanted something. I could tell he was hiding something from me, but I wasn't sure what.I couldn't deny how much his big reveal had shaken me. While I couldn't prove the authenticity of his story, I couldn't deny the facts either. Regardless of Kevin's intentions, it was clear that Scarlett and Chase were my parents, and the Ston
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57. Rehab
...Maverick POV...With the help of the twins, I managed to get the funds secured to give to the St. James family. Together, we cleaned out our trust funds and gave them all the money they would need to keep Mrs. St. James in the medical trial. It was the absolute least we could do. After all, this is the reason the girls had gotten involved with all of this in the first place. Riley's parents were happy to receive the money, but I could tell that Lena, Riley's mother, had lost the will to live. With Riley gone, she no longer wanted to fight to survive. Adrian was also having a difficult time.We hadn't seen much of them since the funeral. Sienna was unable to attend due to her condition. The St. James' were having difficulties remaining in the city. Everything reminded them of the daughter they once had. So with the help of my parents, we managed to relocate them to a destination of their choice. They had decided to move back to Jamaica to be close to their family. We were sad to see
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58. Updates
...Hunter POV...It had been a few months since I acquired Brio. I was hesitant to use it at first; however, even I couldn't deny the improvement it was having on Tomás. Just the thought nearly brought a tear to my eye. It was amazing seeing Tomás lead the life he deserved to have. He was like a regular boy his age. Tomás had demanded he go back to school as well. While I was hesitant to allow it, he finally managed to break me down. He had only been to school for a couple of weeks, and already he had massed a large group of friends. I couldn't be happier for him. I feel my mind suddenly turn dark as my mind begins to travel, sending me flashes of Tomás and Sienna together. She wasn't aware, but I heard their entire conversation. I was dumbfounded to know that she was fluent in Spanish. All this time, I had talked to her in Spanish, and yet she never said anything. I could see she was waiting to see what I would say in front of her. She truly was unbelievable. No matter how much I wa
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59. Empty Promises
...Several Months Later...Everything was finally going my way. Not only did we manage to take down the triad, but my relationship with Kevin proved to be invaluable. With his help, we also took over the Bratva. He had men on the inside that helped us to take them down. It's amazing what money can do these days. How much a person's loyalty can be swayed by a few pieces of paper. With Kevin's help, I started to learn more about my parents. I was still uncertain, as I didn't even know their names. So I was confused as to how Kevin seemed to be able to find out, as I had tried everything to find anything about them. But no one seemed to know who they were. Though Kevin was only too happy to share the information with me, I began to question the authenticity of it all. Though I couldn't deny in the short time I had known Kevin, he had become somewhat of a father figure to me. I never knew what it was like to have a dad, but Kevin seemed to fill the role. I respected him. He hadn't shown
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60. Seed of Doubt
...Kevin POV...My plan was going perfectly. Over the past several months, I had been working hard to get Hunter to trust me. I did everything I could, even taking him under my wing, so to speak, in hopes that he would gain my trust. I knew if I acted like a father figure that it was only a matter of time until he began to confide in me. It's part of our genetics to lean toward those that act as a mother or father figure. I just needed to use his genetics against him.I knew by dangling his family in front of him like a carrot; he would immediately grow interested. I planned to exploit this curiosity. I was using it as a way to sink my proverbial fangs into him. Without him realizing it, I was suddenly the one with all the answers. If he wanted to learn more, then he would have to come to me to get those answers. He was already aware that no one else knew the answers. So his only chance to learn more about his family was through me. Val was right with both the painting and Brio. Th
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