All Chapters of Hunter's Revenge: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
104 Chapters
71. Shadows
...Sienna POV...I couldn't deny it. Ever since we arrived here, it was as if I had been given a second chance at life. No one seemed to know who I really was, and if they did, they never said a word. That alone was like a dream come true. I had become so accustomed to the bullying that I had forgotten what it was like not to be bullied. To be in a place where people respected me, seemed out of the ordinary. It was obvious that the other students in my program knew I was hiding something, but no one ever approached me about it. While their side looks never went past me, at least nothing ever evolved from it.I could manage their pitying looks. I spent years getting used to it. It was the looks of knowing that always killed me. I could see in their eyes that everyone blamed me for what happened to Rylee. The looks that I had never once seen from those around me here in Soacha. For the first time in a long time, I felt as though I could actually breathe. No one seemed to be out to get
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72. Figment
...Hunter POV...My men had been watching Sienna for weeks now. However, I knew from the past that we couldn't get close to her. I had my men follow her before, and yet she managed to find them all each and every time. I never understood how, but then again, I didn't understand a lot about her. For example, why a girl like her would be seen in an underground fight club? This woman was an enigma. A phantom that continued to haunt my mind. I knew Javier was right. I needed to find a way to get to her. With her in our clutches, I would have Damian where I wanted him. He would have no choice but to hand over Brio. But I needed to be careful. There was a man that was with her everywhere she went. I wasn't sure if he was her boyfriend or her bodyguard. Both perhaps? For whatever reason, just the thought of another man touching her drove me wild. The Sienna I knew wouldn't stand to have a bodyguard around her, which meant the man she was with must be her boyfriend. I hated knowing that Kev
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73. Compromise
...Sienna POV...I looked at the time on my phone and saw that Ash had been gone for over an hour already, which meant that he should be here any moment now. I could tell that whoever was following me was still there, but for whatever reason, they had backed off. I could no longer feel their burning stares, which made me relax. Perhaps they were just watching me because I was reckless earlier and bought a large number of items. What people spend for rent here, I easily spent on art supplies alone. So, of course, that was bound to earn some interested looks. But I couldn't shake that whoever was following me wasn't doing so simply because I bought a lot of things. Rather it was as if they knew who I was and were bidding their time. Waiting in the shadows.I was nervous but refused to show it. I knew it was only a matter of time until Ash came back, and then I would have him take me home. I knew I should tell Ash, but at the same time, I knew I couldn't. If I told Ash, then I knew he wo
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74. Unexpected Discovery
While I wasn't on board with Ash's plan to avoid those that had been following me, I needed him to think I was. So long as he believed nothing was wrong, I would be able to think of a way to smoke out my stalkers. So in the meantime, I decided to keep my head down and make him believe that I had, in fact, moved on.I continued my rounds with Dr. Hales, soaking up every single bit of information I could. I found that I really enjoyed working in the hospital. I was learning so much that it helped to distract me from my problems. Dr. Hales was called in to consult with another surgeon, so in the meantime, we were left to check up on the remaining patients. Dr. Hales had to consult on cases quite frequently, so whenever she did, we were allowed to roam the hospital. The only condition was that we weren't to go to the third floor. No one ever explained why, only that it was off-limits. I tried to ignore it, but for whatever reason, it felt as though that floor was calling me. I've always
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75. Sudden Death
My heart begins to race as I stare at non-other than Silvio. One of Hunter's trusted men."What are you doing here?" I ask."Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Silvio snickers as he steps closer to me. I take a careful step backwards, careful not to corner myself."What have you done to Tomás?" I ask."That's none of your concern." Silvio replies, inching closer to me once more."Actually, it is my concern." I comment."Oh? And how so?" Silvio questions, crossing his arms over his chest as he takes yet another step into the room."Tomás is one of my patients. So, of course, I need to know." I reply, hoping on the off chance he'll believe me."Is that so? Cause I don't seem to remember you on the list of medical professionals allowed in the room." Silvio threatens.I try to think of a comeback, but my mind goes blank."That's because I'm just interning. I was tasked to look after Tomás while Dr. Navarro checked up on another patient." I lie.Without having to know what was really going o
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76. Smoke Screen
"What makes you think that this is my fault?" I shout as we run through the narrow streets in search of safety.Instead of replying, Ash simply gives me his signature eyebrow raise, as if saying 'do you really expect me to believe that?'Before I could respond, more shots ring out from behind us, making it quite clear that we have yet to lose Hunter's men. We ran as fast as we could, making sure to make our movements as erratic as possible to make it more difficult for Hunter's men to follow us, and yet they were still hot on our heels. "No, you're right. This clearly isn't your fault. Cause people just randomly chase you with guns on a regular basis!" Ash shouts sarcastically, clearly annoyed."What the f*ck happened?!" Ash demands."I don't know..." I begin, and it was true. I really didn't know what was going on. I thought I did, but there seemed to be something bigger happening that I wasn't privy to."What the hell do you mean you don't know? Clearly, you know something. Otherwi
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77. Captive
When I wake up, my vision is blurry and my head is groggy. I feel nauseous and cold. I don't know where I am. I try to open my eyes to get a better look around, only for my stomach to somersault. I begin to dry heave, using what little strength I have not to throw up. I lean back and feel my back rest against a cold wall. I lean my head back slowly, allowing my stomach to settle before I try to open my eyes once more. After several minutes, I feel the nausea begin to settle, so I try to open my eyes once more. I realize my hands are tied behind my back, and my feet are tied in front of me. I seem to be in some sort of cell. The floor is covered in blood and dirt. There is only a small amount of light coming through a small hole in the wall. I can't make out much else as my vision is too blurry. I close my eyes, hoping for the dizziness to subside. My head is pounding, but I can't tell whether it's from the fight or from whatever it was they gave me. Thoughts of Ash ring through my m
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78. Treachery
...Hunter POV...I was livid. Not only had my men disobeyed a direct order, but now my time frame was ruined. I had ordered my men to keep an eye on Sienna only. They were by no means supposed to come in contact with her. I didn't want Sienna implicated in any of this. I had hoped to find another way to get to Damian that didn't involve Sienna.I knew kidnapping Sienna was my best shot to get to Damian. Regardless, I didn't want her involved unless necessary, which was why I had my men watching over her. They were to report her movements and nothing else. So to find out that not only had they captured her, but they had also hurt her made me see red. I wanted answers, and I wanted them now.After leaving Sienna's cell, I went straight to my office. I ordered Javier to find Silvio and to bring him to me immediately.Silvio entered my office a few moments later. His self-righteous smile only made my hate for him grow. "¡Explicate tú mismo!" Explain yourself! I shout at him, grabbing a
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79. High Emotions
...Sienna POV...My mind is buzzing, and my vision is still thready. I've been locked in here for who knows how long. I know I should be afraid. However, I am anything but. If anything, I'm just more annoyed. I don't even understand why I'm here, to begin with. The only thing I know is that Hunter has something to do with it. Yet, I can't figure out what's going on. I hadn't seen Hunter in years, but I thought we were on good terms. Not once did he give me the impression that he held any ill intent for me. Lord knows that he had many opportunities to kidnap or kill me. But each time, he only brought me to his house and nursed me back to health. So why now? What's going on? As if I wasn't confused enough, his kiss from earlier still has my mind reeling. That kiss was unbelievable. Toe-curling, mind-numbingly amazing. I could tell he felt it too, as he pulled me deeper into the kiss. Neither of us wanted it to stop. And yet, here I am, a captive and held against my will. I hear a sli
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80. Smile
...Sienna POV...I could hear the gate clanging, meaning someone was coming down to see me. But what I didn't understand was why? Up until now, only one guard ever came to see me. He would give me food three times a day. Not that I ever ate it. But the guard had already been here. So why was someone coming now?My headache had long since passed. I felt slightly disoriented from the lack of food, but otherwise, I was fine. I could deal with the drowsiness. I just needed to bide my time. My dad would find me. Expecting to see the guard from earlier, I'm even more surprised when I see someone else completely. Though this man looks familiar, I can't place where I've seen him before. He walks toward me with a camera in hand. He takes a quick picture before turning around to leave."Wait!" I call out. When the man doesn't respond, I switch to Spanish. "¡Esperar! ¡Por favor! ¡No te vayas!" Wait! Please! Don't go! I shout. The man takes another step only to pause mid-stride. I breathed in r
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