All Chapters of Hunter's Revenge: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
104 Chapters
91. Mind Games
...Kevin POV...So far, my plan was working out perfectly. I was so close to my final goal that I was nearly salivating. Soon, the Stones would get what was coming for them. It was only a matter of time.I waited for Hunter and Silvio to return from the dungeon after Hunter's conversation with Sienna. I knew I couldn't fully trust Sienna to tell the whole truth to Hunter, which is why I had Silvio go down to the cells to watch over them. I waited by the entrance of the Dungeon for Hunter to emerge so I could gather from his expressions how he was dealing with what Sienna told him. If he were calm, I would know that Sienna wasn't convincing enough. However, if Hunter seemed tense, I would know that Sienna did her part.I was absolutely elated to see Hunter absolutely fuming when he came up the stairs. He looked in my direction quickly before storming off in the direction of his office. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed he was also covered in blood."GONZALEZ!" Hunter shouted in
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92. Turbulant
...Javier POV...Many people wonder how I could ever work for someone such as Hunter. However, they don't know our history. While many may see Hunter as a monster, I see him as my saviour. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be alive today. Like most Colombians, I lived a life of poverty. My father worked as a commercial fisherman. Because of his job, he was often away from our family. My mother worked around the clock at a small diner. For as long as I can remember, my mother has always loved to cook. So one day, my father took out a loan to help build a restaurant for my mom. The investment seemed good at the time, so my mother agreed to the loan. Knowing that we could pay back the money within a couple of years. However, my parents hadn't realized how difficult it was to operate their own business. It didn't help that Los Calaveras made it difficult to pay the money back to them. Scaring off customers and delaying our deliveries to the point my parents were considering filing for ba
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93. Resolve
When Hunter returned after visiting Sienna in the cells, I could tell something bad had taken place. He looked so defeated. Without saying a word, I knew something was wrong. It was as if he was fighting himself. He looks so defeated and remorseful as if he was second-guessing himself. Out of all the years I've been with him, not once has Hunter ever regretted his actions against someone else. But the man before me now looked haunted, as if he had done something that made him question his own actions. Hunter has always been a man with conviction. Not once doubting his decisions nor actions. But right now, that conviction was wavering. It was almost as though something traumatic must've happened. Making me wonder what caused this reaction. I gasped inwardly, wondering if he had actually killed Sienna. I knew he cared for her. It was evident before any of this happened. But had Kevin successfully managed to turn Hunter against her? Did Hunter kill his opportunity to be loved? I gulped
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94. Self Defence
...Sienna POV...This had to be it. The end was near. I could feel it. I was practically begging for my end to come. It had been at least two days since Hunter attacked me and left me here to die. I knew Hunter's reputation. He was the formidable Reaper. People rarely survived his wrath. Rather, he was given the reputation of the Reaper because of his merciless actions toward his victims. While I know it was just a rouse, to give Hunter time to figure out what was truly going on; I couldn't deny how painful it was to be one of Hunter's victims. I was in sheer agony. The worst part was that I could no longer tell what was even hurting the worst. At first, it was my arm. Then as time went by, everything began to hurt, until soon I was just numb. I know this is mostly due to my loss of blood. I've lost so much blood from my stab wounds, that I can barely keep myself awake. Continuously slipping in and out of a state of unconsciousness. If it wasn't for Javier hooking me up to an IV, I d
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95. I Surrender
"You sick b*stard! Why are you doing this?" I scream out."You know all too well about my motives. So what'll it be? Time's a ticking." Silvio mocks.When I don't answer, an evil gleam appears in Silvio's eyes as he looks at me menacingly. "Why don't I up the anté, huh?" Silvio smirks."Now, you get to be the one to decide his fate." Silvio laughs as I watch as a guard walks into the cell where Ash is being held. Before I even have a chance to ask what's going on, I gasp in horror as the man whips out a knife faster than I can blink and cuts a large slash in Ash's arm, making him yell out in pain. I gasp in shock, only for the guard to make another slice on Ash's leg. My eyes go wide in both fear and realization."I'm sure you're well-versed in torture techniques, so I won't need to explain this to you.""Ling Chi." I comment."Precisely. The death of a thousand cuts. However, as previously mentioned, we're on a bit of a time clock. So I have no desire to dawdle. So instead of a thou
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96. Traitors in the Midst
...Javier POV...Hunter had requested that I personally see to Sienna's well-being and inform him of any changes. I could tell he still cared for her, regardless of what happened down there. It was as though he was pretending to be cruel to her to keep up a facade. Which made me wonder why? Did Kevin have a much larger hold on Hunter than I had assumed? Whatever the reason was, I knew to keep any findings to myself and Hunter. If Hunter wasn't able to trust anyone else, then neither would I.I was heading toward Hunter's office when I saw Silvio turn down the hallway to the basement. I was about to meet with Hunter, so I didn't have time to investigate further. However, his presence in that hallway had my nerves on edge. I don't know why, but something just felt wrong. Once I had finished the meeting with Hunter and the others had left the office, I closed his door and talked to him about my concerns."Hunter?" I called, using his first name instead of his title.Hunter immediately s
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97. To Hell & Back
...Hunter's POV...Javier's question had thrown me off guard. Why was Silvio in the dungeon with her? Since meeting with her, I had relieved Silvio from his torture duties. I didn't want anyone down there with her, other than Javier and myself until I had decided on what to do with her. I had reassigned Silvio to look after Tomás. It was his original assignment before Sienna arrived, so it only made sense to put him back on that task. I wanted to make sure Tomás was safe. He was vulnerable enough as it was. I didn't want to exploit that fact.No one was as stunned as I was when I opened the door to see a panicked-looking Sienna on the other side of the door. My mind was flooded with questions. Why was Sienna there? Why wasn't she tied up? How did she escape? What happened with Silvio? Did he let her escape? Before I could get an answer to any of those questions, a bloodied Silvio stumbles down the hallway behind her, taking my attention off her momentarily and providing her with the
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98. Puppeteer
...Kevin POV...When I saw Silvio slowly crawl his way out of the dungeon, I knew for a fact that my plan was right on schedule. From the state of Silvio, I could see that Sienna happily took the bait. She must be on her way to save Tomás as we speak. The house was in an utter frenzy. From the moment Hunter opened the door to reveal a panicked Sienna, chaos erupted. Hunter started shouting commands at anyone within earshot. He attempted to get to Sienna. However, she managed to evade him. I had to hand it to her; I didn't think she'd have it in her to be able to fight back to the extent that she was. I thought for sure that her body would be too drained from the torture that Silvio had been dishing out to her for nearly a week now. It took everything inside of me to hide the smile that continually threatened to escape the more I watched from the side. Hunter was chasing Sienna out of the house toward his car. I couldn't lie; even the fact that she was able to think so quickly on her
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99. Cusp of Life
....Sienna POV...The moment I saw Kevin, I knew he was here for one purpose and one purpose only. To kill me. Now that I had executed the last part of his plan, he no longer needed me alive. As they say, dead men tell no tales. So with my death, Hunter would be forced to believe what Kevin has continually fed him. I tried to move my arms and legs when I realized that they were immobile, and it wasn't just because I was once again strapped to the ceiling. Rather, my entire range of motion was gone, which made me realize that Kevin must've administered some sort of temporary paralytic. Well, I hope that it was only temporary. Otherwise, I'll be in far more trouble than I'm already in.I knew Kevin would want me to beg for my life. But I wouldn't allow myself to do that. No amount of begging would save me anyways. I just had to hope that Hunter got here soon. While there was a strong chance that Hunter would kill me, my only chance of survival relied on Hunter giving me a chance to ex
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100. Brink of Death
...Hunter POV...I paced the floor of the hospital for what felt like hours. I had yet to see or hear from any of the medical personnel that were helping Tomás. I couldn't deny that not knowing almost seemed worse than what the final outcome would be. Every bloody scenario rang through my mind. Will Tomás make it out alive? If he does, what will happen to him? If he doesn't, am I prepared to live without him? While I may not exactly know the answer to that final question, I do know for sure that if Tomás does die, then I'm beyond prepared to burn everything around me. There's nothing that won't face my wrath. The memory of seeing Sienna standing over Tomás lifeless body will forever haunt my mind. I couldn't believe I'd been so reckless. I had singlehandedly brought the traitor into my house. I had given up my weak point to the one person I thought I could trust. To this day, I don't even know why I did that. It was as if just being near her made me feel, for the first time ever, th
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