All Chapters of Bound By The Lycan's Curse.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
103 Chapters
71. Clarissa
I sat on the edge of my chair, excitement pounding in my chest. Dinner was over and the table had been cleared."Dad," I said in a sing-song voice. "I need to show you something."My father looked up at me, his brow furrowed with suspicion. "What is it?" he asked, a hint of apprehension and annoyance in his voice.I held the video in my hands but my dad hesitated to take the phone for me. I stood before him tapping my foot impatiently waiting for him to take the phone. Bryon and my mum hovered around, curious to know what was going on. "Watch this," I said, handing the phone to him. He hesitated for a moment, looking at me skeptically, before finally taking the phone from my hand. He pressed play, and the sound of Ivan and his girl kissing filled the room.As my dad watched the video, his expression changed from suspicion to shock. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for my dad's reaction. He gasped, his hand going to his mouth."Oh my God," he muttered, his eyes wide with disbeli
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72. Clarissa
I got inside Genevieve's house, grabbed my bag, and said goodnight to her. She wished me a safe trip home and I headed to my car, knowing that my bodyguard had seen me with Jalen. I didn't care though. My dad could find out for all I cared. I was so in love with Jalen that nothing else mattered.As I approached my car, I made my way to the door, the cool night air blowing against my skin. I walked over to it, knocked on the window and my bodyguard opened the door and I got inside."You didn't have to wait for me," I said, a smile spreading across my face.The bodyguard nodded curtly. "I'm only doing my job." We drove through the quiet streets, the only sounds coming from the hum of the engine and the occasional cars passing by.Inside, I heard my dad's voice coming from the west wing and quickly ran up the stairs to my room. I locked the door behind me, took off my shoes, and threw my bag on the bed. The brief time I spent with Jalen had made my night, and I was already counting down
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73. Jalen
After Genevieve called, I quickly hung up the phone, my mind racing with a mix of emotions. I couldn't believe that someone would want to kill Clarissa in her bedroom, despite the tight security. The news was a shock to me, and I immediately told Cade about the situation. Cade gasped and shook his head."Ivan," Cade said, his brow furrowed in thought. "He's always been bitter about her leaving him. He may be responsible."I nodded, my temple pounding with each beat of my heart. The thought of someone hurting Clarissa made me sick to my stomach. But at the same time, I was relieved that Clarissa's dad had always hated me, and now he would know that I had good intentions toward his daughter."Let's go to the hospital," I said, grabbing my keys. "I need to see her and make sure she's okay."" Come on man," Cade smirked, tugging on his earlobe. " That's not a good idea. Why not call her instead? "After hearing from Clarissa I was relieved she was better. Cade sat across from me at the
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74. Jalen
I woke up to a pounding headache that felt like hammers inside my skull. My mouth felt dry like sandpaper and the taste of alcohol was still present. I rubbed my temples, trying to ease the pain, and groaned, rolling over in bed. Fuck! I wasn't alone. My heart raced as I saw a figure lying beside me, and my eyes widened in shock when I realized it was Malory. She lay half naked, with her head propped up on one arm. Shit. Shit shit shit shit. My brain was going on hyperdrive. It was hard to believe someone this petite could deceive me. And even more shocking that I fell for her scheme. I didn't know how she'd done it, but I suspected she spiked my drink.I shook her gently, trying to wake her up, and as she opened her eyes."What are you doing here?"I asked in a panicked voice. She rubbed her eyes and stretched, before sitting up and pulling her hair into a bun. "What do you mean?" she asked, a smirk playing on her lips. "You don't remember last night? You fucked me so much I pas
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75. Clarissa
I was discharged from the hospital after two days of rest and care. As I stepped out of the hospital room, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The bruises on my skin had faded away and I felt much stronger than before. My parents were by my side, helping me navigate down the hallway toward the exit.As we walked towards the reception, I was greeted with a sea of familiar faces from the pack who clamored to say hello and ask about my well-being. My father, being the well-respected Alpha that he was, took his time speaking to each one of them, taking the time to respond to them.After what seemed like an eternity, we finally made it outside the hospital and into the bright sunshine. The warmth on my skin felt good and I took a deep breath, feeling thankful to be out of the hospital room. My parents led me towards the car and I gingerly took my seat, the journey home was a quiet one with my parents giving me space to rest.We arrived home and my parents helped me up to my room. I was
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76. Clarissa
I was sitting in the conference room with my IT team, eagerly testing the new software application we had been working on for months.As the tests began, my team was silent, their eyes fixed on the screens in front of them as they meticulously checked every line of code. I, too, was focused, my eyes scanning the reports and metrics that were displayed on the large monitors around the room.The tests were grueling, but we were all determined to find any bugs or glitches in the system. I was proud of my team and their commitment to quality, and I knew that the results of this test would be critical in determining the success of the project.After hours of testing, we finally reached the end. I breathed a sigh of relief as the final report came through, and I was pleased to see that the software was working perfectly. My team cheered, clapping and congratulating one another on a job well done.With the tests complete, I took my team out to lunch at a restaurant across from the office. We
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I felt heavy with guilt as I sat in my room, staring at the blank page in front of me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had let Clarissa down, that I had somehow failed her. My thoughts kept drifting to the moment when I would have to tell her the truth about what had happened and I felt like a weight was bearing down on me, crushing me with its pressure.I tried to push the thoughts away and focus on my drawing, but it was no use. The thought of losing her made me feel sick to my stomach.My dad didn't see anything wrong in what he had done and my mum sided with my dad."Jalen, you're acting so irrationally," my dad said, "I don't understand why you're so against this. You need to start thinking about the pack and your future as our king Marrying Malory would secure your spot.""But I have marked Clarissa and I love her," I yelled angrily, "You can't force me to marry someone else just for the sake of the pack.""Love? What do you know about love?" my mum interjected with a scof
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78. Clarissa
Today was my 24th birthday and although it was supposed to be a day filled with celebration, I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in my chest. As a female in my pack, tradition dictated that I must be married before I turn 25. The pressure to make decisions about my future was weighing heavy on my mind.I was jolted awake by the melodic chirping of birds outside my window. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up in bed, taking in a deep breath in an attempt to calm my racing thoughts. Suddenly, the door to my room creaked open and my mother appeared, dressed in her favorite night robe."Happy birthday, Clarissa," she said with a warm smile, as she approached my bed holding a small, intricately wrapped box. I tore off the pink paper to reveal a pair of stunning diamond earrings nestled inside."Thank you, Mum," I said, trying my best to sound grateful. But she could see right through me, as mothers often do."Come on, I expected a bit more excitement," she said
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79. Clarissa
The car engine roared to life as I quickly jumped into the back seat. My heart was racing, I couldn't believe I was leaving everything behind for Jalen. My bodyguard looked at me through the rearview mirror with a serious expression. Bryon sat beside me, his hand gently placed on my shoulder, "Rissa, are you sure about this?" He asked in a soft voice. I took a deep breath and nodded, "Jalen needs me, and I need to be there for him."The car accelerated down the road, the wind blowing through my hair. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. The car ride was long and quiet and we got to the Lycan border. "Jeez, these guards are fierce," Bryon said to me. The car rolled to a stop and a row of imposing figures stood at attention, their eyes focusedon our vehicle. They were all dressed in black, and their expressions were stern and unwelcoming.My bodyguard stepped out of the car and approached the guards, "We are here to see Jalen," he announced.The guards frowned angrily and on
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80. Jalen
The morning of my dad's funeral was a somber one. The sun had just begun to break over the mournful hills, casting a pale glow over the world that seemed to reflect the mood of everyone who was gathered there. It was a rainy morning, with fat drops of water tapping against the windows of the funeral home, adding to the sense of sorrow that seemed to hang over the entire world.Nobody felt like eating breakfast that morning, despite the spread that had been laid out for us. The food was unappetizing, and nobody had the heart to touch it. Instead, we all sat in silence, lost in our thoughts and grieving the loss of my father.As I passed through my dad's study, I couldn't believe he was dead. The room was exactly as he had left it, and I could almost imagine him sitting behind his desk, working on one of his projects. But then reality would hit, and I would remember that he was gone and that he would never return.I found myself thinking about all the unresolved issues I had with my dad
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